Mechanical Questions Thread
So I got few questions on which I can't find answers anywhere.
Does magma orb deal less damage with each chain (and each chain skill/supported with chain in general), or it keeps being the same? Will poison damage be buffed with adds # chaos damage to spells affix on weapons? Does shock refreshes after apply on new shocking hits? Or it just stacks with more damage done on mob without refreshing? For example does it work like poison? Does Far shot work well with magma orb? Seems like it will refresh distance calculation after each chain, or I'm wrong? Also, a bit out of topic, but it would be nice to add cast speed on top for attack speed modifiers in deadeye ascendancy tree. |
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" I have not tested this myself, but I don't see any reason why this shouldn't work. Minions can gain keystones, specifically for Avatar of Fire this thing already exists. All other modifiers from the weapon should function normally when wielded by a minion. But again, don't take this as a gospel - I'm just extrapolating from other similar functions. The only thing minions usually can't do is trigger skills or use skills other than the ones they come with naturally. " All "more"/"less" modifiers are always multiplicative. " Unless the skill specifically says something like that, then no. " Assuming you poison with a spell, then yes. " All instances of an ailment on an enemy are tracked and expire independently, but only the most powerful one actually takes effect. It's more like bleeding or ignite than like poison. Poison is special in that all instances of Poison on a target deal damage at the same time. " No, a projectile that chains is still the same projectile, and continues to accumulate distance traveled. " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Aug 17, 2018, 8:31:04 AM
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If my killing hit modified by a specified amount of MORE damage from gems ( like Elemental Focus Support or Combustion Support), will those gems work on the explosion ? Last edited by cuocdoitan#5719 on Aug 18, 2018, 4:39:50 AM
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How much damage is lightning mirage dealing and WHY MUST IT BE SO MUCH in later game?
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" No. Support gems can only modify skills. The explosion doesn't come from a skill. The explosion will still be modified by all relevant passive/gear mods though. |
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If i use mirage archer and go to a map with "enemy attacks chain 2 additional times", can i get shotgunned if the attacks hit my mirage archer or if they hit me, chain to the MA, then back to me? etc
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
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Hi guys and gals over at GGG, I really enjoy playing your amazing game and have always loved deep, number crunching, build perfecting RPGs but there is something that is really bugging me and potentially ruining my character. I play the witch character and focus myself on having the strongest and most effective minions possible.
I use added cold, lightning, and chaos damage support gems on my minions and was wondering if the passives from the character that increase these damages ALSO INCREASE the respective damages on my minions, because on the game every increase DOES increase their dps on their stat sheet but in forums players are saying that it is a "display bug" and it actually DOES NOT increase my minions' dps, they also say the same thing about spell damage and minions when minions actually have the "spell" tag. If this is true and the tree passives are not affecting my minions in any way even when numbers SHOW that they do then I am wasting a TON of passive points thinking they are based off of the information the GAME is telling me in the tooltip of the spell's stats(at least 14 points since I created my lvl 88 witch). Also certain increases to damage do not show at all on minions in their stats, like the "increased minion damage support" , "added fire damage" , and a couple of other gems, they show NO INCREASE at all, while added cold, lightning, and chaos do, so I'm really wondering do the increases on the passive tree actually affect these damages in battle or not again because the game says they do but players are saying it doesn't which would be a huge bug that should be fixed asap for QOL improvements to this great game. So I guess what I'm asking is that could you guys PLEASE answer these game changing questions for me? it would also be AMAZING if you could add a "show damage numbers" option so we could see the changes to our attacks and spells in real time as for the damage they are doing and or not doing and this ALONE could make the game 10x more exciting and fun when trying to perfect our builds or at least add some kind of test dummy training area to see such things. Thank you guys and gals and hoping to hear from you soon, may Lord bless. RL- Xbox One X Player and support pack supporter |
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" The only things that affect your minions are modifiers that specifically say "minions" or "allies"; and support gems linked to the minion summoning skill gem. You are being confused because the character sheet displays the damage of the minion summoning skill, not the damage of the minion. Let's say you have Raise Zombie linked with Added Cold Damage support: the character sheet will show the amount of cold damage that the Raise Zombie skill would do, if it would ever hit any enemy. However the Raise Zombie skill never hits anything - its only effect is to summon a minion. Therefore the damage your character sheet shows for Raise Zombie is never applied to anything. (Still, this value is sometimes relevant; as there are skills which both do damage and summon minions - for example Dominating Blow.) The stats of your minions are not displayed anywhere. Minions are their own entities, with an entirely separate set of stats for themselves. It would be impractical or even impossible for the game to display their stats - not the least because the minion might not even exist at the time you are looking at the character screen. You can use a character planner such as Path of Building to see the actual stats of your minions. TL;DR: The first sentence of this post. Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Aug 19, 2018, 6:07:25 PM
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Hi and thanks for the reply! but I'm not confused but are rather trying to understand EXACTLY how THIS game works haha as many games have stats for their minions' DPS which shows the damage they do per hit when they hit, it seems what you are saying is that this is not the case for poe, but what I am asking is this to try and be a bit more clear: When I add an "added cold damage support" or any other added damage it ADDS a certain amount of THAT type of damage to the minion right?, because minions themselves DO HIT.
