(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

I've found that using vaal lightning trap really helps with boosting damage against t16 bosses and syndicate encounters since enemies in an aoe are shocked and take 15% more damage.

Plus there are 3 uses of VLT before it has soul gain prevention, which means you can throw a trap AND activate vaal grace against really tough fights to boost defense and offense. Worth a gem slot imo - i ditched flame dash since we're running around so quickly 99% of the time.

That I gonna test. Cheers.
hi, is it possible for u to take a look, why my dmg against bosses is a joke, i can barely stay alive against +T14 bosses

this is my gear

i managed to get a Headhunter, and really want to use it, so cant really think that my damage is so bad because of my HH

how could i fix my dps for barrage

ItsSwipe wrote:
how could i fix my dps for barrage


-Get a vessel of vinktar with flat damage.
-Jewels with 6-8% onslaught.
-Corruption on gloves with % crit.
-More flat lighning i guess.
-Uber lab enchant on boots.
-Try to change your amulet, amulet gives a lot of dps.
-Get better jewels

I don't know if i'm missing things but that's a really great guide and you have to read it a thousand of times if needed, every details matter.
I have a question. Why don’t you use curse immunity flask? Isn’t it better to have a curse immunity flask while mapping?
In PoB; how should I compare a rare wand vs piscator?
Average Dmg on barrage is higher on Piscator, but total DPS is higher on the rare wand.
Hi all, I've been playing this build since around 3.1-3.2, took a break until 3.5 and I still haven't been able to perfect it. It honestly feels plain awful in anything above yellow maps, I used to run t3 burial chambers but I've started running tower maps and elder toxic sewers in 3.5. It feels so weak and half the time it doesn't even do its job of clearing packs fast with crit herald explosions. Single target is a joke, you get one shot before you even get a chance to hit a boss, or you spend the whole time kiting around getting maybe 1 barrage in at a time. The blood rage degen in maps is clunky and gets me killed if theres a big gap between packs and i dont insta-kill it so i can leech.

Here is my gear:

POB Here: https://pastebin.com/jzSqFHWK

It just feels awful. While using QOTF to run super fast is nice, Im heavily relying on every gear slot available to not die so it makes a magic find variant nigh on impossible. I could put in a sadima's and goldwyrms without a loss of res but i would lose a lot of damage and life, and 20% movement speed too. With this fully geared character I have 5.5k life at lvl 90, and im struggling to survive and effectively run red maps - and i cant even do the bosses, its an utter joke.

Any advice? this build just seems like it really isnt that viable without god tier gear. Is a watcher's eye with crit chance mandatory for this build? Im in standard so i cant craft flask effectiveness onto belts and an elder stygian vise is 10ex minimum.


gotta do what you gotta do
Ultraxite wrote:
Hi all, I've been playing this build since around 3.1-3.2, took a break until 3.5 and I still haven't been able to perfect it. It honestly feels plain awful in anything above yellow maps, I used to run t3 burial chambers but I've started running tower maps and elder toxic sewers in 3.5. It feels so weak and half the time it doesn't even do its job of clearing packs fast with crit herald explosions. Single target is a joke, you get one shot before you even get a chance to hit a boss, or you spend the whole time kiting around getting maybe 1 barrage in at a time. The blood rage degen in maps is clunky and gets me killed if theres a big gap between packs and i dont insta-kill it so i can leech.

POB Here: https://pastebin.com/jzSqFHWK

It just feels awful. While using QOTF to run super fast is nice, Im heavily relying on every gear slot available to not die so it makes a magic find variant nigh on impossible. I could put in a sadima's and goldwyrms without a loss of res but i would lose a lot of damage and life, and 20% movement speed too. With this fully geared character I have 5.5k life at lvl 90, and im struggling to survive and effectively run red maps - and i cant even do the bosses, its an utter joke.

Any advice? this build just seems like it really isnt that viable without god tier gear. Is a watcher's eye with crit chance mandatory for this build? Im in standard so i cant craft flask effectiveness onto belts and an elder stygian vise is 10ex minimum.


You are lacking many important things for this build. Barrage is not a easy skill, it needs some key things to be effective and every little thing matters.

Some things I can see from your build:

- You don't have the helmet enchant "Barrage fire an/2 additional projectiles"
- You don't have boots enchant (preferably Adds 1 to 160 Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently)
- You don't have Vessel of Vinktar (change Atziri's promise)
- Attack speed on Piscator is a low roll
- You should get gems with 20% quality; you have only 2-3 20/20 gems.
- Your jewels are lacking "adds x to x lighning damage" which is the best mod besides life. Cold damage is not that good for this build.
- You don't have Point Blank, which is important for Barrage.
- You didn't get the Crackling Speed and Wandslinger node
- You don't have the helmet enchant "Barrage fire an/2 additional projectiles"

I tested getting a +1 barrage starkonjas and for starters, it was much much more expensive than my current +2 aura gems starkonjas, and also gave less overall dps compared to 2 free levels on wrath and blood rage.

You don't have boots enchant (preferably Adds 1 to 160 Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently)

this build can barely do lab, its so squishy and the single target is awful. Lightning damage when i havent killed recently seems very bad when most bosses spawn some amount of ads and its never active while mapping. surely life/mana leech is more important so you can drop the mana leech node and get something more impactful from the tree?

You don't have Vessel of Vinktar (change Atziri's promise)

Vessel of vinktar is pretty awful without a legacy variant. Additionally it makes you MUCH squishier by causing you to take 50% increased damage (more than just wearing an abyssus). How is the dps versus an Atziri's Promise?

Attack speed on Piscator is a low roll

Does the 8% ele pen not make up for that? Otherwise i have a regular piscators with 17% attack speed and no corruption, but im pretty sure thats worse.

