Development Manifesto: 2.3.0 Balance


Oh, who am I kidding, its still a nightmare with how debris fucks you, but damn, crit proliferate shield charger it will be anyway
There is something important missing

Qarl wrote:

Skill Changes

- we realized that we've been victim of sabotage... Chris suffers from somnambulism and the stress from major patch triggered it. We discovered that while he was night walking, he has be nerfing Dominating blow every last patches. Therefor to fix the situation, we are Reverting Dominating blow back to its former state

- Dominating blow now scaled from 20% less minion damage (level1) to 20%more minion damage (level20)

ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
seehanur wrote:
Thanks for ruining my chaos spark build GGG! Right after I bought spider spark effect just to play the build :( And calling it a system change on such a small amount of items is just a lazy way to say: We don't want you to play the build in standard too and we don't want legacy items. It would be still be playable if the conversion rate is nerfed to around 75-80% but 60%----- unbearable!!!

I'm kind of curious as to how bad it'll actually be to play with 'only' 60%.
Disrupted wrote:

Oh, who am I kidding, its still a nightmare with how debris fucks you, but damn, crit proliferate shield charger it will be anyway

i use Shield Charge as my MAIN movement skill on 3 of my characters and i manage just fine. it is worse than leap slam but also better in some ways

it cannot compete with the cancer the WB turned into but im happy to see this change and am sure it will turn all right

this doesnt change a simple fact: why play melee? how many demis were handed out to melee players last challenge league? melee is and remains thrash tier for players who do not know better..
The sky is LITERALLY falling.
IGN:Vennttorr - Level 100 Witch - 1st Witch to 100.

My mirror service thread:

My Crit Arc build: -- Updated
wehrberg wrote:
Lol Ascendant just got gutted, there's almost no reason to go Ascendant vs anything else.

Berserker: no more perma leech.
Deadeye: only 30% pierce, 30% increased dmg to targets instead of 30% more.

Probably the worst class now.

Ascendant deadeye was always increased projectile dmg, not more. For the record
Qarl wrote:
Weapons that can roll both caster and attack mods have been changed in how they determine their mods. When these items only have caster, or attack mods, they are less likely to get mods of the other type. This also affects the items on creation, so they are more likely to have only caster, or only attack mods.

This is a subtle change, so you will still see hybrid items, just fewer than previously

i cherish this item. (thought i'd share.)

Qarl wrote:
Rebalanced the Graveyard Map Boss (Merveil, the Reflection, who is only present in her first form) to be easier.

Qarl wrote:
Rebalanced the first form of the Necropolis Map Boss (Merveil, the Reflection) to be harder.

Ohho, we see what you did there :}
You nerfed one for the newbs and buffed the other for the saltdogs.

Qarl wrote:
We only have one minor change in the main passive tree, Arcane Vision is now connected to the same attribute node as Pain Attunement. The changes to Ascendancy Trees have been much more extensive.

It's weird. I never watch any streamers, ever. But I was just checking things out, really bored, feeling like a lameduck Ranger in Per. League... and I think I know someone who will be very happy about this... (Cough)zenogenius(Cough)
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
seehanur wrote:
Thanks for ruining my chaos spark build GGG! Right after I bought spider spark effect just to play the build :( And calling it a system change on such a small amount of items is just a lazy way to say: We don't want you to play the build in standard too and we don't want legacy items. It would be still be playable if the conversion rate is nerfed to around 75-80% but 60%----- unbearable!!!

I sure am glad you don't balance this game. Cause it'd be fked.
Last edited by MolochZ on May 25, 2016, 11:33:46 PM
Qarl wrote:
We only have one minor change in the main passive tree, Arcane Vision is now connected to the same attribute node as Pain Attunement.

Thank you GGG for listening!

Also known as: Noxterous
Qarl wrote:

Rather than listing every change here, we have made an updated set of skill tree data available to the community for use in passive skill/build planning tools.

How do i use this?? someone?

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