[3.4] Fire Nova Mine - Perfect League Starter - Low Budget - FAST - HC Viable

There is no a guide about uniques items? I have seen the video but would like to see more detailed uniques that can be usefull, btw i'm playing this and very fun :)
kagias1992 wrote:
... The thing is, I wonder how some affixes work with the build, especially increased fire damage and added fire damage to attacks. It seems to me like e.g. 40% increased fire damage does apply to the FMN tooltip damage whereas added X-Y fire damage to attacks doesn't (could this be because Mining is an indirect form of attack?). Would you suggest I go for the new Abyss Helm and a Kaom's Heart or should I just farm a bit of chaos to get the Covenant for the sustain?

Also how much affinity does this build have to some other cheesy Mine builds I've seen? For example I saw a guy last league who practically had some autocast chain mine build which (apart from lagging my entire PC) could aggro and AFK kill most bosses. Given that your Tree is pretty straightforward (we get all the Mine nodes we can basically) could you see this build also being able to transition into some enormous DPS beast with a decent amount of exalts or do you reckon it should still be a decent league starter for just the first weeks of the new league?

About Affixes: You observed that correctly, while "% inc fire damage" increases FNM damage "fire damage to attacks" doesn't. FNM is a spell not an attack, so you need "cold/lightning or fire damage to spells" and also "inc %elemental damage" helps a lot ( but not "% elemental damage to attacks" ! ) and spell damage also provides us some damage.

I would go for the 5l covenant which should be super cheap to buy, the "FNM trigger 2 additional times" helmet enchantment is also super important, so you take whatever helmet you can get as long as it has this enchantment, since it kinda doubles the damage (later waves deal more and more damage).

I don't really know what you mean with autocast chain mine, don't know of such a build. If you want to have a beastly boss killer, then you might wanna switch to glacial cascade mines, I never played it,but for what I've seen I find FNM better in speed clearing maps since it covers more area than GC Mines but for bosses GC Mines is insane. But you could also scale up FNM to a point where it does enough damage to kill shaper/elder/guardians. Last league someone also made it with this build.

SonOfSon wrote:
FNM casts a spell, so +x-y to attacks won't work. However, if you're playing in abyss, these beauties should pop up like mushrooms on a damp day in fall:

(the "... to spells" is the key)
same goes for, for instance singularity and mutewind whispersteps. Both have flat damage added to spell:

Not too sure about the last part of your post, so i'll let someone more knowledgeable answer that :)

Just read this after I answered the guy above you. Thank you for answering him. You are totally correct. But about jewels, I would recommend to stick to fire/cold/lightning damage to spells and if possible I wouldn't use physical and chaos damage to spells since those don't benefit from "%increased elemental damage" and therefore do not scale up at all.

hpssicaro wrote:
There is no a guide about uniques items? I have seen the video but would like to see more detailed uniques that can be usefull, btw i'm playing this and very fun :)

Please download Path of Building and import my build, I explain it in around minute 3 to minute 5 of the long video. Then you will be able to see all the possible uniques for each armour slot.


Update: Btw I just read that there is currently a bug with detonating Mines. GGG put it in their "need to hotfix"- list.

Mines sometimes don't detonate when you detonate them while moving.

Can't wait for that fix, I thought my 'd' Key was broken, lol :)
Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
Last edited by KikosLive on Dec 13, 2017, 8:24:45 PM
I'm using GC mines as my league starter for Abyss, but mine gameplay has been fun so far, so I might try out FNM next.

I'd like to add a few things to the GCM comparison though. First of all, not all players use Tremor Rod, and thus still have the Shield Charge. Tremor Rod is almost strictly worse if you use Minefield. With a 7 Link on a max roll Tremor Rod, you can barely reach ~90% of the dps of Dagger / Shield with t3 rolls, if you don't use Minefield in the Tremor Rod setup, which is bad for clearspeed (just like not having shield charge with AS).

Next, while FNM may not have had changes in 3.1, GC got a phenomenal 67% range buff with 2 threshold jewels, that now also take care of elemental conversion and previously required Physical to Lightning / Hrimsorrow / a very expensive helmet enchant. I'm currently running Concentrated Effect and occasionally hitting 3 packs at a time without any aoe nodes on the skill tree either. I rarely need more than one detonation per pack, and I chill, freeze and shatter.

