Mechanical Questions Thread

Ramlok194 wrote:
Hello everyone. I tried to play around power charges a bit and i got stuck on one matter. I play with Ancestral Bond. I tried to generate power charges with Ball of lightning supported by Power charges on crit support + Increased crit support + Spell echo. My character screen shows crit of 15.8% for this combo. I went with BoL since from what i read it hits 6 times per second. So it hits 1 target 10+ times (i have area fo effect boosted with passives) on one cast. So even to 1 target i should generate 1 Power Charge per cast. 10 (hits) * 0.15 (crit) * 0.4 (PCh per crit rate from support gem) * 2 (spell echo) = roughly 1.2. But in fact it does not work. I can spam BoL to pack of mobs and PC (as well as elemental overload) does not proc. It will prock eventualy after spamming BoL to pack for 5 sec. But it does not comply with what i expect from my mechanic understanding. Do i miss anything? PS i tried many spell to generate PCh but BL seems to work better then others. Except Blade Vortex. BV stack up PC and elemental overload immidiately. But BV does not fit to my play style.


Thank you for support in advance.

My earlier post is relevant to this. No matter how often it hits, Ball Lightning may only generate one Power Charge per skill use. In addition to that, it also only has a single crit roll.

So what really happens is that you have a certain chance to crit, and if you don't crit, none of the Ball Lightning hits is going to give you Power Charges. If you do crit, you probably have a dozen hits or more to roll for a Power Charge generation based on the level of the support gem, but you won't get more than one.

It's usually recommended to use Orb of Storms, which has a separate crit roll for every proc, and is also able to generate a Power Charge every proc. You can link it to Faster Casting (and possibly Spell Echo, haven't tested that yet) to speed up the hit rate for that, as well as using fast lightning skills to make it hit more often.

NarutoxKurama wrote:
How does Gain 300% of Weapon Physical Damage as Extra Damage of an Element from VoidForge works and what element? And does that 300% show on DPS Tooltip?

It selects a random element to convert your damage to and you will deal 300% of your physical damage as that element, in addition to other conversions. I am not entirely sure, but I think the tooltip is unable to reflect this due to the random nature of the mechanic.

Check your dps in Path of Building to make detailed adjustments, it's definitely supported there.

Izanagi01 wrote:
If you have a source of recovery, that is directly tied to the hit, the hit and recovery are calculated against each other before applying to life. This is how builds using Gluttony of Elements currently become immune to damage.

I have 3000 life. I get hit with 2999 damage after mitigation.

So if I use Blood Magic (25 life cost) linked to a skill, that has life gain on hit (healing 25 life), would I still survive if 2999 damage and my hit happen exactly at the same time?

What about I have infinite regeneration and I get the 2999 damage hit, but I leech the 25 life, so get the heal only over time?

2) If healing over time would be calculated instantly basic mathematics state that I don't get any damage at a point of time, but only in an time intervall.
If I have infinite regeneration but also receive damage over time. I can still survive the 2999 damage?

Because if I would be calculated discretely and damage over time first before heal over time, I could be technically taking more than 2999 damage at a given time.

To motivate my question: I spend life to heal over time, and my heal is extreme but I still die. And I think, because I spend life with blood magic therefore reducing my life in this instant and now get hit, I instantly die because I have less life at this moment, before I can heal it back.
3000 max life--> 100 life mana cost to heal 200 life over 1 sec --> incoming 2999 unmitigated damage and I die then.

As far as I know, you spend the mana / life costs before you hit. This means that if you're at 1 life, you either won't be able to activate the skill or kill yourself (I believe it should be the former, but it doesn't say anything about that on the wiki page and I don't know how it would interact with Soul Taker).

Things that are summed up with life gained on hit before it actually applies to your life are "lose life on hit" modifiers and reflected damage. If the sum of these is still positive, you will gain life. For this reason, Gloomfang cannot be used with Chaos Innoculation, unless you have a greater source of life gained on hit.

Regeneration and degeneration is summed up before it is applied to you. If you regenerate 20k per second and take 5k per second, you effectively regenerate 15k per second, and you will never be at less than full life from this.

