[3.4] Fire Nova Mine - Perfect League Starter - Low Budget - FAST - HC Viable

KikosLive wrote:

So first of all grats for killing shaper, you are probably a better expert with FNM than I am.
You have some insane pieces of gear; the only thing that I am missing is crit chance. I guess your crit chance must be pretty low. I would try to get a shield with cc and also a weapn with cc.
Diamond rings are also better than opal rings I think. Not a fan of Starkonjas head for this build but I know its hard to get the enchantment.

About empower. I corrupted my Covenant in Path of Building for +1 to socketed gems and when I use FirePen (20/20) I have 6458 dmg and with Empower 4 I have 6786 dmg. So yes if you got a +1 gems covenant, Empower 4 is better than fire pen.


Hi thx for responding so i had some daimond rings with crafted crit ( the second best essence cause of budget reasons hahaha) and i did the same with a opal ring both rings had max or close to max implicit and as far as my tooltip goes the opals won by a decent margin so i decided to spec into opal rings since they had higher tooltip with crafted crit compared to daimond with crafted crit also i was like well opals will also buff my dmg when i do not crit and you are right my crit chance is not great im at 47.6% crit without power charges i think im at around 58% or something with 4 power charges. what seems a bit low and i agree it kinda is but thats where the diamond flask comes in with it it puts my crit at around 82% what i though is nice hell i might be wrong hahahaha.
So my thought proces on gearing was get a good all res max life belt and gloves to fix the res lost from multiple unique pieces and to be les restrained when looking for a amulet with +1 curse. my shield had a similiar thought proces the only thing i wanted on the shield ( like realy wanted) is the %life REGEN hell i didnt even know SHIELDS CAN ROLL % life regen it has blown my mind ofcourse i am still aiming for one with high spell dmg, ele dmg, life (3 prefixes) and a 2 high res + life regen on the sufixes what let me tell you IT DOES NOT EXIST i spent last 3-4 weeks sitting on poetrade with the auto notification and looking at someting acceptable with my requierments and there isnt anything going past 50 spell dmg and since i mannaged to get this current shield for cheap i was like why not hahaha. what els oh ye i was wondering why do you not like Starkojas? is it cause of the high dex requierment ( its a pain only way to fit it in that was before my dex ring was to find one with a minnimum roll of 66 dex respec put it on and spec out of the dex nodes then hahahaha), i used to have a devoto's that i did enjoy for a long while but at some point i was very frustrated about missing the life from the helmet slot and since there was nothing for a reasnable price with things that intrest me up for grabs i decided to go for starkojas and i do enjoy its life a lot.
and last the weapon so i understood from your guide that because of the X more dmg we gain from fire nova reapeats we value FLAT fire and other elements very highly isnt that the reason we use the boots? for the flat cold, so when i got this weapon from a freind when he yolo slamed a essence on a scepter so i decided to run with it since it got everything i value BESIDED... crit chance if there would be similiar crit scepters on the market i would jump all over them but whenever i check poe.trade there isnt anything that comes close.

im eager to hear What your thoughts on the helmet choices, % life regen on shield(can get as high as 1.1%) and your testing of opalrings with crafted crit, also what is your and others opinion on the crit chance i should be aiming for.
Last edited by MrHobbitFFXIV on Sep 7, 2017, 12:50:03 PM
I didn't see a timestamp in the video or read anything about pantheons in this. What would you reccomend for that? Sorry if this has been asked before.
Tralgon wrote:
I didn't see a timestamp in the video or read anything about pantheons in this. What would you reccomend for that? Sorry if this has been asked before.

i am not the build creator but played a bit with it and i personly like to use the Major power Soul of the Brine King to prevent stunlocks and for the minor power Soul of ryslatha for the flask charges gains on prelonged bos encounters (or simply for the lab trials)
Hi everyone i just wanted to let everyone know that UBER atziri HAS BEEN KILLED first time ever for me so now everyone can say this build is shaper and uber vaiable hahaha enjoy all
MrHobbitFFXIV wrote:
Tralgon wrote:
I didn't see a timestamp in the video or read anything about pantheons in this. What would you reccomend for that? Sorry if this has been asked before.

i am not the build creator but played a bit with it and i personly like to use the Major power Soul of the Brine King to prevent stunlocks and for the minor power Soul of ryslatha for the flask charges gains on prelonged bos encounters (or simply for the lab trials)

I was testing out the Brine King as well as being stunlocked frustrates me greatly. I feel like my Detonate is interrupted too often. Using Ryslatha for lab seems pretty solid but I personally don't feel much need outside of that so far at least. Just been getting some physical mitigation.
hey so dumb question but i cant seem to find it scrolling whats your end game gear for this build never been able to figure out the path builder ect. only see tasla rasa ect from your youtube video but i see your using a shield where as gear says double wep so what items are you using end ?
xLecilia wrote:
hey so dumb question but i cant seem to find it scrolling whats your end game gear for this build never been able to figure out the path builder ect. only see tasla rasa ect from your youtube video but i see your using a shield where as gear says double wep so what items are you using end ?

