Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Awesome, i'll definitely try this, because i believe in the rewarding aspect of this gameplay mode.
DragoonWraith wrote:
If you haven't quit yet due to not wanting to interact with anyone, how could this change anything? For you, the game will feel exactly the same as it always has.

Well, because I got excited when I saw the announcement in the launcher, and was quite disappointed. Moreover, cementing this position ("SFF means extra challenge/bragging rights!") means it can't simultaneously be what I want (improved odds for things/reduced RNG-hate would eliminate the challenge and bragging rights). So it's effectively an announcement that, not only am I not getting what I want now, they have officially declared that I won't get what I want. And this coming from an announcement that sounded like it was finally giving me what I want.

I mean, whatever. This is not one of those "do what I want or I'm quitting!" things—clearly I haven't quit yet, and I'm not immediately planning to, and GGG should probably ignore such empty threats anyway. But when I do eventually get tired of this game, it will be because of this, I can guarantee it. And that should be feedback that GGG considers.

I think some of the reason they're doing this is to see where the drop 'sweet spot' is for the SSF experience for possible integration into the console version. That's where your ideal experience may end up being.
excellent idea
One More Day...
As someone who has technically been playing Solo-Self Found for 2-ish years because I can't stand the present trade system, this seems completely silly and arbitrary. If there is no account representation of completing something SSF, then what's the point? Why not just do a standard or regular hard-core character and be a sociopath.

This comes across as completely baffling and providing a fix for something that is a non-existant issue.
Nice work. Bragging rights are important in games.

I suggest encouraging this part of the game with titles and/or condecorations. Maybe some event about it. Cinematic productions, scientific discovers, etc. have this, why not POE. Good for community transparency, organization and to develop news forms to play the game.
Last edited by Apocalich on Jan 23, 2017, 9:32:39 PM
How about an Ultimate Solo Self-Found Support where traders and stash are disabled.
Please don't forget to fix dropping items in town before it ruins the league.
Arcis wrote:
afaik, the main reason people want a SSF league is so the game doesn't have to be balanced around the fact that trading will always be much more efficient than soloing. if there are no additional benefits to playing SSF, i think this has missed the point.

^ This, or the game is far too slow IMHO.
Last edited by Nightyb on Jan 23, 2017, 9:47:46 PM
Dope! Looking forward to trying this next league!
"Solo Self-Found". So that's what this is called. I've been playing this way more by accident than intention, mostly because I never learned how to trade. (Coming from Eve On-line, trading by chat only seemed odd to me) I'm currently running a level 74 elementalist and scraping by in Tier 2 maps.

It always felt like I was just bad at the game for taking so long to level up my character and still having only a one or two pieces of good gear.

I've been doing it wrong, I guess.

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