[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant

Orb of Storms damages all surrounding enemies that are in rage of the ball.
If the enemy mob is too far away then it just sits there doing nothing.
You drop it close to a target and it does its job by itself.
Can someone who played this build Life Based, give me some advice how to proceed further with my gear.
I can't do tier11 maps and in generall i am (very) squishy.
My damage is OK.

Am grateful to anyone who helps me

Char name: Androtem
Last edited by DaDron on Apr 19, 2017, 6:13:10 PM
LowBudget780 wrote:
DaDron wrote:
Can someone who played this build Life Based, give me some advice how to proceed further with my gear.
I can't do tier11 maps and in generall i am (very) sqcuishy.
My damage is OK.

Am grateful to anyone who helps me

Char name: Androtem

I would get rid of the Infernal Mantle. Since your always on low mana with this build you are always going to be taking way too much damage. try to find a nice 5l with a bunch of life, armor and resistances.

Thx for the tipp!
I changed my body armour to http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Geofri%27s_Sanctuary
because i had one.

Other question, i am currently running 50/50, on some items armour on some armour+ES,...
should i go full armour ? make more sense right ?
If so, how about life ref, life reg items are expensive :(

Have anybody a example build for Life based gear/char, so i can compare (learn, which items are good or bad) ?
Last edited by DaDron on Apr 19, 2017, 6:53:02 PM
Vallenhael wrote:
Does anyone of you guys have an idea what of my gear I could upgrade? Sitting at 11776 ES here and would like to hit those sweet 12k. All I can think of is chest, which is another 40-50 ex atleast.

EDIT: Nvm, found a better ring
. Now I'm finally in the 12k ES+ Master race.

Wow master race indeed! Nice gear! Must have cost a small fortune but it is a good end goal to shoot for! Thanks for sharing.
Just ripped to a cold breach. I have to say the fact that this build cannot regenerate ES is it´s weakness. There may be players who never mis step and thus never need to suddenly heal a lot of health
but I am not one of them. I pressed Vaal Disc but it wasn´t enough to outheal.
I just took a wrong turn in a breach and I was swarmed by monsters.
Had Eye of Chayula so it was just the fact that i took one big hit, my HP was very low
pressed Vaal Discipine , no chance. Just a Shaped Strand with no hard mods.

Git Gud is not going to cut it. The build is flawed.

Breach, need to play tactical a bit. With 7.4k es, I just strafe totem those breach,especially when in crit/speed/extra projectile or 70% increase rad map mod. My 7.4k es won't last me even 3 sec in modded breach. My build incorporate es regen as backup for survival.
Hit 100 today on a life based version. Pretty much only did Strand runs so I can't give an opinion on really anything else. Porcupines were really the only thing that ever gave me a scare besides the obvious dmg mods (+chain) maps.

My gear was seriously budget. I'd assume you could easily replicate for well under an ex.

IGN - xNoClass
Last edited by chiefxkeith on Apr 20, 2017, 8:43:13 AM
Hit 100 today on a life based version. Pretty much only did Strand runs so I can't give an opinion on really anything else. Porcupines were really the only thing that ever gave me a scare besides the obvious dmg mods (+chain) maps.

My gear was seriously budget. I'd assume you could easily replicate for well under an ex.

Thank you for your input!

But only Strand, wow, that must be painful.

My goals with this build are shaper, atziri.
So I juggle with the idea to go full ES to accomplish this goal. It means passives and of course all new items :( (will be expensive :( i can feel it

LowBudget780 wrote:
Just realized that you can mod your boots with the "increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently" enchantment and gain a permanent crit chance buff as your totems crit the enemies and not yourself. If you do Uber this is a permananent 120 crit chance increase. Same goes for the Elemental Penetration mod.

Don't make the same mistake I did and go for the "increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently" mod as it will never proc because your totems do the killing not you lol

If you're using the orb of storms + power charge on crit setup, then I think you are criting. However, it's not doing damage due to ancestral bond.
Why controlled destruction support? Why not concentrated effect support it gives more dmg for bosses?
Nub question. So we level all gems? Keep any at a certain level?

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