Hi I'm not the op but in case you didn't know you can Chek other players gear by going and examining there profile you can Chek out my or someone else's character profile and see what they are useing sadly I have no clue how to link items on the forum so I can't help you haha.
But in short you want the 6 link(preferably +1 to gems) covenent body if you don't care for currency farming by humping your dmg and stuff go for a amulet with usefull stats like spell dmg crit res fire dmg whatever aa long as it has a corrupted implicit enemies can have a additional curse, the singularity scepter is a super cheap great starting weapon that you want to replace with something that has nice crit chance, spell dmg flat dmg to spells (I like fire) fire dmg and whatever els (attack speed is nice for shield charge) belt life with life and as much res as posible gloves same deal you can find 115 hp gloves with res that would be great later aim for the spell dmg implicit gloves with life and res or a more expensive option craft the spell dmg gloves with socketed gems have more attack speed and put your shield charge there
Buts are the mutewind boots or whatever they are called very cheap on poe trade bellow 1c BUT you want high crit and high flat cold rolls also you want to run lab or buy them with xxx increased crit if you haven't cried recently (can go up to 120%) a gimmick with mines is that they don't count as you so unless you crit with shield charge what has a low crit rate anyway that buff will alwayse be up.
Head whatever as long as it has the 2 additional repeats of fire nova mine person I ran devoto's for a long time but decided that I like starkojas more but anything will do chose what you like. All that's left are the shield and rings I like a high res high life shield with a but of spel m dmg or ele dmg and %life regen myself but a high spell crit and spell dmg shield works as well you need to see if you decide you want more dmg or more defence and flexebility on other pics. Rings here me and op have slightly difrent choices I prefer Opal rings (ele dmg) with crafted crit chance I rolled until I also got 70+life and whatever els op prefers diamond rings (base crit rings) with all the above mentioned stats if you can find a diamond with high res and life that would propably be best.
Now if you plan or want to go and magic fund a lot of July currency items you need to change the amulet into biscus and a ring to a enemies can have additional curse ring sadly don't recal the name depending on your other items and res you can also change the other ring into vents gamble with positive Quantity ant rarity.

I think that covers all this build got a lot of room to be upgraded with hundreds of exalts so long you want to spend them or be played very well with a 1c weapon ring boots a 5 link body and a helm with the proper enchant all in all it it can be started with less then 40c invectemt and go up to hundreds of exalts.
So since OP and other people are talking about mana I'm assuming The Covenant isn't required at a certain point? I'm only mid 60's right now but it's helped out with my mana a lot. But if I can find a way to get that in check I should switch to something else I'm assuming? I've luckily found someone who is selling all their old gear from this build and has a lot of useful stats. They were very friendly and even said they would hold the rest of it for me which has boosted my damage by a lot but I'm skeptical on getting rid of the blood magic yet. I'm using Andvarius and Ventors right now as well but I haven't found any rings that are super beneficial to me yet. I think I'll start using Doedres soon when I start running some harder maps though. Overall probably my favourite build this league. Been having way too much fun with it and I've barely started. 11/10/. Thank you OP!
Last edited by Tralgon on Sep 11, 2017, 4:02:17 AM
Tralgon wrote:
So since OP and other people are talking about mana I'm assuming The Covenant isn't required at a certain point? I'm only mid 60's right now but it's helped out with my mana a lot. But if I can find a way to get that in check I should switch to something else I'm assuming? I've luckily found someone who is selling all their old gear from this build and has a lot of useful stats. They were very friendly and even said they would hold the rest of it for me which has boosted my damage by a lot but I'm skeptical on getting rid of the blood magic yet. I'm using Andvarius and Ventors right now as well but I haven't found any rings that are super beneficial to me yet. I think I'll start using Doedres soon when I start running some harder maps though. Overall probably my favourite build this league. Been having way too much fun with it and I've barely started. 11/10/. Thank you OP!

Mines are stupidly expensive I don't recal exacly but my 6 linked fnm costs around 270 manna I think now if you will use Dibble curse blesphamy (sooo strong defensive and offensive) that leaves you with 30%unreserved manna now look at your manna pool ingame hell double it and tell me can you spam your mines detonate and spam them again? I can not haha so I decided to stick with the body for the bloodmagic reserve aditional 25% for arctic armour for another defensive layer what leaves me with 5%manna in my case it's around 50 mp this allows me to spam shield charge use smoke mine and as long as I'm not running a non regen map i will never be oom and unable to use those skills as for the golem I got it linked with bloodmagic together with fire trap and cluster trap( for that jucy dmg buff on bosses). I have played few manna builds and mom builds and I dred simply thinking about the tree and gear investment I would have to make if I wanted to SUSTAIN the manna cost if mines and still use at least 1 blasphemy curse (they are just to good to pas on) cause without them what are our defences? On my gear I got like 50 armour maybe few hondered evasion and I use a granit and basalt flask oh and ofcourse we have a chance to blind enemies from the asendencys. Sometimes when I was around 82 or so I entered a map that I had no problems before no special mods I come across a white skeleton archer pack and drop to sub 10% in seconds then I noticed fuck I had forgot to activate my arctic and my enfeeble and temp chains blasphemy.

I do belive it is posible and maybe even cheaper to go manna instead of this body but I feel like if you want to go manna crit and still retain some defence the investment would be to big at least for me . Play a bit see how it feels for you ops build has guidelines set up but everyone can customize it to there own style and preferences (example me preferring %life regen on shield with dome spell dmg life and res while a lot of people prefer a spell dmg life and crit shuelds)
Thank you guys for all your help. Started doing some low tier maps. Damage is good but I am definitely getting blown up instantly by just about anything that touches me. Hopefully I can get some more defence without sacrificing too much damage.

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