<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: CycloneNyne_FrzYoFace

Age: 34

Game experience: Started POE a long time ago (before they released all the new acts), and then took a break. Just started back up at the end of Delve. This League I currently have a lvl 98 Elementalist, and a Lvl 93 Saboteur. I also played D2&D3, a ton of MOBAS starting with the original DotA, and dabbled in MMOs here and there.

Reason for wanting to join: I want to party with guildies and run maps/pure breachstones/bosses/ect. Willing to offer advice to newer players and get advice from more experienced players. I have lots of maps to share ^_^

Any additional information: I play daily except on rare occasions, and am located in Southern California, Pacific Time. I will join discord!
Game experience: Playes since beta
Reason for wanting to join:Old guild got inactive, looking for friendly and chill people
Game experience: Recently shifted over from D3 to POE, enjoying this game so far

Reason for wanting to join:Looking for people to party with for end game farming and to have fun :)

Any additional information: Pretty casual player from Singapore, will play during my free time if I have no other commitments.
game experience :retired for a while then came back last month
IGN: BaltrStart

Age: 21

Game experience: Very experienced, started back in Rampage/Beyond.

Reason for wanting to join: Playing solo is boring and I'm looking for a community that is friendly enough to take me in! :D

Any additional information: Depending on how my university's finals come or whenever I suddenly need to adapt to it, might disappear from the game for up to a week, so I hope that's not a big detriment. I can also be kind of an ass sometimes, but I try not to be, so if I am at any point rude feel free to point it out so I know not to do the things that bother you :)
IGN: Teiorb (Lvl 94 Storm Brand Elementalist)
Age: 32
Game experience: Kinda new, its my first league but i love PoE and will be playing other leagues aswell
Reason for wanting to join: Want to play Endgame Content (Maps, Bosses etc) with a group of guys
Any additional information: I do have Discord and i am kinda active in VoiP. Playing 3+ hours a day atleast.
Ign: xHalo
Age: 20
Game Experience: Just started 2 weeks ago, this is my first league and i really love this game, especially the game play
Reason for wanted to join: Want to find like-minded individuals to play together and help one another. It is boring to play solo tbh

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