Non-instantaneous leech is also included in this regeneration. Keep in mind that unless you have the relevant Slayer or Ascendant Notable, the effects of life leech will be removed at full life.

And yes, your last example is correct. You would generally aim to have a life pool and mitigation large enough to not be hit for 99% of it, of course.
Can blind lower the target's hit chance below 5%?

What's the order of operations between blind and raider's 25% more chance to evade? If the base evade is 40%, does it go 40% -> 50% -> 75% applying raider then blind, or 40% -> 70% -> 87.5% applying blind then raider?

What's the order of operations between raider and +8% from a grace watcher's eye? (40% * 1.25) + 8% = 58%, or (40% + 8%) * 1.25 = 60%?
Last edited by RabidRabbit#1752 on Nov 24, 2018, 2:00:49 PM

gloves enchantment

enchanted Trigger Word of Thunder on Kill

I search all over internet to find intelligible information about this enchantment and failed
What is it,- how it works?

Staglaitor_ wrote:

gloves enchantment

enchanted Trigger Word of Thunder on Kill

I search all over internet to find intelligible information about this enchantment and failed
What is it,- how it works?


  • Damaging cones of lightning surround you.
  • Deals 71 to 114 Lightning Damage
  • Critical Strike Chance: 7%
  • Cooldown: 5 seconds
  • Cast time: 1 second
  • Damage cannot be Reflected
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Sarno wrote:
Staglaitor_ wrote:

gloves enchantment

enchanted Trigger Word of Thunder on Kill

I search all over internet to find intelligible information about this enchantment and failed
What is it,- how it works?


  • Damaging cones of lightning surround you.
  • Deals 71 to 114 Lightning Damage
  • Critical Strike Chance: 7%
  • Cooldown: 5 seconds
  • Cast time: 1 second
  • Damage cannot be Reflected

Thank you of course but i saw it many times

1. What kind of thing these cones?
2. "Damaging cones of lightning surround you" this phrase is hard to be
3. when i kill enemy then i deal lightning damage surrount me. What is the radius of
4. Is there any visual effects - some video?
5. I never acquainted such kind of skill - some old league from?

I didn't find any dense and illustrated information about it

I bought this gloves but where can i see the sign of that it works?
Last edited by Staglaitor_#3917 on Nov 26, 2018, 4:33:04 PM
Hello, I'm a fairly new player to POE, I only started playing about 2 weeks. I started with the marauder class and picked the berserker ascendancy because I thought I would enjoy the play-style, and I do. However, I have a few questions I could not find answers for on forums and whatnot, so would appreciate if some of the experienced players clear them up for me.

1- Regarding the crave of slaughter and rite of ruin on the ascendancy tree, you start by obtaining crave of slaughter which at 50 rage, grants 50% attack damage, 25% attack speed , 10% movement speed and 5% max hp lost per second. And then rite of ruin doubles everything to give a 100% AD, 50% AS, 20% mov speed and 10% life lost per sec. However, I did not notice the damage or attack speed increase at all in the dps of my abilities. As an example, I use sunder , with only crave the slaughter at 50 rage, i had 140k dps displayed on the ability tool-tip, that number stays exactly the same after I just obtained and allocated rite of ruin yesterday but I do notice the increase in hp lost ONLY. So I was wondering if maybe there is a bug in the displayed dps number or perhaps I need to activate something or some special condition to display the supposedly increased damage.

