Changes to Past Leagues at Zana

Piechol wrote:
Bring Nemesis to the same cost as others and remove the ability to chance uniques in those Zana mods

people would actually have to play the mod in order to aquire those unique instead of just buying the chance to get it


and you should make option

Random league mod 1chaos

^^^^^ i wanna see that

decent idea you have there :)
Kranyum wrote:
This is bad.
Onslaught sucks as, dunno why it's still a thing: bring back domination in its place.

Domination instead of Onslaught would be a 200% MORE improvement! :)
ivkoto77777 wrote:
Kranyum wrote:
This is bad.
Onslaught sucks as, dunno why it's still a thing: bring back domination in its place.

Domination instead of Onslaught would be a 200% MORE improvement! :)

That would ruin the stealth nerf to Domination mod. Wich is most likely the whole setup of this downgrade to begin with. I guess after nerfing ambush a billion times they are taking a different approach in how to announce massive zana mod nerfs by pretending it's a feature.
Last edited by tslt on Jul 14, 2018, 7:55:47 AM
Giving us less content is now called interesting and fun? Wth. Talisman was one of the better things last leagues and you cut it out completely? Yeah great /s.
Last edited by marvtobi on Feb 23, 2016, 7:28:41 AM
This is a great idea GGG, was exactly what I wanted, doing a rotation of league maps and lowering costs keeping every league fresh and the league specific uniques/items dynamic.
IGN: Pumar, Pumam , PumarR , PumaPunch , PumaWander , PumaCleave, PumaSlams
Last edited by ropumar on Feb 23, 2016, 8:16:28 AM
Tartaros38 wrote:
Dr1MaR wrote:
Chris wrote:

Here's the new Zana league progression in 2.2.0:
  • Level 2: Onslaught, 2 Chaos Orbs, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity, monsters receive the same benefits
  • Level 3: Anarchy, 3 Chaos Orbs, 4 additional Rogue Exiles, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
  • Level 4: Torment, 4 Chaos Orbs, 3 additional Tormented Spirits, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
  • Level 5: Warbands, 4 Chaos Orbs, 3 additional Warband Packs, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
  • Level 6: Beyond, 5 Chaos Orbs, 15% Beyond Chance, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
  • Level 7: Ambush, 8 Chaos Orbs, 3 additional Strongboxes
  • Level 8: Nemesis, 1 Exalted Orb

Onslaught - 20 iiq not worth it. garbage

Anarchy - might be useful for some MF builds but still garbage

Torment - probably the one I will be using in higher tier maps.

Warbands - 4c for what? garbage

Beyond - beyonds have been nerfed to the ground and do not drop anything at all, even white mobs drop more loot than beyond mobs. May be good for some extra exp, otherwise - garbage

Ambush - used to be very nice, now absolute trash. only 3 additional strongboxes for 8c. Wasting hundreds of alternation orbs to roll 1 magic pack is not worth it, this mod is only for ilvl 84 items now

Nemesis - I don't understand the intention of this mod nerf. There are absolutely no available Headhunter belts on Talisman Hardcore. Nerfing Nemesis will rip headhunters in temp leagues for good.

So, what do we see? Useless Zana map mods that most likely no one will be using in their maps.

you never maped in this game ... 20iiq is huge and chisle have the same price as onslaught + you can get league only items (which might not be to expensive now but still high value)
some people can complain about everything.

Oh please...20iiq is nothing much. Pack size is all that matters. Don't you see that this is an obvious nerf to map drops and exp in zana mods? I mean, if GGG wants to make this game more grindy for the road to 100 so be it. All I am saying, don't be fooled by this new Zana map mods, they are shit.
Double league = "Double" Unique Chance
Cant chance legacy uniques.

Just shitcan talismans and make the altars drop and use corrupted amulets.

Cmon Chris.
Last edited by ihasmario on Feb 23, 2016, 8:24:59 AM
Still sad the prices are mostly based on the uniques that can drop or be chanced. I actually think they are all way too expansive. 1 exalt affordable? give me a break. 8 chaos for 3 extra boxes, 3 chaos for some spirits? I don't get it.
Last edited by leto2626 on Feb 23, 2016, 8:45:59 AM
This week: bad minor random changes.

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