Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0

Honestly, I really like almost everything in this patch. I wish you would follow your own meta a bit more instead of basing nerfs off of one month leagues... but other than that I think this is great. I am really hoping to see a few spells come out to play and start to shine again.

Just one thing...

Can we PLEASE get a spellcaster defense? I mean a working one. It seems if you are not running fortify and 7 endurance charges you will be doing just fine, rolling along and most things aren't a real danger then BAM! Would you like to go to softcore?... It isn't cool. I am not asking for something like fortify for mages... that would ruin the point of fortify. Maybe if you give some REALLY juicy Mana nodes up near the templar/witch area (so melee would have to waste lots of points getting there, but not so that it isn't good for spell casters) so that way MoM could make a nice comeback? Just a thought.

Other than that it looks great. Still sad to see how hard you are hitting incinerate. I feel this is a knee jerk reaction to EVERYONE running it in the one month. I think the best thing to do is to add more casts in between stages and maybe a slight nerf to the buff stages provides. As it is faster casting/spell echo is a double win as it gives more hits per second and faster stage gain. Really though, I don't think this skill is budget op like everyone thinks it is.
I guess I will have to buy a one way ticket to hell with your lives
POE3006 wrote:

OK, so on to my MAIN beef with you guys. Why the hell do you announce things like, "We're going to nerf the Surgeon's flasks?" For God's sake, JUST DO IT!!! UNANNOUNCED. Instead, you have all the greedy bastard trolls scurrying to buy up all the available flasks on the market so they can throw a 6 exalt price tag on them for those not "in the know" to choke on!!!

Changes that players have no control over don't matter, announce them all you want, but things that impact the economy ***MUST NOT*** be announced before hand. You want to talk about balance, hey, start there! Now you have rewarded those who got this information first with the chance to scam others (including me) so they can line their pockets with even more wealth. It's <<insert obscene expletive>> obscene!!! You didn't think a mad flask grab would ensue? Had you withheld this info, at least EVERYONE WOULD BE IN THE SAME BOAT. You dropped the ball big-time on that one boys!

Bloody hell! We already have greedy money-hungry bankers running the world and manipulating stock markets and commodity prices, do we really need to promote that sort of thing here?


You just spoke my mind sir!

Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
Honestly, I really like almost everything in this patch. I wish you would follow your own meta a bit more instead of basing nerfs off of one month leagues... but other than that I think this is great. I am really hoping to see a few spells come out to play and start to shine again.

Just one thing...

Can we PLEASE get a spellcaster defense? I mean a working one. It seems if you are not running fortify and 7 endurance charges you will be doing just fine, rolling along and most things aren't a real danger then BAM! Would you like to go to softcore?... It isn't cool. I am not asking for something like fortify for mages... that would ruin the point of fortify. Maybe if you give some REALLY juicy Mana nodes up near the templar/witch area (so melee would have to waste lots of points getting there, but not so that it isn't good for spell casters) so that way MoM could make a nice comeback? Just a thought.

Other than that it looks great. Still sad to see how hard you are hitting incinerate. I feel this is a knee jerk reaction to EVERYONE running it in the one month. I think the best thing to do is to add more casts in between stages and maybe a slight nerf to the buff stages provides. As it is faster casting/spell echo is a double win as it gives more hits per second and faster stage gain. Really though, I don't think this skill is budget op like everyone thinks it is.

Spell Casters def. is called "EB MOM ZO" with Restless Ward if life based and its a very good defensive mechanic.

For pure ES types like CI ur def is chaos immunity + ABSURD high ES values while dodging attacks via movement and smart (most likely ranged) gameplay + usage of flasks. Same goes for Low Life (minus the chaos immunity) even tho they are less defensive but honestly LL builds are meant to be high damage dealing glasscannons IMO.
Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
Last edited by Zahkriisos1337 on Dec 7, 2015, 6:37:47 PM
Astarte911 wrote:
If i see buffs and nerfs, i always have this in mind:


it seems you going from mu = 6 to mu = 1 ;))

yy, i know, path of exile is of course not a linear time-invariant system :D!

Good to see other physicists/engineers out there, :P
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Edit : Removed Rant about Searing Bond inbefore its change actuallly makes sense :)
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum on Dec 7, 2015, 7:37:27 PM
Well I'm quitting this game now. Typical GGG. Lets take the one bow skill(PA)that already completely sucks in party and nerf it further. To boot we are gonna buff other bow skills as if split arrow/tornado shot isn't already 1-2 shotting everything off screen.

Oh you want to make a super squishy crit build that relies on flasks for survivability, well if you didn't know this is what you wanted to do pre-patch or you are a new player then get fukd because we are nerfing flasks as well.

GGG doesn't know the meaning of balance. "That flask is too strong so we will just let everybody keep the ones they have and not let anyone new have them." This has been the problem since the beginning of this game. The economy sucks do to legacy items, the eternal orb, mirrors and I guess we're gonna add flasks to the list.

