
Would it be overpowered to allow Lacerate to function like Cleave in regards to dual-wielding? I'd certainly love to see some more skills that allow for it.
I would like to see it reworked. How you did with Reave and Blade Flurry. Something like three stages similiar to ice crash first two like now with some aoe investment overlaps and third is big wide wave.
Not sure how it's going to be at 20/20, but so far AOE sucks completely (even with Starforge). Will I have to basically waste a socket on inc aoe for this to be any good (as far as coverage goes).
My hero is here ===========================================================>
This build costs for about 50-60 exalted orbs

Also i want mention that i have played with Lacerate almost 800 hours and i have tried differents builds with this skill but now I'm totally dissapointed

Skill is really poor now. Low DPS. I can't up it to 1,5 M. It is not allowed. For example with BF i can up easy 2-3M +
So it should be totally redesigned or rebalanced.

I hope, my feedback will help you with balance this skill in future
Please post new feedback for this skill gem here -
Please email if you need any assistance!

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