Development Manifesto: 2.3.0 Balance

GGG pls stop using Blizz dumb ideas - something is good = nerf.
Instead nerfing, buff shitting ascendancy/items to be alternatives to the meta.

If u wanna nerf chaos, nerf CHAOS not items using chaos.

Rly want buy Propercy Pack but those nerfing said to me - "stop you dumb ! this game goes wrong" and i agree with them.
paco991 wrote:
why you nurf voltaxic im with spark no chance against atziri ty

Vaal pact and an atziri flask will be enough for the 2 seconds it takes to tear down the split phase reflect one.
The build is still ok even for atziri.
Shaen wrote:

sure a 6link incinerate for example cost nothing we all know that (350 mana/s)
its really not noticeable at all hahaha

ok you found a good point but if you think this specific skill is a waste of the whole discussion then you are really ignorant. Also, this argument counts for playing ES or hybrid as mentioned. Its even more usefull because you are playing with full es.
Last edited by grustardo on May 26, 2016, 9:30:33 AM
I'm absolutely agreed with chaos conversion nerf. Many of PoE builds became chaos conversion and it feels annoying, no flexebility at all. It was simpler to convert your damage to chaos and forget about all problems with reflect instead of smart using flasks, getting some leech from items and tree and play more careful.

Also, I'm glad that you changed damage from labyrinth traps to Hybrind, Low Life and CI builds.

Now fix Raise Spectre level scaling please.
Last edited by Lacceh on May 26, 2016, 9:41:24 AM
Ventor wrote:
Is Whirling Blades going to be addressed?

My suggestions are:

Make it usable with all weapons.


Give it a Cooldown.


Make it similar to Flamedash with X amount of charges.

As of right now, any build which can't use Whirling blades is extremely lackluster. The other movement abilities are not on par with it.

I agree completely with your thoughts about Whirling Blades, its not balanced.

WARNING, my whining, but tbh they are fair in most cases.Also thoughts about GGG going soft and this will hit them soon at a player base expense imo, cause this game was unique now it starts to be more than D3, maybe they attract more players, thats the reason they tune everything down basically:
-They nerfed conversion chaos, but left poison.
-Now curses are strongest than they ever were, as a start make temp chains + enfeeble doesnt stack for example as one of the balance.
-Another huge problem, last 3-4 leagues were is not mob hp/damage changes, but talents,skills are buffed so much, where is that feeling when you see devouyer and your heart rate goes up, not it doesnt matter pretty much.
-Game going too fast, i mean they still introducing attack speed,movement speed,cast speed items/talents, they should make game slightly slower.
-Builds like spark, vaal molten shell should be hotxifed or nerfed on a go, not 3 leagues after.. right now with traps,bladefall mine you can 1shot bosses, since Bladefall with poison isnt touch, why not to play this broken spec if you want easy way? Sad :(
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
Last edited by vahu on May 26, 2016, 9:51:47 AM
how the f'in hell are we supposed to view that skill tree file????
Chaos conversion has been reduced in effectiveness. This only appears on a few items, but is a system change rather than just a change to those items. As such the items affected will not have legacy versions with old values. We have made sure these items display the correct new effective value however. The values of chaos conversion on Voltaxic Rift, Infernal Mantle and Consuming Dark uniques have been reduced to be 60% of their prior value.

With these changes, wouldn't it be impossible to actually get 100% chaos conversion? Yes, you could dual wield Consuming Dark and wear an infernal mantle but that would be the only way possible..

Melee Rights Activist / Professional Axe Holder
"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
fae76 wrote:
Those never ending nerfes to uniques are really encouraging players to shed out a lot of money to design one.

How many T1 uniques has GGG nerfed to a point where they are not T1 worthy anymore because of broken mechanics instead of fixing/reworking those? When the broken mechanics finally get fixed the uniques are left in their over-nerfed form instead of restoring their former glory...

And please finally stop altering existing items. Players that have them, have earned them. If they want to play with them, let them have fun even if it's ridiculously OP. They don't affect new leagues in any way and even in permanent leagues nobody is forced to use them. All this retroactive item altering is doing is create unnecessary mischief.

This man speaks truth and wisdom! Don't know why they are nerfing the ones going into standard. We didn't pay currency to buy an item just be nerfed so badly.

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