Mechanical Questions Thread

Dunkleosteus wrote:
How does increased AOE positively affect ES?
Does quality on Vaal Discipline really help?


Vaal Discipline is an Aura. Auras have AoE. Quality and levels on Vaal Disc increase the AoE of the Aura.

cptcornyflakes wrote:
I have a question about righteous fire, I started using righteous fire on my character just yesterday, and I'm using an added cold damage to attacks + cyclone setup to proc elemental overload. Now the problem is that for some reason I also get added fire damage to attacks, but only while in combat, and only while righteous fire is active. Why is this?

Check your Ascendancy. It's probably in there.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 7, 2017, 2:41:33 PM
For science, and fish!

During an attempt of some niche crafting I noticed an odd interaction between Fishing Rods and Essences. Namely, they do not work. I tried many different essences, some with the modifier for "Weapon," with the "One Hand Weapon/Two Hand Weapon" split, with "Two Hand Melee Weapon/Other Weapon" split, with "Melee Weapon/Ranged Weapon" split, with "Wand/Bow/Melee Weapon" split and three of the four Corrupted Essences.

The same error message was given each time, "Failed to apply item: Item has the wrong base type"

Is this a bug or intended?

If this interaction is intended, what kind of weapons are Fishing Rods?
They can be used for Ele Hit(Attack, Melee, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Bow) and Frenzy(Attack, Melee, Bow), but not for things like Cyclone(Attack, AoE, Movement, Melee).
Nevermind, I found wat it was, it was my enchant on my boots, didn't notice, my bad. Thanks for the help anyways!
Last edited by imBrobin#1870 on Mar 7, 2017, 3:21:55 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
Dunkleosteus wrote:
How does increased AOE positively affect ES?
Does quality on Vaal Discipline really help?

"Vaal Discipline is an Aura. Auras have AoE. Quality and levels on Vaal Disc increase the AoE of the Aura. "

Thank you for responding, I understand that V Discipline is an aura, it's an ES anti-disruption aura, that if you add quality to it increases the AoE, so my question remains how does a greater AoE affect it...what exactly is the benefit of greater AoE?
Last edited by Dunkleosteus#5070 on Mar 7, 2017, 3:37:23 PM
Dunkleosteus wrote:
I understand that V Discipline is an aura,[..] so my question remains how does a greater AoE affect it[..]?

Auras apply a buff to all allies in their area of effect.
Quality grants increased area of effect.
So, same as every other Aura and every other AoE bonus, the Quality allows the Aura to affect allies at a greater distance.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 7, 2017, 5:17:44 PM
Hi. Didn't find in google.

Blade flurry skill gem
Dual wielding: The skill alternates between the main hand and the offhand for each hit

If im using for example mace + sword "Avg. Damage" tooltip will count both. But gem itself will be using only sword. Am i correct?

+ BF attack speed depends at both weapons ATS. Is BF depend by mace ATS?

Last edited by loadinggood#1993 on Mar 7, 2017, 6:39:52 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
Dunkleosteus wrote:
I understand that V Discipline is an aura,[..] so my question remains how does a greater AoE affect it[..]?

Auras apply a buff to all allies in their area of effect.
Quality grants increased area of effect.
So, same as every other Aura and every other AoE bonus, the Quality allows the Aura to affect allies at a greater distance.

OK, Thanks...that's pretty much what I thought, so for solo play it's really no benefit at all, more of an aurabot buff.
I'd like to know more about how the damage calculations work as there are so many different types of bonuses and conversions it gets a bit confusing about whats calculated in when.

So let's assume our beginning physical damage is 100. 100% of physical damage is converted to cold we have 162% increased physical damage, 74% increased cold damage, 50% more physical damage, 30 % of physical damage as extra cold damage and 40% more damage. How does this calculation work?
TheBrenticus wrote:

So let's assume our beginning physical damage is 100. 100% of physical damage is converted to cold we have 162% increased physical damage, 74% increased cold damage, 50% more physical damage, 30 % of physical damage as extra cold damage and 40% more damage. How does this calculation work?

With regards to Conversion, damage bonuses apply to any damage type that a hit has ever been. I like to think of it as "conversion remembers." That means that conversion applies before bonuses, but it can look like it's applying after bonuses as well.

Increased damage modifiers stack additively and more damage modifiers stack multiplicatively.

With your example:

100 physical -> 100 physcold + 30 physcold
130 physcold * (1 + 1.62+0.74) * 1.5 * 1.4 = = 917.28, and the game truncates (rounds down) to 917 damage dealt by that hit.
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adghar wrote:
TheBrenticus wrote:

So let's assume our beginning physical damage is 100. 100% of physical damage is converted to cold we have 162% increased physical damage, 74% increased cold damage, 50% more physical damage, 30 % of physical damage as extra cold damage and 40% more damage. How does this calculation work?

With regards to Conversion, damage bonuses apply to any damage type that a hit has ever been. I like to think of it as "conversion remembers." That means that conversion applies before bonuses, but it can look like it's applying after bonuses as well.

Increased damage modifiers stack additively and more damage modifiers stack multiplicatively.

With your example:

100 physical -> 100 physcold + 30 physcold
130 physcold * (1 + 1.62+0.74) * 1.5 * 1.4 = = 917.28, and the game truncates (rounds down) to 917 damage dealt by that hit.

Thanks! I assume you are completely confident this is 100% correct?

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