Breach As a Core Game Mechanic

Instead of making life better you will take lazy road and neft ES. I have heard you want to just move the keystones. Much work, wow. Also I hope HOWA will stay legacy, I play 1 build 1 time and then it stays on standard to look at or play sometimes. I am ready for whatever you got in new leagues but standard is standard so I hope you will not break my way of playing your game :c
bad update

Nerfing builds only kills build diversity, doesn't make the game any better.

Let's hope the buffed uniques add more build diversity than they are nerfing. Knowing GGG, probably not. Probably just increase the life on an item by 20 and call it a upgrade, or add 100 mana to a ring which is a completely useless stat.
ya es is kinda op only because life builds are not great. why not just increase life build options like increasing life nodes on passive tree and increasing life on gear. why not just use 2.6 as a test to like example double all life nodes in tree and give life on gear by .5% increase. to test it. es is good bc its easy to get points worth out of tree and gear, but it also can have vaal disciplines and people who use 3 of them in some builds to use. since there is no flask charges. just increase life. quit nerfing things. to just balance something. life sucks bc its lower and most life builds are only using 1 life flask. es is just easier to get. make life easier to get also and it will balance itself out. there are good builds out there that you can go either way. es is just easier to get bc base es items are higher then what u can roll on life gear or also give a boost to life regen from base life. or give vitality aura not just a increase to life regen but also like a boost to life like discipline does. that would help. nerfing es because of elite players who are able to get top tier rolls on stuff doesnt mean average or casual players can. instead of nerfing to stop the cry babies crying about es being better make life better.

but still i have no point in writing since only leet or crybabies who want nerfs to be rewarded. its not the point just to nerf es. make life stronger. allow it to make it easier to hit 6k instead of having perfect life rolls to get there.
Great news.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
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Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Last edited by Aias_o_Telamonios on Feb 12, 2017, 8:04:47 PM
Typical GGG, 10 lines about how breach will be incorporated into the game and 3 paragraphs about stuff getting nerfed.

Hapsmaster wrote:
I am ready for whatever you got in new leagues but standard is standard so I hope you will not break my way of playing your game :c

Yeah that's what I do too with mjolner... oh wait...
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Last edited by Aias_o_Telamonios on Feb 12, 2017, 8:04:16 PM
Good for breach coming to the main game, but yet again we get a claw weapon thats worth something and oh no its gonna nerfed quicker than we can blink. GGG if u dont want any good claws in the game just take them out. Its not like u will let us do anything cool with them.
ES and Vaal Pact

this isn't the problem, Vessel of Vinktar is the problem....
We waited an entire league for 2.6.0 and the meta won't change?
Might just skip out on next league because it's very boring to have to play these builds to have any impact.
I was hoping the purplefuck wouldn't make it into core game. It was fun at start but in the long run it just highlights and empowers the main issues of current PoE's gameplay.

And no, nerfing stuff doesn't kill build diversity, quite the opposite, if the nerf in question brings some balance amongst possible builds. The problem is overnerfing just for the sake of refreshing meta - major turn off.
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