Scorching Ray

I have been playing Scorching Ray + Cast when channeling + Firestorm recently and I have a question:

Does this skill has a maximum cast speed or something? I notice that with faster casting, enemy doesn't seem to be burning at a noticeable faster rate comparing to without faster casting, only the turning speed is slightly faster. I think some sort of effect (like wither?) on the enemy to indicate they are burning at which stacks will be very helpful, right now it's not very clear, and it's hard to determine whether increasing cast speed or damage will help more.
Can anyone confirm that the burn from Scorching Ray will stack with the burn from RF?

I added Scorching Ray to my RF build but bosses do not seem to die any faster, yet, I should have doubled my damage.
I highly recommend using this skill with cast while channeling and lightning ball, with not only Equilibrium, but also Elemental Overload. I'm only 67 at the moment, and only have it 4L, but it takes something very high level to avoid instantaneously melting.
I highly recommend using this skill with cast while channeling and lightning ball, with not only Equilibrium

Are we sure this skill procs EE? It isn't tagged as "hitting" things an I assumed that EE only worked off of hits.
Can anyone give me a brief idea as to how scorching ray (totem) interacts with the conflux attributes from the Elementalist ascendancy class?
Last edited by Shagsbeard on Dec 13, 2016, 10:45:29 PM
Tsumikiro wrote:
I highly recommend using this skill with cast while channeling and lightning ball, with not only Equilibrium

Are we sure this skill procs EE? It isn't tagged as "hitting" things an I assumed that EE only worked off of hits.

Ball Lightning triggers it.

Shagsbeard wrote:
Can anyone give me a brief idea as to how scorching ray (totem) interacts with the conflux attributes from the Elementalist ascendancy class?

Not. All status ailments are on-Hit effects unless applied by a field (ex. Shocked Ground).
The targeting on this skill could use improvement.

Would be nice if it Locked onto a target until it dies. This would be very helpful on Rare or Unique Monsters.

Specifically if a player uses the skill while hovering/targeting a monster, it should follow that monster until the player releases the skill or the monster dies.

This change will conflict with being able to manually point the beam.

Would be nice if we got both. Targeting empty space gives mouse position priority for targeting as normal. Hover targeting over a mob uses the new proposed change.


On a side note, the automatic targeting of new monsters could be slightly better. The way it snaps to new monsters. I feel right now it's not as 'magnetic' as it could be. Like the new targeting range needs improvement, not the speed.
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."
Last edited by Hixxie on Dec 25, 2016, 6:08:57 PM
Any ETA for adding PvP T constant to the skill DoT damage? Because it seems has none.
How can 500 base damage fire DoT spell deal 5 times more pvp damage than 5k base damage RF?
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on Dec 29, 2016, 2:37:54 PM
Related instance crash:
On Sarn arena, when character stands in SR range there is debuff icon.
By default if character moves out of SR range the icon gains debuff expiration timer.
Sometimes the timer doesn't appear.
In this case debuff icon and debuff itself lasts until character death.
if Flask of Dousing has been used while character affected by that bugged SR debuff - Sarn arena instance crashes.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess

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