<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

Game experience:max lvl 91 joined poe Dec 21, 2013
Reason for wanting to join: I want to find new people and to enter friendly helpful community
Any additional information/comments: rdy to join
Game experience:3 seasons
Reason for wanting to join: love the name and wanted to see what you guys are about ive always played alone id like to change that.
Any additional information/comments: want to learn more about the game cant do that alone.
Game experience: 2 seasons
Reason for wanting to join: Well, always nice to have someone to chat with and option to ask some reliable and trustworthy source?
Any additional information/comments: Not really, fan of cosmetics I guess? Bit of a try-hard and min-maxer?
Last edited by Naxther on Nov 1, 2021, 5:01:09 PM
Hi there

I am interesting to join :)

IGN: Currently it's @Racoonard
Age: 31
Game experience: actively started playing in 3.10 and enjoyed it ever since
Reason for wanting to join: I'm looking for a chill community (with voice chat is even better) focused on POE and wanting to test new things
Any additional information/comments: I like to blast, do 40/40 every league get an HH (or Mageblood this time) and make a strong character. I like to play!
IGN: Alucarta
Age: 26
Game experience: Playing since invasion league.
Reason for wanting to join: Progress faster. Help and get help.
Any additional information/comments: I'm not the most sociable person, but i like to help people and love the game. I focus more on mapping. Oh, and im from brazil.
IGN: DiabolicManOnDrug
Game experience: ultimatum(800-1000hrs)
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a guild so I can get build fixing advices and help the community as well.

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