Hope this game is still fun for you in the GGG clan and the elitist that have been here since day 1 and aren't effected by all the nerfs because you are sitting on all the legacy gear. Balance changes have been focused around making it a better game for you guys and everyone else gets pissed on.

No more support, MTX or referrals from me. I'm done with your silly "game of balance" and as far as im concerned GGG can eat a wanker. Giving my gear away to someone else that wants to put up with their bullcrap
Last edited by olivertwizted on Dec 7, 2015, 7:41:46 PM
I wish only one think:

GGG make whatever you want and at the end
make the game availible for sell on DVD and playable only OFFLINE.

olivertwizted wrote:
Well I'm quitting this game now. Typical GGG. Lets take the one bow skill(PA)that already completely sucks in party and nerf it further. To boot we are gonna buff other bow skills as if split arrow/tornado shot isn't already 1-2 shotting everything off screen.

Oh you want to make a super squishy crit build that relies on flasks for survivability, well if you didn't know this is what you wanted to do pre-patch or you are a new player then get fukd because we are nerfing flasks as well.

GGG doesn't know the meaning of balance. "That flask is too strong so we will just let everybody keep the ones they have and not let anyone new have them." This has been the problem since the beginning of this game. The economy sucks do to legacy items, the eternal orb, mirrors and I guess we're gonna add flasks to the list.

Hope this game is still fun for you in the GGG clan and the elitist that have been here since day 1 and aren't effected by all the nerfs because you are sitting on all the legacy gear. Balance changes have been focused around making it a better game for you guys and everyone else gets pissed on.

No more support, MTX or referrals from me. I'm done with your silly "game of balance" and as far as im concerned GGG can eat a wanker. Giving my gear away to someone else that wants to put up with their bullcrap

This is hilarious.
The patch notes aren't even out yet, and from the looks of the tree, I have a feeling PA is actually getting a substantial buff.

That's just my impression though.

Also, while I'm not a fan of legacy flasks, I don't think it will impact the game that much, unless you *are* elitist and want all your fancy legacy crap. People keep forgetting that other things are getting buffed to make more builds viable. With this new patch, I'm excited to see if I can make ice spear or cold snap work, and I know people are going to love the new arc, not to mention all the chaos damage potential.

Just calm your face, and wait a whole nother 24 hours for the patch notes to see if your PA was actually nerfed (which I doubt. They would have to drop the damage by like 66% for that to happen because of how strong and accessible the chaos/DoT nodes are).

Edit: Sorry about underlining, I can't change it :(
Last edited by Kroughfire on Dec 7, 2015, 7:58:56 PM
Kroughfire wrote:
olivertwizted wrote:
Well I'm quitting this game now. Typical GGG. Lets take the one bow skill(PA)that already completely sucks in party and nerf it further. To boot we are gonna buff other bow skills as if split arrow/tornado shot isn't already 1-2 shotting everything off screen.

Oh you want to make a super squishy crit build that relies on flasks for survivability, well if you didn't know this is what you wanted to do pre-patch or you are a new player then get fukd because we are nerfing flasks as well.

GGG doesn't know the meaning of balance. "That flask is too strong so we will just let everybody keep the ones they have and not let anyone new have them." This has been the problem since the beginning of this game. The economy sucks do to legacy items, the eternal orb, mirrors and I guess we're gonna add flasks to the list.

Hope this game is still fun for you in the GGG clan and the elitist that have been here since day 1 and aren't effected by all the nerfs because you are sitting on all the legacy gear. Balance changes have been focused around making it a better game for you guys and everyone else gets pissed on.

No more support, MTX or referrals from me. I'm done with your silly "game of balance" and as far as im concerned GGG can eat a wanker. Giving my gear away to someone else that wants to put up with their bullcrap

This is hilarious.
The patch notes aren't even out yet, and from the looks of the tree, I have a feeling PA is actually getting a substantial buff.

That's just my impression though.

Also, while I'm not a fan of legacy flasks, I don't think it will impact the game that much, unless you *are* elitist and want all your fancy legacy crap. People keep forgetting that other things are getting buffed to make more builds viable. With this new patch, I'm excited to see if I can make ice spear or cold snap work, and I know people are going to love the new arc, not to mention all the chaos damage potential.

Just calm your face, and wait a whole nother 24 hours for the patch notes to see if your PA was actually nerfed (which I doubt. They would have to drop the damage by like 66% for that to happen because of how strong and accessible the chaos/DoT nodes are).

Edit: Sorry about underlining, I can't change it :(

legacy items are a fucking joke and hurt the game

also the tree isn't better for PA at all, from 9% to 12% wow amazing, that 100% poison node doesn't work on PA btw

actually the tree might be worse for PA since you can't take those 10% 20% 10% projectile nodes from the assassin anymore
Last edited by 1235 on Dec 7, 2015, 8:46:53 PM

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