When I get my full basic gear (my own build is less budget and more endgame oriented), I will switch to increased AoE for clearing and get around 67% more aoe, which means it'll pretty much hit anything on the screen and quite possibly offscreen a few packs as well. I can't yet tell how that will actually compare to FNM, but I think it's at least a little difficult to make a final judgement for 3.1.

One thing I can only recommend is considering to work without Minefield for FNM, at least for bosses. Like Tremor Rod, FNM will hit the mine limit very quickly if you use Minefield. However, if you use a different support, you can place just as many mines to be active at any given time, but they will deal significantly more damage (over 70% if you use a Concentrated Effect instead; for bosses, that much shouldn't be problematic, especially since you still have massive aoe from the Ascendency).

Last but not least, using an increased AoE support instead of speccing AoE is something I think you should consider as well. At the cost of only one link, you can get almost the same AoE as with all AoE nodes.
I'm using GC mines as my league starter for Abyss, but mine gameplay has been fun so far, so I might try out FNM next.

I'd like to add a few things to the GCM comparison though. First of all, not all players use Tremor Rod, and thus still have the Shield Charge. Tremor Rod is almost strictly worse if you use Minefield. With a 7 Link on a max roll Tremor Rod, you can barely reach ~90% of the dps of Dagger / Shield with t3 rolls, if you don't use Minefield in the Tremor Rod setup, which is bad for clearspeed (just like not having shield charge with AS).

Next, while FNM may not have had changes in 3.1, GC got a phenomenal 67% range buff with 2 threshold jewels, that now also take care of elemental conversion and previously required Physical to Lightning / Hrimsorrow / a very expensive helmet enchant. I'm currently running Concentrated Effect and occasionally hitting 3 packs at a time without any aoe nodes on the skill tree either. I rarely need more than one detonation per pack, and I chill, freeze and shatter.

When I get my full basic gear (my own build is less budget and more endgame oriented), I will switch to increased AoE for clearing and get around 67% more aoe, which means it'll pretty much hit anything on the screen and quite possibly offscreen a few packs as well. I can't yet tell how that will actually compare to FNM, but I think it's at least a little difficult to make a final judgement for 3.1.

One thing I can only recommend is considering to work without Minefield for FNM, at least for bosses. Like Tremor Rod, FNM will hit the mine limit very quickly if you use Minefield. However, if you use a different support, you can place just as many mines to be active at any given time, but they will deal significantly more damage (over 70% if you use a Concentrated Effect instead; for bosses, that much shouldn't be problematic, especially since you still have massive aoe from the Ascendency).

Last but not least, using an increased AoE support instead of speccing AoE is something I think you should consider as well. At the cost of only one link, you can get almost the same AoE as with all AoE nodes.

The idea of replacing minefield with conceffect for bosses is pretty awesome, never thought of that, gotta try it out. Losing one gem slot for inc aoe however means losing at least 30% more damage, which is hard to reach with the skill points we saved by going aoe nodes, I doubt that it's worth it.
Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
Last edited by KikosLive on Dec 14, 2017, 7:54:51 AM
I started Abyss with this build and to be honest this is very unviable for the league. The damage is great, but you have to pussyfoot around way too much by kiting enemies because they, especially the Abyss mobs easily one shot you. You have barely any defense with this build. Under 5k life, not much ES, low evasion, low armor, low movement speed - and you place mines at your feet, so either you get close to enemies and get stunlocked, or you waste a lot of clear time by playing it safe and place mines far away from enemies and then kite packs into them.

It's just not viable.
I started Abyss with this build and to be honest this is very unviable for the league. The damage is great, but you have to pussyfoot around way too much by kiting enemies because they, especially the Abyss mobs easily one shot you. You have barely any defense with this build. Under 5k life, not much ES, low evasion, low armor, low movement speed - and you place mines at your feet, so either you get close to enemies and get stunlocked, or you waste a lot of clear time by playing it safe and place mines far away from enemies and then kite packs into them.

It's just not viable.

