GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

What are the links for Soulrend, please? It says soulrend in the title but doesn't seem to mention it?
Because it uses same support gems - you can switch between Empower/GMP for Single Taget/Map clear.
Last edited by nexro on Jun 14, 2019, 1:24:00 PM
nexro wrote:
Snoukz wrote:
Is there any way to fit in Bane as main clearing skill, ED for sick boss damage and Contagion to spread ED for Legion encounters?

Sure with Staff or Bow - 6L ED in bow/staff and 6L Bane in Chest or you can use weapon swap.
But 6L Bane setup uses 3 curses so you need to take passive for +1 curse(Whispers of Doom) and get +1 curse on item.
Or maybe you can use 4L with single curse and it will be enought(I never played Bane).

I hoped so :)
Started an Occultist but the ES gameplay just isn't for me. The recharge starts so late and the Occultist ES nerfs seem to hit pretty hard.
So I thought I'd go for Trickster. Already got the 6L bow and will put Bane in until I get 6L chest to put ED in bow.
Contagion just seems too good on the Legion encounters...
You think this is viable?
I'm pretty new to crafting and I'm checking these crafted wands.

They go up to 40% non-ailment chaos damage over time mult, which is our best offensive option AFAIK.

What are the specific conditions to get such high numbers? Like, do you need an specific ilvl or something? I see they don't need to be shaper/elder like other usual crafting items...

Could anyone enlighten me, please?
Snoukz wrote:
nexro wrote:
Snoukz wrote:
Is there any way to fit in Bane as main clearing skill, ED for sick boss damage and Contagion to spread ED for Legion encounters?

Sure with Staff or Bow - 6L ED in bow/staff and 6L Bane in Chest or you can use weapon swap.
But 6L Bane setup uses 3 curses so you need to take passive for +1 curse(Whispers of Doom) and get +1 curse on item.
Or maybe you can use 4L with single curse and it will be enought(I never played Bane).

I hoped so :)
Already got the 6L bow and will put Bane in until I get 6L chest to put ED in bow.
Contagion just seems too good on the Legion encounters...
You think this is viable?

Sure bane is still strong and it can clear maps with similar speed.
It's just preference - some just don't mind clicking 2 buttons.
And for Legion encounters is ED & Contagion much more superior combo. I would say it's probably best skill for clearing Legion. Even not nerfed Winter Orb or Ele hit would be far behind it.

Miyavi wrote:

What are the specific conditions to get such high numbers? Like, do you need an specific ilvl or something? I see they don't need to be shaper/elder like other usual crafting items...

Could anyone enlighten me, please?

If you check this link:
You can see that every sufix/prefix have some ilvl requirement - only crafting bench ignore ilvl requirements.
Prefix is on left side and Sufix in on the right side - every item can have 3 Prefixes and 3 Sufixes.
If you click for example on #to maximum mana you get another grid with name + ivl + values + chance to actualy hit that mod(higher number = higher chance).
Last edited by nexro on Jun 14, 2019, 3:03:15 PM
nexro wrote:

If you check this link:
You can see that every sufix/prefix have some ilvl requirement - only crafting bench ignore ilvl requirements.
Prefix is on left side and Sufix in on the right side - every item can have 3 Prefixes and 3 Sufixes.
If you click for example on #to maximum mana you get another grid with name + ivl + values + chance to actualy hit that mod(higher number = higher chance).

Ahh. I was looking at that page but it got me a bit confused. I saw the modifier I was looking for, but I wasn't sure it was the one.. because it was in the same cell as "cold damage over time multiplier" and thought they both would have to always appear at the same time, but it wasn't on the wands I was checking.

The number that appears is the min ilvl for a specific tier to appear. Got it. I was missing that, too :)

Hey! Loving the build so far.

But, problem is, I just don't know what to look for in a wand. I'm level 80 and still using Heartbreaker. Whoops.

I'm not extremely rich. I did manage to find an exalt just now which puts my total currency at about 150 chaos.

Could somebody help me out and link me a good search form? Or maybe even a good wand you guys could sell to me? I'm in LSC.

I use new setup from 4 aura in helmet

(Flesh and Stone +Dread banner + discipline + malevolence)

Hi! I saw you have a very interesting set up with the build. I wonder if you can help me with some questions(sorry if some questions seem obvious, im very new):

1. why the bow and quiver instead of wand and shield?
2. how did you get the boots to become 4 blue?
3. im looking to make my build into comfortable mapping build, would you recommend I follow your set up?
4. some of your gears look insanely expensive, if i dont have that much currency, what can i do to improve?

thanks so much!
vrekstok wrote:

Could somebody help me out and link me a good search form?
Priority is +#% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier as high as possible.
and some decent %spell/chaos/DoT damage, but If you don't rly need it I would suggest you to keep your currency and save up to something like this
nexro wrote:
vrekstok wrote:

Could somebody help me out and link me a good search form?
Priority is +#% to Non-Ailment Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier as high as possible.
and some decent %spell/chaos/DoT damage, but If you don't rly need it I would suggest you to keep your currency and save up to something like this

hi! could you explain how did you get this bow and how much it costs?
or if you can point me to some source would be great help.


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