Mechanical Questions Thread

lookindown3 wrote:
Hello, I'm a fairly new player to POE, I only started playing about 2 weeks. I started with the marauder class and picked the berserker ascendancy because I thought I would enjoy the play-style, and I do. However, I have a few questions I could not find answers for on forums and whatnot, so would appreciate if some of the experienced players clear them up for me.

1- Regarding the crave of slaughter and rite of ruin on the ascendancy tree, you start by obtaining crave of slaughter which at 50 rage, grants 50% attack damage, 25% attack speed , 10% movement speed and 5% max hp lost per second. And then rite of ruin doubles everything to give a 100% AD, 50% AS, 20% mov speed and 10% life lost per sec. However, I did not notice the damage or attack speed increase at all in the dps of my abilities. As an example, I use sunder , with only crave the slaughter at 50 rage, i had 140k dps displayed on the ability tool-tip, that number stays exactly the same after I just obtained and allocated rite of ruin yesterday but I do notice the increase in hp lost ONLY. So I was wondering if maybe there is a bug in the displayed dps number or perhaps I need to activate something or some special condition to display the supposedly increased damage.

2- Cast when damage taken. I use it in a 4 socket combo (all at level 56) with CWDT-Immortal call-Vulnerability-X. X = Either warlords mark or Punishment both at level 56 as well. However, neither of them seem to ever proc, so I looked it up and didn't find any mention that 2 curses can not be activated simultaneously using CWDT, so I tried changing their order around a bit, still didn't work. I tried other green gem skills and they worked just fine but none of them were curses. So does CWDT only support 1 curse gem maximum at a time? And if not , what am I missing to get the combo to work?

1- many effects aren't properly displayed in the tooltip. You can test out the difference between 50 rage and 0 rage on a skill like Leap Slam without being linked to Faster Attacks. It should feel considerably faster with rage.

2- can you make your character profile public, so it's possible to take a look at the actual setup? Putting aside that you need to increase the curse limit somehow to actually apply two curses, the visual effects should occur.

The two reasons I can imagine without more information on why they wouldn't is if there's a modifier to gem levels that makes it so that the requirement of the effective gem level is no longer supportable by CwDT, even if the requirements of the gem are the same, or that you don't actually take the damage you need to proc CwDT. Only hits are counted, degeneration is not.

PSI_efficiency wrote:
I want "super tank build" for next league, help please. (Not RF)

Please open an individual topic for this (or use google), and keep this thread purely to asking and answering mechanical questions.

Thank you for your reply and clearing that rage issue, I did test it, attack speed does feel very different indeed, still not sure about damage and tooltip relation, its still a little awkward not knowing how much damage im doing due to the rage increase. Regardless, the CWDT issue, the socket combo is in the helmet, please check it out and comment if anything there maybe hindering its activation that i did not notice.
lookindown wrote:
Regardless, the CWDT issue, the socket combo is in the helmet, please check it out and comment if anything there maybe hindering its activation that i did not notice.

We cannot see it due to your privacy settings.

You can set your characters tab public here.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Sarno wrote:
lookindown wrote:
Regardless, the CWDT issue, the socket combo is in the helmet, please check it out and comment if anything there maybe hindering its activation that i did not notice.

We cannot see it due to your privacy settings.

You can set your characters tab public here.

Sorry for that, fixed.

About trading when i should find item in my stash.....

When get request about selling an item - i begin to type the name of the item in search field and some time the name is too difficult and just one-letter-mistake will not allow me to find the item
May be there is a macro which highlights the item in stash folder?
Last edited by Staglaitor_#3917 on Nov 28, 2018, 12:48:31 PM
Staglaitor_ wrote:

About trading when i should find item in my stash.....

When get request about selling an item - i begin to type the name of the item in search field and some time the name is too difficult and just one-letter-mistake will not allow me to find the item
May be there is a macro which highlights the item in stash folder?

This is a bit outside the scope of this thread...

You should be getting messages which look something like this;

@CharacterName Hi, I would like to buy your Awesome Item listed for 1 chaos in LeagueName (stash tab "TabName"; position: left 3, top 1)

There's absolutely no need to begin typing the name. See that last bit? It's telling you where to find the item. In the above example you'd look at the top row, and find the item in one of the left-most positions. You'll get quicker at finding items this way after a little bit of practice. :)
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Sarno wrote:
You'll get quicker at finding items this way after a little bit of practice. :)

Ok Thanks for your reply

About the phrase - "Macros may not perform multiple server-side actions. POE Trade Companion puts your account at risk."

You didn't call the macros name cos it can be dangerous for acount?
Last edited by Staglaitor_#3917 on Nov 28, 2018, 3:29:32 PM
Alright i have been looking everywhere for a answer to this and it might be out there but i cannot find it.

if i cast dark pact on skeletons, will my ES on hit from Fenumus' Spinnerets and Watcher's Eye still work off those hits? or will it work some other way?
So. I'm not sure if this is "mechanics" or not, but I'm curious. Also, I realize this isn't gonna be a thing after the new patch.

If I'm in a map, and I find Haku or Tora or whatever, and I go into their little pit and kill the mobs, can those mobs drop maps? I was having problems with sustain (a common problem, it seems,) so I was curious. But again, I realize this isn't gonna be a thing with the two of them next patch. Maybe for the other masters though?

Anyway, thanks in advance.
I think this line is mostly filler.
Does item quality above 20% further increase the probability to achieve more sockets and links with jewelers and fusings?
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
Hey guys.

I was hoping you would be so helpful to enlighten me in regard to a few thoughts I've been having, as i can't find anything related to these on the Wiki.

So, to make it "short", i was wondering the following

How is Poison calculated when in relation to;

1. Is there a concept of poison "pools"
I.e: lets for the sake of argument assume that "Ability 1" is able to apply a max count of 40 poison stacks and you have an "Ability 2" which is capable of applying lets say 20 poison stacks.
- Will these poison stacks be accumulated into the same "pool" of total amount of poison stacks (1 instance of 60) or will there exist 1 "pool" of poisons with 40 and another "pool" of 20? (2 instances of 40 and 20).

The reason why i am asking this, is that i was in the belief that any poison instance applied AFTER reaching the total max allowed poison stacks on a monster, would be prioritized based off of the highest damaging physical hit.
Thus in return would overwrite any lower damaging instance of poison.

In other words:

What happens when a new poison stack is applied after reaching the maximum stack count? (Based off of Poison Duration*Hits per Second)

I'm not sure where i read this, but i was almost ready to eat a hat on this claim. I know this is similar to how bleed and ignite works but i know they are not calculated the same.
I've asked on Reddit aswell to no avail, other than being mocked for thinking poison is in the same category as bleed and ignite, which i know isn't the case already.

Kindest Regards


PS. Sorry for the formatting, i hope i was able to make my self articulate enough to get the questions across.

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