Mechanical Questions Thread

Makkake wrote:
Can I still apply aillment effects of element A if all my damage is converted to element B? Are the visuals of A replaced by these of B?

Unless you equip a unique that allows that target element to cause ailments like on the helm "The Three Dragons" i believe you can't, as per default, it is required for any ailment to be applied wether it be freeze/chill, ignite or shock, that is is caused by a correspondingly damaging attack related to it.

So, cold dmg to freeze/chill
fire dmg to ignite
lightning dmg to shock

Regardless of what is converted into either.

In your case to make it simple, if you have a unique equipped that would allow element B to cause element A's ailments, then no.

About useness comparing

what is more useful: - to increase damage for 10% allocating nodes OR increase damage for 10% on gear?

Staglaitor_ wrote:
what is more useful: - to increase damage for 10% allocating nodes OR increase damage for 10% on gear?

Neither. A 10% damage increase is a 10% damage increase.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Sarno wrote:
Staglaitor_ wrote:
what is more useful: - to increase damage for 10% allocating nodes OR increase damage for 10% on gear?

Neither. A 10% damage increase is a 10% damage increase.

Thank you for your reply

I asked thiss question cos i thought that nodes are more useful, but nevertheless i collide with problem - i had 4700 dps in tooltip and bought "very cool" amulet - Choir of the Storm, Lapis Amulet that had to increase my damage to incredible hight - 50% increased damage. When i insert this amulet into slot and looked at the tooltip of my weapon i saw that my damage increased for 200 points. What is it? I spend 1 ex to improve my weapon only for 200 points of dps?
Is it normal situation? - how players acheave 500k dps then?
I understand that i should multiply tooltip meaning and spell cast per second but nevertheless it is small number about 30k not - 500k
Last edited by Staglaitor_#3917 on Nov 29, 2018, 6:36:28 PM
Staglaitor_ wrote:
i had 4700 dps in tooltip and bought "very cool" amulet - Choir of the Storm, Lapis Amulet that had to increase my damage to incredible hight - 50% increased damage. When i insert this amulet into slot and looked at the tooltip of my weapon i saw that my damage increased for 200 points. What is it?

I'd suggest watching this YouTube video.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Sarno wrote:

I'd suggest watching this YouTube video.

oh, thanks to reply

I just learn english language and don't perceive english by ear
I "tryed" to understand this information visually but failed
For the present it's hard stuff for me

I need another kind of help :(
Last edited by Staglaitor_#3917 on Nov 29, 2018, 6:56:09 PM
Is that possible to make cross gender wariation for all classes?
Does new CoC gem has one spell per cast limit, or it casts all linked spells every 0.15 sec?

edit: It would be also great if you can give us more information about dependency of "server ticks" and actual theorycrafted minimal cooldown achievable with boots and belt mods (cooldown recovery).

There are various information found here on forum and Reddit, some saying having both boots and belt are overkill because of those "server ticks".

Alt Art items as League MTX - When?
Last edited by G0rr#5651 on Nov 30, 2018, 5:27:07 AM

do we have any confirmation that quality on items further improves chances of linking even above 20%?

This is very topical with the new veiled mods coming.
Is this a blessing for ssf, because you can craft additional quality, link and then scour the item to craft what you desire?
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
Last edited by Xeledon2132#4122 on Nov 30, 2018, 2:25:44 AM
Do the same effects coming from 2 different sources stack?

I have the Juggernaut Ascendency: "Gain an endurance charge every second, if you were hit recently."
And the precursor's emblem, with the same "Gain an endurance charge every second, if you were hit recently" - do I get 2?

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