Mechanical Questions Thread

Vipermagi wrote:
Drikon wrote:
when using scorching ray totem the blue monsters with corrupted blood line mod give YOU those bleed stacks upon death but the corrupted blood rare monster wont why is that?

Working as intended.

If I ever saw a lousier excuse it didn't happen in this lifetime.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

So I read conversion works one way with phys being first, I'm a little unsure about a node like Veteran Bowyer for the pathfinder. "Gain 10% of phys as random element" If I'm using iceshot with the nodes on the tree for 100% cold conversion will it still be able to add 10% of the original phys (weapon/jewles/flask/etc) ??

My problem is the following.
I have 34% aura reservation reduction from passive tree. 2% reservation reduction from Conqueror's Efficiency, Crimson Jewel. 8% reservation reduction from Alpha's Howl, Sinner Tricorne. Overall 44%.

I'm using:

Envy 50% (from United in Dream with Generosity support)
Haste 50% + lvl 1 Clarity (34 flat mana) + lvl 3 Enlighten (92% mana multiplier)

I have "+1 level of socketed gems" gloves with:

Blasphemy + Temporal Chains 35% + Vulnerability 35% + Enlighten lvl 4+1 (84% mana multiplier)

Gloves push lvl 4 Enlighten to lvl 5 (88% -> 84% mana multiplier).
I have 1851 total mana.
After activating all the above stated auras:

With lvl 4+1 Enlighten (84% mana multi) --> 204 mana left unreserved
With lvl 3+1 Enlighten (88% mana multi) --> 204 mana left unreserved
With lvl 2+1 Enlighten (92% mana multi) --> 167 mana left unreserved

Why do i not get the mana multiplier bonus when i go from lvl 4 to lvl 5 Enlighten in my gloves?
Is it a rounding problem in the mana reservation formula maybe?

I sent this to support first with screenshots, they sent me here :)
Last edited by Arno92#4533 on Mar 3, 2017, 7:12:37 AM
Mark_GGG wrote:

InambaGuum wrote:
aura AoE nodes (like Leadership)
No. Leadership (and other nodes like it) explicitly says it affects "non-Curse Auras". They thus do not affect curse auras.

This is not the case in the tool-tip result as well as wording. Only the aura effectiveness has the non-curse wording. Aura range does apply to curse aura at least in tooltip.

Question: Animate weapon has deal 252% base dmg at lv20, does that mean if I support it with a added chaos gem of 100 dmg, it will deal 100*2.52 = 252 chaos dmg per hit? Does the 252% dmg scale the 70 something added physical dmg from the gem AW itself?

Question: is there a hidden %base mod for other minions such as SRS or zombies (for the purpose of added chaos/ice dmg support)? I seen some data miner claiming the SRS has a 140% something base dmg modifier. Is it true? Or are all minions 100% modifier.
jsplic3r wrote:
So I read conversion works one way with phys being first, I'm a little unsure about a node like Veteran Bowyer for the pathfinder. "Gain 10% of phys as random element" If I'm using iceshot with the nodes on the tree for 100% cold conversion will it still be able to add 10% of the original phys (weapon/jewles/flask/etc) ??

Added Damage modifiers (Hatred, Veteran Bowyer, etc.) occur at the same time as Conversion; when your Physical Damage is converted to Elemental, you also get the 10% of Phys as Elemental from VB. This calculation is done when hitting an enemy, which is why it can still be random.

tl;dr yes it still works.

Arno92 wrote:
My problem is the following.[..]
Why do i not get the mana multiplier bonus when i go from lvl 4 to lvl 5 Enlighten in my gloves?
Is it a rounding problem in the mana reservation formula maybe?

It is due to rounding, yes.
It's not a problem, no.

35 * 0.92 = 32.2 -> 32 base Reserved
32 * 0.44 = 14.08 -> 14 reduction from Reduced Reservation
32 - 14 = 18% Reserved

35 * 0.88 = 30.8 -> 30 base Reserved
30 * 0.44 = 13.2 -> 13 reduction
30 - 13 = 17% Reserved

35 * 0.84 = 29.4 -> 29 base Reserved
29 * 0.44 = 12.79 -> 12 reduction
29 - 12 = 17% Reserved
Does getting Sanctuary of Thought (50% reduced cost of skills)+(another 50% while at full ES)
and Eldrich Battery make your skills free or makes them cost 25% ?
All Increased and Reduced type mods are additive; two sources of 50% Reduced Mana Cost equals 100% Reduced Mana Cost.

I have questions about Abberath's Hooves. I couldn't find anything on the Reddit,gamepedia or the forums, it seems everyone was interested in the skill rather than "Ignite a nearby enemy on killing an ignited enemy" mod.

How much damage does it ignite for?
Does it have a base duration of 4 seconds, or does it use the remainder of the duration like essence drain?
When a new enemy is ignited by this mod, does it trigger proliferation? If it did, would it be like the old prolif in a sense? Prolif'ed enemies would die by ignite and so another enemy would be ignited and also prolif etc. Or maybe enemies that die to proliferation's effect count as burning, but not ignited?

Please let me know and I'll update the gamepedia page too.

Thank you
Vipermagi wrote:

Arno92 wrote:
My problem is the following.[..]
Why do i not get the mana multiplier bonus when i go from lvl 4 to lvl 5 Enlighten in my gloves?
Is it a rounding problem in the mana reservation formula maybe?

It is due to rounding, yes.
It's not a problem, no.

35 * 0.92 = 32.2 -> 32 base Reserved
32 * 0.44 = 14.08 -> 14 reduction from Reduced Reservation
32 - 14 = 18% Reserved

35 * 0.88 = 30.8 -> 30 base Reserved
30 * 0.44 = 13.2 -> 13 reduction
30 - 13 = 17% Reserved

35 * 0.84 = 29.4 -> 29 base Reserved
29 * 0.44 = 12.79 -> 12 reduction
29 - 12 = 17% Reserved

So basically the players loses:

35 * 0.88 = 30.8
30.8 * 0.56 = 17.248% Reserved

35 * 0.84 = 29.4
29.4 * 0.56 = 16.464% Reserved

17.248 - 16.464 = 0.784 -> roughly 0.7-0.8% reservation

Is it not a problem that the player, using the ingame tools can get to a point where the formula of the mechanic "breaks" and doesnt work as expected? (due to the inaccuracy from rounding, ignoring 0.1%s) I do see it as a problem. Why have such tools, if the formula cant fully support it properly?

Last edited by Arno92#4533 on Mar 3, 2017, 9:44:09 AM
Arno92 wrote:
Is it not a problem that the player, using the ingame tools can get to a point where the formula of the mechanic "breaks" and doesnt work as expected?

It is not broken, regardless of what you expect.
-Mana Multipliers (supports, including Enlighten) are a separate calculation step from Reduced Reservation.
-Reservations are always flat values, just like everything else.
--Ergo, there's a rounding step between both steps, and at the end.

This is not the thread for feedback, however. If you disagree with how PoE functions, feel free to leave your feedback in the feedback forums :)

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