Hi, sad to hear you don't like that build.
I was very surprised by your comment since I've also started with FNM and was just doin fine, for Abysses you should be able to charge right into the middle of the next big mob pack, lay down 1 decoy totem and then spam FNMs without a problem. Let's go through your gear and maybe we find the reason for your bad experience.

Links Gem Setups:

Build is squishy without using [TEMP CHAINS] - [ENFEEBLE] - [BLASPHEMY], you are using additional curse boots which is fine, but you are only using temp chains and you even have to cast it manually instead of it being an aura that automatically curses everything around you. No wonder you are squishy.Get a covenant as fast as possible, they are not expensive at all, even as a 5l. Once you pay FNM with life you can reserve nearly all your mana for said setup. That alone will boost your survivability by 400%.

Movement setup? You are not using the [SHIELD CHARGE] - [LEAPSLAM] - [FORTIFY] - [FASTER ATTACKS] setup which is your bread and butter to clear maps fast and to get out of hairy situations.

You could have around 200 more flat life on your gear, for example there is no life on your amulet.I am lvl 90 right now with FNM and I have 5.5k life and 1.1 k Energy Shield.
Get a covenant chest - once you have it , you can also remove your Mana Flask and replace it with a diamond Flask for more reliable crits. Sceptre - try to get one with crit chance to spells, elemental damage to spells and some %fire dmg or %spell damage.

You got a perpetual divine life flask and a catalysed divine life flask, try to get instant flasks, thats very important. So get a Seething Divine life flask of staunching and Seething Divine Life flask of Heat. Rotgut and quartz are also very semioptimal. Basalt flask and granite flask of iron skin help out a ton vs physical damage (abyss mobs do mostly physical afaik)

I hope you consider trying out the stuff I just said and give the build a second chance, the above mentioned changes should be sufficient to make you feel way more comfortable while playing this build.
Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
Last edited by KikosLive on Dec 14, 2017, 8:37:26 PM
I have to say, the dual curse - enfeeble set up is somewhat of a gamechanger. I'm way more tanky after I found that extra 2B-1G link shield. The curses allow me to have more time to put my mines and totem down and I can definately jump into packs now (not for long of course, I guess the Cast On Attack setup would help with that, I'm running out of ability slots though).
I'm early mapping right now and I can say with mana problems and short-term survivability solved with The Covenant and the dual curse set up respectively, my biggest problem might be HP regen. I believe the Unique +75 regen Belt could be somewhat beneficial, at least to my stage.

Also, KikosLive, if you could take a fast glance at my current set up and tell me what you'd propably do at my position, I'd be glad to hear. I seem to be able to progress the Atlas with few deaths, Bosses are generally pretty easy but coming from a guy that used to play a Vaal Pact Dark Pact Occultist who basically clicked and breezed with high mana and hp sustain, I don't really know what should I invest my next Chaos batch on.
Don't go for any flat regen this league!!
If you have problems with hp, you can use overpowered abyssal jewels with up to 1% of live regen per second while moving (use quartz flask to avoid getting stuck).
The 2 jewel "Darkness Enthroned Stygian Vise" will give you up to 3% regen while moving and additional effects for less than 3 chaos. That's over 100 life per second at 3500 life and you don't want to stand still with this build much anyways.

I'm currently at over 10%/second regen while moving ("Elemental Overload" and additional jewel slots instead of crit nodes) and my regen and chaos resistance is high enough to outheal the dot from "Forbidden Taste Quartz Flask". "Voidwalker Murder Boots" also give me phasing for 4 seconds after killing an enemy and grant 20% projectile dodge.

This setup allows me to do very safe hit-and-run tactics; if I take a large amount of damage "Immortal Call" will give me time to insta-heal to full with "Forbidden Taste Quartz Flask";
"Shield Charge" + "Quicksilver Flask" make it impossible for any enemies to catch up while the boots give 20% dodge against projectiles, the only attack type able to catch up with my speed.
The 4 seconds of damage from "Forbidden Taste Quartz Flask" gets mitigated by my regen and as soon as the effect wears (or if it gets a short interruption from immortal call) of I get +50% increased life regen from the upgraded pantheon power "Soul of Arakaali"; this gives me 4 seconds for agressive manouvers that are usually to risky for this build.