You should get gems with 20% quality; you have only 2-3 20/20 gems.

sure, Ill look into getting that. But if a build relies on having perfect gems i think something may be wrong. oftentimes quality is such a marginal upgrade, it shouldnt make or break the build. Id wager its more a fundamental problem with the build that it simply doesnt use good skills.

Your jewels are lacking "adds x to x lighning damage" which is the best mod besides life. Cold damage is not that good for this build.

A jewel with 40+ life and a decent added lightning damage roll is rare to find even on poe.trade, and otherwise is incredibly overpriced for what little it adds. I still am looking for them ofc and will slowly replace them whenever they become available but spending multiple ex on specific jewels to make this build merely function in high tier maps is ridiculous. Im getting similar clearspeed and much more magicfind for much cheaper on a arc/lightning warp poet's pen elementalist, which cost me probably no more than a couple of ex.

You don't have Point Blank, which is important for Barrage.

Guide says you dont need this till very endgame (ie i presumed that meant guardian runs, shaper, uber elder) and im nowhere near doing that yet. I cant even kill map bosses. Also standing really close to bosses for more damage seems like a very bad idea when we have a shitty health pool, mediocre leech and unremarkable damage, and can still be oneshot through all our dodge and evasion.

You didn't get the Crackling Speed and Wandslinger node

Guide says to get these nodes last, priortizing the wand wheel up top of witch and to also get jewel sockets as these nodes are low impact compared to what a jewel gives you. Also if i was able to actually kill stuff without dying all the time, I could maybe level up beyond 90 and put the points back into those nodes.

If i could afford endgame expensive rare wands i could drop some irrelevant int nodes for more points but crafting those bases is hopeless and anything with 300 eDPS is several exalts. I have a good base for crafting but just im too unlucky for it to be any better than my current piscator's:

so unless anyone can give me tips on how to craft this in standard im at a loss.

i appreciate the advice but so much of it is such small upgrades for such large investments of currency, or straight up is worse.
gotta do what you gotta do
I find it quite interesting when someone complains over the build - and haven't even bothered adding quality to gems. That is like buying a Porsche and then never use any gear above the third... :)

@Ultraxite: (and others asking about dmg, survivability etc)

I can do T14-16 fine at level 93 and with a lot less POB-DPS than yours overall. Only died once recent days and it was because I didn't see that the guy I was mapping with, spawned a Zana map with elemental reflect. That was a perfect oneshot.

Starting with gems;

For some of the gems they get better already att level 11-12 with 20 quality than a level 20/0 quality gem.

Adding +20 Quality gives:
Elemental Focus: +10% ele dmg
Added Lightning Damage: +10% ele dmg
Elemental Damage with Attacks: +10% ele dmg
Slower Projectiles: +10% proj dmg
Lightning Penetration: +10% ele dmg

That is 50% increased dmg just for putting 20 Quality with gems in the Barrage setup. It's not that hard to vendor sell a level 20 gem + Gemcutter and level a 1/20q gem up to level 16-17, where most of them are way better already.

Herald of Ice 20/20 gives +15% cold damage.
Curse on Hit 20/20 gives +10% effect to the curse = more dmg again.
Greater Multiple Projectiles gives +10% attack speed.

.... and so on. You can easily level gems in offhand if you want to.
And of course you shall beg to the RNG god and Vaal the level 20/20 gems. Level 21/20q give you the extra chunk of dmg.

The majority of builds in PoE benefits alot of 20 quality gems.

Attack Speed
Attack speed makes a HUGE difference with Barrage. When you facetank a boss you want to blast him with shitloads of projectiles meanwhile dealing tons of damage and getting that amazing leech back.

Stacking attack speed is essential for the build. Do it with wand+jewels

Vessel of Vinctar
20% of your lightning damage leeched back as life? That is exactly what we want to do. We want to get that extra leech during our massive dps. Yeah you get 50% increased damage taken, but if you calculate it you still provide so much outgoing DPS that you can overleech it in most situations.

Kinectic Blast setup
You are not using Pierce which gives 29% more proj dmg if you have 20 quality on that one. 20 quality on Kinectic Blast + Pierce will make the area effect higher and you nuke alot more targets. I seldom "spam" KB, I just release 1 batch and everything dies. And my gems arent level 20 yet (however they are 20 quality).

I'd say that KB is one of the best if not the best AoE clear skills. With Pierce you can KB and run through it, watching it pierce mobs "offscreen" etc. Like my old favourite CoC-build that used Fireball/Artic Breath etc and when you entered "next screen" everything is already dead.

Boot enchant
If you haven't killed recently triggers the enchant 4s after kill. So when you get to a boss, maybe put up a portal, maybe enter and awaits the animation - 4s passes quickly. Getting that extra lightning damage boost makes a huge difference. Also when mapping you trigger it from time to time when looting or running around searching for mobs.

Blood Rage
As OP posted in his recent video, just weapon swap and you stop Blood Rage.

Barrage enchant
The extra projectile actually do alot. Stacked with APS it's really amazing. With Point Blanc even better. You have to utilize all three of them. Extra projectiles (flask effect + enchant) + APS + Point Blanc.

Just popping the Stibnite+Jade gives me at level 93 with my gear around 50k evasion. Then I haven't even triggered Vaal Grace.

Whatchers Eye
This actually made difference. I was lucky and got hold of one with Wrath+Grace, so when popping Vaal Grace I get some extra evasion aswell.

Missing one Jewel node
You got one node above Acrobatics which is not allocated. A whatchers eye or one more abyss can do you good there. You have specced into the Lightning Damage node at the top at level 90. I am 93 and haven't touched that one yet. However I have Troatseeker and all the crit multi goodies.
Last edited by boondoxsaints#7149 on Feb 2, 2019, 12:58:31 PM

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