<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: BrokenStratos

Age: 19

Game experience: Played the last 4 leagues but this is the first league I have actually pushed to do endgame activities and started to do trading, along with making more than one character.

Reason for wanting to join: I am looking for a consistent group to interact with and some people to party up with for endgame content.

Any additional information: I play almost everyday and the game is starting to consume me as I delve further into endgame.
IGN: NoobHakan
Age: 39
Game experience: 4+ years (I had breaks sometimes)
Reason for wanting to join: Meeting and playing with other people (especially players from Europe)
Any additional information: I work on week days. I am mostly free at evenings. And I live in Turkey
IGN: character name Worpidorp
Age: 40

Game experience: This league is my first time playing PoE. I have a level 92 summoner now. Before this i started out with a lvl 89 arc trapper and a winterorb build. I have experience playing arpgs dating back to the original Diablo game.

Reason for wanting to join: It would be cool to have people to talk to and trade information and goods. Im doing well enough on the economic aspect of the game but it can be so much more fun and efficient with some friends

Any additional information:
Located in EU and play most days. Sometimes in the evening I stream the game to my laptop so im playing with a trackpad. Not a good time for challenging content but great for trading and tinkering with my build.

Can join discord for chat but no desire yet to talk constantly.
Game experience:Played the game here and there since release, started playing alot during Abyss and every other league after (spent most time on Delve)
Reason for wanting to join:Trying to find a group of people to have fun with chatting and chilling
Any additional information: playing 3-5hrs daily depends on the day, located in EU

Hope to see you soon!


Game experience: Played path of exile back in beta, quit when the first leagues came out (races). Came back during incursion and played through that as well as delve! I would not consider myself a vet but I have pretty decent knowledge of the game. I am active in discord and am looking for a place to share challenges, map together and just chill.

Reason for wanting to join: was in a tight knit guild and left once i found out that our GM scammed a fellow guild member and stole his mirror tier bow. I tried playing alone for a few days and realized that once you join a guild, you can never go back! I have been searching around for guilds and I found this one which I believe is the perfect fit for me.

Any additional information: I am in nursing school and have worked in a hospital ER for a few years now so if anyone has any medical questions i would be happy to help :D. I don't mind being the guild medical guy!
Last edited by Skream159 on Jan 17, 2019, 7:04:45 PM
Hi, i would love to join.
I play every day on betrayal and have an 95 Elementalist.

IGN: TVPoison

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