With 7 passive jewel slots , jewel belt a single jewel glove the downside is either lower hp or lower damage compared to OP, but with enough jewel variety in my stash I can switch out between 9*40 max life or +9*(30-60) flat damage added.
Arguably, that also makes the class more expensive, but right now jewels with "life regen while moving" are in my opinion vastly underestimated and underpriced. I got mine for 1 or 2 chaos each.

While there are probably classes with even better synergy with "regen while moving", I find this class to synergise pretty well, whith HC league and bossfight downsides of lacking sustain for live being completely mitigated this league.

The downsude to this is that if you only want to use this build as a league starter, the next League you will probably be feeling underpowered as well as possibly having bad habits from this season and will die while overextending.

I started going for life regen jewels after using "bisco's leash" for leveling up to act three (rampage mechanic works great with abyss, maybe detonate dead gem effect also applies ), which made my playstyle a lot faster

Build development:

Right now im thinking about dropping the decoy totem, since I'm too fast for it to be of much effect outside of bossfights, so I might put it and orb of storms into the secondary weapons as soon as I can mastercraft my socket colors to cheaply move the movement setup to the helmet and have gotten a new weapon and shield.
When the enlightenment gem levels up I might make my primary a staff (possibly tremor rod for mine-laying speed) for a 3rd curse and only switch to totem/Orb of storms for bossfights and swap weapons when needed. Switching to flame dash should't affect playstale too much, since i'm already used to holding down shift.
Last edited by predator0220 on Dec 15, 2017, 6:29:27 PM
I started going for life regen jewels after using "bisco's leash" for leveling up to act three (rampage mechanic works great with abyss, maybe "detonate dead" gem buff also applies to rampages 30 kill effect), which made my playstyle a lot faster compared to my harbinger league char.
kagias1992 wrote:
I have to say, the dual curse - enfeeble set up is somewhat of a gamechanger. I'm way more tanky after I found that extra 2B-1G link shield. The curses allow me to have more time to put my mines and totem down and I can definately jump into packs now (not for long of course, I guess the Cast On Attack setup would help with that, I'm running out of ability slots though).
I'm early mapping right now and I can say with mana problems and short-term survivability solved with The Covenant and the dual curse set up respectively, my biggest problem might be HP regen. I believe the Unique +75 regen Belt could be somewhat beneficial, at least to my stage.

Also, KikosLive, if you could take a fast glance at my current set up and tell me what you'd propably do at my position, I'd be glad to hear. I seem to be able to progress the Atlas with few deaths, Bosses are generally pretty easy but coming from a guy that used to play a Vaal Pact Dark Pact Occultist who basically clicked and breezed with high mana and hp sustain, I don't really know what should I invest my next Chaos batch on.

Ok let's check your profile :)

As long as you don't go full crit you shouldn't take the assassination nodes in the shadow start area and instead go for the elemental focus cluster. For gems instead of trap and mine damage I would use controlled destruction as long as you don't go full crit since its way more damage. (I wouldn't switch to full crit before lvl 93-94ish this league since abyss jewels are really strong.)

Flasks: Don't underestimate the role of flasks. You really want a good flask setup which helps a ton with survivability and also you want 20% on every flask. You also don't need Mana flask anymore.

You will want following flasks:
Seething Divine Life Flask of Heat
Seething Divine Life Flask of Staunching
[prefix of your choice] QUicksilver of Adrenaline
[prefix of your choice] Basalt Flask of Warding
[prefix of your choice] Granite Flask of Iron Skin

once you go full crit you can exchange the quicksilver or the granite for a diamondflask.

Ok the next thing I tell you is gonna blow your mind :D
You are using double curse setup, which is good, but only one of your curses is cursing the mobs at the moment, you need doedre's damning ring to double curse, lol :) So your survivability will go up by quite a huge amount as soon as you get one.

Try to get better boots, gloves, amulet with way more life.

Your weapon is quite nice, it could have a bit more elemental damage to spells, but not bad at all.
For big damage gains there are only the obvious upgrades left for you. "Fire Nova Mines repeat an additional 2 times" - Enchantment for the helmet (pretty much doubles your damage since later waves deal more and more damage) and the 6l which is also 30% more damage.

Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498

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