<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: Tornado_Tits
Age: 32
Game experience: I've been playing since Metamorph league, usually kill A8 sirus once or twice per league and grind the league mechanic. Have yet to play the same build twice but I usually only play 1 char per league because of limited time.
Reason for wanting to join: I'm tired of playing alone and would like to explore the mechanics of playing in groups to grind currency and up my skill and PoE knowledge
IGN : NeneLover
Age :18
Game experience : Just started playing this league
Reason for wanting to join : I just want to find people to play / learn the game with and have a fun time on POE
Game experience: Been playing since january 2017.
Reason for wanting to join: I need people to play and talk with, my cousin always leaves the league before me and that leaves me alone.
Any additional information/comments: I'm chill, probably ''semi-active'' in guild chat, it depends on what's going on.
Game experience:I played many leagues (5-6) but I had lvl 90+ just in 2 of them
Reason for wanting to join: It started to feel a little weird playing the game alone and I wanna find some buddies to play with.
Any additional information/comments:I'm kinda funny, I like to help others, pretty social.
Game experience: none
Reason for wanting to join: looking for a guild to learn the game and have fun.
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IGN: Plastekb
Age: 30
Game experience:1 year
Reason for wanting to join: searching for a cool guild not neccessary for voice comm
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