So like any other game with minions one would figure that the DPS was referring to the minions' hits not a generic spell hit counter as you are referring to, the same way elemental proliferation adds a chance to freeze everyone around ON THE MINIONS HIT that it SHOWS on the minions stat page(their cast speed, chance to freeze, dps etc), you would think that the boosted dps number from passives raising the number of the added cold damage works the same. So what I'm asking is; IS that added cold damage boosted by passives that boost cold damage? because I promise you EVERY increase I give to it seems like it's making them do MORE of that specific type of damage while fighting in game, every other game I've ever played in the world handles things this exact way so it's not myself's or anyone else's fault for not looking at things in an uncommon way as you say that poe handles these things, that's an error not on the player but the game's design I'd think. Adding cold damage to minions makes them do cold damage, so if you increase the cold damage then one would figure the cold damage would increase haha, Am I wrong for looking at things in a common sense way as they are usually handled in 99.999% of games I've ever played abd in life in general? because saying it's a sort of error or display bug seems like a huge issue that needs to be patched and shouldn't count against a players understanding as if they don't know what they are talking about, it's not our understanding that's confusing but rather the way that the game displays SOME information. I'm just trying to properly understand man because I am far from a fool or a noob to rpgs and I've been number crunching, boosting minions on ganes, and making great builds since a small child so please just help me understand properly my brother because again the game itself is giving us this information to play off of and if it is not literal like almost every other game then it needs to be updated in game to simply say in Help or something that "boosts to elemental damage from skill tree DO NOT affect minions EVEN THOUGH the game shows you otherwise" hahaha. Because saying that added cold damage etc only affects the "skill" but the minion in fact HITS with the damage is verrrrry confusing abd makes zero since, I would VERY MUCH like a developer that worked on the game to clarify this hence why I tried to write mark and email support to get OFFICIAL developer clarification on this no offense my brother. |
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" PoE is not other games. " Yes. "Support gems linked to the minion summoning gem" do affect minions. Specifically, they affect them in the same way as if they were linked to the skill the minion uses. If the minion's skill hits monsters, then Added Cold Damage will add cold damage to those hits. " No. You are seeing the cast speed, chance to freeze, etc. of the minion summoning skill that your character uses. Again, depending on which skill this is, some of these stats might not actually do anything. Often a support gem can affect both the minion summoning skill of your character and the skills the minion itself uses. For example, Faster Casting linked with Raise Spectre, if you raise a spectre that casts spells. In this case, your character will raise the spectres faster, and the spectres will cast their own damaging spell faster as well. But again, the values on your character sheet only pertain to your own character. " Unless the passive says "cold damage of minions" (which no passive currently in game does), it will not affect the damage your minions do with their skills. Your minions don't share your passives. " PoE is not any other game. Nobody is saying it's anyone's fault - we were all once new. Asking questions is one of the best ways to learn. " If you increase the cold damage via a support gem linked to the minion summoning skill (e.g. Elemental Focus), it will. If you increase it by a passive that says "increased minion damage", it will. If you increase it by any other source that is not either a support gem linked to the minion skill or an effect that can explicitly affect minions or allies, it will only affect your character. " PoE is not other games. I'm not sure where you find minions in life in general - please let me know, I could use some. " This is neither an error nor a display issue. Your character screen displays stats of your own character, and it does display those stats correctly. It does not display the stats of any other entity in the game. (Yes, there are some modifiers for which the character screen either does not or fundamentally can not account for; but this is not what the discussion is about.) " The best way to figure out what exactly will have what effect is using a character planner before you actually invest into a build. I have already recommended Path of Building. Of course, don't hesitate to ask here if you are still uncertain. That's what these forums are for! " PoE is not any other game. In my own experience, PoE is much more literal in its descriptions than any other RPG I have played. Once you understand what each of the modifiers does, it is in a vast majority of cases very simple to figure out what affects what, and in what way - down to single digits of difference. Some other game might give you "Strength increases your damage done". Is this damage in melee? With a bow? Damage with spells? By how much? How does it scale? Who knows. In PoE, you get "2% increased melee physical damage per 10 points of strength". This tells you specifically what it affects (melee, physical damage), in what way it affects it (increased means it is additive with any other such bonuses), and by how much it affects that (2% for every 10 points). I'm not going to say I have played every other RPG there is, but I have not seen any other game with this kind of detailed information available without having to dig through secondary sources. "Damage" means damage of your character. "Minion damage" means damage of your minions. Two different modifiers with no overlap. Again, very specific, and literal. " Again, using the example of zombies: Raise Zombie is a skill your character uses. Melee Slam is a skill your zombie uses. These are two different skills used by two different entities. There are ways to modify the stats of each of those skills separately, and some modifiers affect both of those skills. In either case, your character screen will only ever display information about skills used by your character. The game is not giving you the information about the damage your minions do with their skills. You are reading another piece of information that is telling you a different thing, and mistakenly interpreting it as saying what you want it to say. No wonder that you find it "inaccurate" - you are looking at a completely different stat. I hope that clears this up. " "Which modifiers affects minions" is perhaps one of the most commonly asked questions here, especially in this thread. It is also considered widely known as one of the basic mechanics of the game. Thus I had some problems digging up dev quotes about this. There is this, this (towards the bottom; pretty much the same explanation as mine), and more recently this (giving the short answer). Tangentially related (technical explanation why minion damage can not be displayed on your character screen) here. Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Aug 20, 2018, 2:58:50 AM
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