[3.4] Fire Nova Mine - Perfect League Starter - Low Budget - FAST - HC Viable

Playing your build in harbinger loving it able to one shot all magic packs and most rares in shaped spider forest (had to shape it after finding my first doctor card!). 4.4k tooltip atm :P just need to get a biscos and 6 link. The Lightning chant on boots gives a nice dps boost since we never actually kill anything. New shield mods are amazing.
Last edited by goofysphoogle on Aug 8, 2017, 3:08:59 PM
Dang that shield is insane and worth quite a lot. Gz mate!
Dang that shield is insane and worth quite a lot. Gz mate!
Yeah, when I got the woop for it on poe trade, I saw the guy had listed it for 3c. Knowing he was going to get like 10 messages I just offered him everything I had at the time which was 30c, instead of trying to rip him off. Still an amazing deal for me.
Last edited by goofysphoogle on Aug 8, 2017, 4:47:51 PM
Anyone know why sometimes when I lay FNM I can detonate it almost instantly, then sometimes when I lay FNM I literally have to slam/spam my detonate binding for it to go off and it won't go off till four FNM's later?

Like it makes zero sense to me as to why the range would be so huge on detonating FNM, just seems like a bug or something.
Last edited by PhantomzoneTV on Aug 8, 2017, 4:59:08 PM
Anyone know why sometimes when I lay FNM I can detonate it almost instantly, then sometimes when I lay FNM I literally have to slam/spam my detonate binding for it to go off and it won't go off till four FNM's later?

Like it makes zero sense to me as to why the range would be so huge on detonating FNM, just seems like a bug or something.

I have no idea, maybe if you are silenced or being hit or stunned you are not able to do it.
IGN: Gonorreitor
Last edited by Valmar on Aug 8, 2017, 5:06:50 PM
RN this build is doing great! Need just small advice, one about build and one about gameplay:
[build] - When should I switch to Covenant?
[gameplay] - Where to farm gear now? What is the "New merc Dried Lake"?

Currently I'm at lvl 59 with ~2k hp (sucks) but even with that stats I'm doing great, due to the fact that u can place mines and run, survivability is quite high.

Would Tremor Rod + Kaom's + MoM be terrible for FNM?
Last edited by TMYNO on Aug 9, 2017, 6:40:46 AM
Would Tremor Rod + Kaom's + MoM be terrible for FNM?

You certainly deal more dmg with Tremor rod but your overall clearspeed, would be slower since you can't move around that fast. I personally wouldn't sacrifice shield charge for more dmg. The dmg you do once u got a 6l + Helmet Enchantment is good enough to clear everything with ease from T1-T15.

I know MoM is very meta right now and everybody and their mom uses it. It could work for FNM aswell, I haven't tested it yet. I've played MoM builds in the past and I am not a fan of it. Let me tell you why: Let's say you enter a room and there are 10 flicker strike, discharge mobs going at you. What you wanna do now is plant mines as fast as possible to get rid of those mobs, well guess what you can't, because your mana dropped to 0 since they dealt a lot of dmg to you. Happened quite often and it feels shitty. Also going MoM would probably mean to give up our double defensive curse setup.

Added this question to the FAQ section.
Check out my Fire Nova Mine Guide (3.2) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1774498
Last edited by KikosLive on Aug 9, 2017, 7:07:44 AM
I'm playing your build and I must say I'm failing to do the switch to blood magic.
You mention in the video that you have 4.8% life regen but your skill tree only provides you with 1% and there is the stone golem that gives flat hp regen.
Can you explain in details when did you switch from clarity to blood magic and what are the core items needed to make it work (and lowest HP pool when it is possible)?

Hi! Using your build as starter and so far it was really fun. Right now I'm hoarding resources for some kaoms and probably will level second chars as marauder. Maybe someone can help me to identify what cheap upgrade for my gear i can get to feel more comfortable for farming tiers 10-11 maps. Right now its huge pain as some mechanics one shot me.

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