Development Manifesto: 2.3.0 Balance

Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

OMFG why ggg?

Chaos conversion has been reduced in effectiveness. This only appears on a few items, but is a system change rather than just a change to those items. As such the items affected will not have legacy versions with old values. We have made sure these items display the correct new effective value however. The values of chaos conversion on Voltaxic Rift, Infernal Mantle and Consuming Dark uniques have been reduced to be 60% of their prior value.

No legacy ? Tired of your own shitty standard eco? 60% of their prior value? Must you ruin all the fun!

Additionally, fourth tier "chase" unique items (like Shavronne's Wrappings) have been made rarer than they were in 2.2.0.

Yeah because we all have 20 Shavronne's Wrapping lying around in our stash when playing temp leagues. I mean finally when the only thing needed in the game was a map drop and monster rebalance you guys fuck everything up.

Really no map drop increase ? I still feel like shit when doing 10-20 T11 / T12 / T13 and nothing getting anything next tier.

Make already very hard to get items even harder to get? Especially without Brodiro?

Nerfing another meta... how original.

I'll remain silent over the additional power creep of 2 ascendancy points aswell.

Man everytime getting sick of this crap guys turned into everything you were opposed to in open beta. You know who nerfs shit all the time and does bandwagoning? Blizzard. Not you ggg. You were supposed to be the chosen one!
Last edited by sklipnoty on May 25, 2016, 11:38:20 PM
Vhlad wrote:
Qarl wrote:
Core Systems Changes
Environmental traps in the labyrinth now calculate a player's effective life differently for determining damage. This was previously the total of a player's maximum life and Energy Shield. Now Energy Shield counts as 60% of its value for this purpose. Only Energy Shield covering life is counted. This was determined to be the best ratio applicable to the wide variety of Energy Shield based builds that exist.

Low life builds (i.e. builds that reserve 70-99% of their life pool) are still taking a much greater amount of real % EHP in trap damage than any other build. Is there anything you can do so that these builds aren't so heavily penalized? Many sacrifices need to be made to make these builds work, and you have numerous mechanics and items that facilitate low life as a viable character design. It's disappointing to see them hamstrung in the lab, especially with an "end game" version coming.

Edit: Maybe a keystone near blood magic and/or pain attunement? X% less trap damage taken when 70% or more of life is reserved?

Maybe having the traps do a percent of your current energy shield rather than from your maximum energy shield would help out? Personally I haven't played a hybrid/lowlife build in the lab yet so I'm not sure if this would really help. Also perhaps there are game limitations to this kind of damage.
Can you remove vagan dagger from the game? Thx
No one cares about standard. It's literally a recycle bin, just press empty.
I'm sorry but Im still slightly confused by the language. Will there be a "legacy" consuming dark, i.e. 60% x 75% chaos conversion? Or will there only be a single consuming dark - 60% x 50% chaos conversion?

As such the items affected will not have legacy versions with old values. We have made sure these items display the correct new effective value however. The values of chaos conversion on Voltaxic Rift, Infernal Mantle and Consuming Dark uniques have been reduced to be 60% of their prior value.
bwam wrote:
Qarl wrote:
Weapons that can roll both caster and attack mods have been changed in how they determine their mods. When these items only have caster, or attack mods, they are less likely to get mods of the other type. This also affects the items on creation, so they are more likely to have only caster, or only attack mods.

This is a subtle change, so you will still see hybrid items, just fewer than previously

i cherish this item. (thought i'd share.)

Qarl wrote:
Rebalanced the Graveyard Map Boss (Merveil, the Reflection, who is only present in her first form) to be easier.

Qarl wrote:
Rebalanced the first form of the Necropolis Map Boss (Merveil, the Reflection) to be harder.

Ohho, we see what you did there :}
You nerfed one for the newbs and buffed the other for the saltdogs.

Qarl wrote:
We only have one minor change in the main passive tree, Arcane Vision is now connected to the same attribute node as Pain Attunement. The changes to Ascendancy Trees have been much more extensive.

It's weird. I never watch any streamers, ever. But I was just checking things out, really bored, feeling like a lameduck Ranger in Per. League... and I think I know someone who will be very happy about this... (Cough)zenogenius(Cough)

IGN:Vennttorr - Level 100 Witch - 1st Witch to 100.

My mirror service thread:

My Crit Arc build: -- Updated
Dumb question here; How do you use the Zip to check the upcoming changes? I keep going to different build sites and must be missing something obvious. Anyone care to poke me about this?
So... Scion - Ascendant had 2 viable(read as not shitty) options, Berserker and deadeye... you gutted both of them... leech only when you killed reacently menas that its useles vs bosses(where you really only need it) and deadeye got gutted in projectile pierce -20%... So, if scion wont get really changed asc tree (cant tell from that .txt), there wont be really any reason to play her except for builds which really need that start from different place - because fact that everyone else is getting 2 asc points means every other class will get marginally stronger, while scion will get 2 passive points.. and that is just f** up.
did you Unzip the file? using 7zip or another program? Eh nevermind I see it seems to be in some program language not English heh
I can be spotted wondering Wraeclast
Last edited by TheGreenGhost on May 26, 2016, 12:08:20 AM
Nathaniell123 wrote:
So... Scion - Ascendant had 2 viable(read as not shitty) options, Berserker and deadeye... you gutted both of them... leech only when you killed reacently menas that its useles vs bosses(where you really only need it) and deadeye got gutted in projectile pierce -20%... So, if scion wont get really changed asc tree (cant tell from that .txt), there wont be really any reason to play her except for builds which really need that start from different place - because fact that everyone else is getting 2 asc points means every other class will get marginally stronger, while scion will get 2 passive points.. and that is just f** up.

My thoughts exactly. I hate this type of game balancing, Blizzard does this shit all the time. Hey, something is really good, let's nerf it into the ground so no one even thinks about using it!! Nice guys, nice.
Unique Jewels now have a separate sequence of rarities within the unique items. Unique jewels will now have three tiers of rarity, all of which are rarer than the normal base rarity tier.

Kinda confused by this statement... Am I correct in interpreting this to mean there is 4 rarity tiers of uniques and now jewels have their own 3 tiers intertwined within those tiers? Is there any way we could get a breakdown of these unique rarity tiers eventually? Or is that intended to remain hidden from players?

Also, would it be correct to assume this means all unique jewels are now rarer as a result of this change? That would make sense as they did seem a bit too common.
Last edited by D623932883 on May 26, 2016, 12:12:01 AM

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