Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

what an awesome idea! keep them coming team!
wow this rocks you guys are amazing
It's great to have this included as an option! It sounds like GGG's implementation on SSF is exactly in line with what I'd been hoping to see for the last few years. I'm excited about a SSF ladder. So happy that no change in game mechanic is going to be introduced to differentiate gameplay between SSF and normal multiplayer. The whole point of SSF is to enjoy the challenge of progressing your characters development within the existing framework of the game, but without being able to take any of the varied multiplayer shortcuts. I'm very, very pleased with this announcement.
Why not just put an Icon or tag next to the person's name instead of making 2 whole new leagues? It's not like you can party with other SSF players anyway.
As someone who only plays SSF, I think this is a brilliant idea. I don't trade - trading in this game is beyond a joke - every other MMO I've ever played has some kind of in-game trading. NOT auction house - actual in-game trading.

As someone how has exclusively played SSF for the last three years, I think it's fantastic. Hopefully this will also steer character builders to make builds that are not dependent on gear that is only obtainable via trading. I find nothing as frustrating as going through a build that looks good only to get to the gear and see I need some unique piece of gear that can't be crafted and only bought off someone that was lucky enough to have it drop.

Bring on SSF, I say.
Wow. I dont'n play SSF however i have seen numberous petitions before on this subject. Hope they will like the new option.

I have been playing since closed beta and was secretly hoping to play poe on console, never requested for it though. That dream came true as well with recent announcement. Shows that GGG does listen to our prayer :)

Respect @ GGG for constanly releasing different playstyle options for poe fans :)

Best idea ever for PoE!
I'm a typical 99% SFF player and I welcome this really!
Sorry, my english is not nativ! ;-)
Last edited by Percles on Jan 23, 2017, 4:18:15 AM
I beleave for this to work GGG need to add an option to get every piece of loot that exist in game via vendor recepies.

Every unique item, every orb.

Costs should be determined according to how rare thing is.

In other cases, i think, all SSF attitude would end after hitting the wall of some specific item not dropping.
Wow thanks GGG! I knew you cared about the community! What a day to be alive!

Last edited by veek91 on Jan 23, 2017, 4:23:33 AM
I love this addition!

Is there some reason why SSF players can't earn some alt-art rewards or something for standard league though? I don't see anything wrong with giving some incentive to participate and I'd be very happy to see something like that included in the future.

Thanks GGG!

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