2- Cast when damage taken. I use it in a 4 socket combo (all at level 56) with CWDT-Immortal call-Vulnerability-X. X = Either warlords mark or Punishment both at level 56 as well. However, neither of them seem to ever proc, so I looked it up and didn't find any mention that 2 curses can not be activated simultaneously using CWDT, so I tried changing their order around a bit, still didn't work. I tried other green gem skills and they worked just fine but none of them were curses. So does CWDT only support 1 curse gem maximum at a time? And if not , what am I missing to get the combo to work?
Ramlok194 wrote:
Hello everyone. I tried to play around power charges a bit and i got stuck on one matter. I play with Ancestral Bond. I tried to generate power charges with Ball of lightning supported by Power charges on crit support + Increased crit support + Spell echo. My character screen shows crit of 15.8% for this combo. I went with BoL since from what i read it hits 6 times per second. So it hits 1 target 10+ times (i have area fo effect boosted with passives) on one cast. So even to 1 target i should generate 1 Power Charge per cast. 10 (hits) * 0.15 (crit) * 0.4 (PCh per crit rate from support gem) * 2 (spell echo) = roughly 1.2. But in fact it does not work. I can spam BoL to pack of mobs and PC (as well as elemental overload) does not proc. It will prock eventualy after spamming BoL to pack for 5 sec. But it does not comply with what i expect from my mechanic understanding. Do i miss anything? PS i tried many spell to generate PCh but BL seems to work better then others. Except Blade Vortex. BV stack up PC and elemental overload immidiately. But BV does not fit to my play style.


Thank you for support in advance.

My earlier post is relevant to this. No matter how often it hits, Ball Lightning may only generate one Power Charge per skill use. In addition to that, it also only has a single crit roll.

Thank you very much.I got it.
I want "super tank build" for next league, help please. (Not RF)
lookindown3 wrote:
Hello, I'm a fairly new player to POE, I only started playing about 2 weeks. I started with the marauder class and picked the berserker ascendancy because I thought I would enjoy the play-style, and I do. However, I have a few questions I could not find answers for on forums and whatnot, so would appreciate if some of the experienced players clear them up for me.

1- Regarding the crave of slaughter and rite of ruin on the ascendancy tree, you start by obtaining crave of slaughter which at 50 rage, grants 50% attack damage, 25% attack speed , 10% movement speed and 5% max hp lost per second. And then rite of ruin doubles everything to give a 100% AD, 50% AS, 20% mov speed and 10% life lost per sec. However, I did not notice the damage or attack speed increase at all in the dps of my abilities. As an example, I use sunder , with only crave the slaughter at 50 rage, i had 140k dps displayed on the ability tool-tip, that number stays exactly the same after I just obtained and allocated rite of ruin yesterday but I do notice the increase in hp lost ONLY. So I was wondering if maybe there is a bug in the displayed dps number or perhaps I need to activate something or some special condition to display the supposedly increased damage.

2- Cast when damage taken. I use it in a 4 socket combo (all at level 56) with CWDT-Immortal call-Vulnerability-X. X = Either warlords mark or Punishment both at level 56 as well. However, neither of them seem to ever proc, so I looked it up and didn't find any mention that 2 curses can not be activated simultaneously using CWDT, so I tried changing their order around a bit, still didn't work. I tried other green gem skills and they worked just fine but none of them were curses. So does CWDT only support 1 curse gem maximum at a time? And if not , what am I missing to get the combo to work?

1- many effects aren't properly displayed in the tooltip. You can test out the difference between 50 rage and 0 rage on a skill like Leap Slam without being linked to Faster Attacks. It should feel considerably faster with rage.

2- can you make your character profile public, so it's possible to take a look at the actual setup? Putting aside that you need to increase the curse limit somehow to actually apply two curses, the visual effects should occur.

The two reasons I can imagine without more information on why they wouldn't is if there's a modifier to gem levels that makes it so that the requirement of the effective gem level is no longer supportable by CwDT, even if the requirements of the gem are the same, or that you don't actually take the damage you need to proc CwDT. Only hits are counted, degeneration is not.

PSI_efficiency wrote:
I want "super tank build" for next league, help please. (Not RF)

Please open an individual topic for this (or use google), and keep this thread purely to asking and answering mechanical questions.
Hello everyone,

For starters, sorry about two things : my english, and the fact that this is my first post here.

I started POE not so long ago, and I then chose a class and a build randomly.
Now that I have the taste for this game, and that I searched a little bit about it, I realise that my build was not the best to begin with.
But it's ok, I like challenges.

Anyways, my problem is that I need help about how to gear up / what to do next with my guardian to sustain righteous fire, because for now, I just die horribly and swiftly.

Thanks in advance for your time.

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