Mechanical Questions Thread
Question: Ive been using Glacial Hammer with the new Threshold Jewel to do AoE damage. I was told that GH would be given a hidden AoE Mod paired with the jewel, so that you could scale the threshold jewel's AoE. I don't know if that's true or not, just goin' off what I was told. My question is, whether or not this is true, why does an Inc AoE gem show up as supporting, as well as increasing the mana cost of my GH? I've done a ton of attempted testing, with and without the gem, and the kill distance and angle stays the exact same. Maybe the amount is just far too minuscule for me to notice if it does do anything. I've been trying to figure out if AoE does not support GH with the jewel, but have no clue if it's intended or a bug.
Sorry if I didn't word everything well enough, hope I did. Thanks. Last edited by Azixo#0685 on Mar 4, 2017, 6:41:32 PM
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Question: What are the new rolls of the added physical tiers?
According to 2.6 patch notes: "All One-handed weapons have had their base damage increased. Lower-level weapons, weapons with lower critical chance, and weapons with lower-value implicits have had their damage increased by a higher value." This retroactively affected all items of course. But it also says that: "Local Added Physical Damage modifiers to One-handed weapons have had their values increased by 10%. Using a Divine Orb will cause existing mods to be updated to the new values." I'm assuming this goes for all tiers of flat added physical damage? Does anyone have the exact numbers for those yet? Thanks in advance! Mortalo's Mirror Mania Creator of Blood Wing, Entropy Grinder, Eagle Hunger, Corruption Bite, Entropy Lock |
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I have a question regarding damage and rounding. I'm going to use a crude bow as an example. Its minimum damage is 5. I assume that this number is exactly 5 (no rounding).
Let's next assume that the bow is transmuted and receives 45 % increased phys dmg. I believe that the display will show a minimum damage of 7 when mousing over the bow. How accurate is this? I can think of some scenarios: -the bow actually does 7 damage when doing minimum damage -the bow does 7.25 damage when doing minimum damage -when doing minimum damage, the bow does 7 dmg 75% of the time and 8 dmg 25% of the time What is actually the case here? Additionally, I was wondering about some coral amulets that I've seen in the past. Some regenerate 3 life/sec and some regenerate 3.0 life/sec. What is the difference between them? |
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Does the necromancers' "commander of darkness" buff stack if multiple necro's are in party? Assuming they all use different auras.
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" 7 Damage is 7 Damage, no more no less. " Regeneration is internally a per-minute value, but players found per-second values to be more legible (and I agree, personally). As such, the displayed Regen value is [regen/60]. I imagine the 3.0 values are 181-185 Life Regen per Minute, whereas a value of 3 is exactly 180 Life/min. This is just something from the gut, though! " The only Buff granted by Commander of Darkness is the +20% Resists; this does not stack. Commander of Darkness grants +%Damage/Attack/Cast Speed to Auras cast by the Necromancer; it's not a separate buff, but instead part of the Auras themselves. As such, as long as there's different auras being used, it "stacks". Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 5, 2017, 6:50:58 PM
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Question about the new Mon'tregul's Grasp,
Does the "Enemies killed by Zombies explode dealing Fire Damage" scale with + %fire damage from passives on the tree? |
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" Same as always, your modifiers do not apply to your Minions unless explicitly stated otherwise. The minions cause the explosion -> the Minion's damage modifiers apply. |
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How does the buffed carnage heart interact with cherrubim's maleficence and slayer's brutal fervor?
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With Deadeye far shot, if i use fork, and my arrow reaches the max 30% boost then forks, do the 2 new projectiles gain the previous boost value along with their own 30% range boost?
IE does Far Shot Double dip giving the second projectiles both boosts? State of Beyond Mechanic:
State of Blight Mechanic: State of Harbinger Mechanic: |
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" Forked Projectiles are a continuation of the original Projectile. They get the same Far Shot bonus as the initial Projectile (plus any further Damage increase based on travel distance, if the initial Hit didn't cap out yet). |
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