[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

IGN: PotheadMcGee

Playing everyday between 3-5hours
Playing almost all weekend depending on sports and family
guild still open? I would like to join to you.

MY game ID: efthar
also I joined discord by my name Warcry. You can find me
Thank you
IGN: GrimEternalFire

I'm from central europe. I mostly play temp leagues, but still care about standard as a means for collecting and investment. I joined poe during talisman league and since I managed to aquire a bit of knowledge. I like to share that knowledge and aquire more every league. I'm not really the type of person who enjoys global chat, therefore I think a guild would be a much more enjoyable experience for me. I think at this point I'm missing out a bit of poe's experience without a guild. This is also the reason why I would like to join.
I would like to join to you.

MY game ID: O_Maxwell_O
IGN: Bloody_Bonez
I Mostly enjoy playing standard and making my character a Beast but I also participate in SC challenge/Temp league to acquire league exclusive items.
Hey I am interested! I am on legacy standard atm.
Hi Im a new player serching for a casual guild,
would be cool if you would invite me

id: Madaraofsixpaths

I would like to join. I play mostly temp leagues

ign :Hurices

Hiya there! I am interested in joining your guild! My IGN is ISwingAroundThinSword. =)
IGN: pourko

I like long walks on the beach and chocolate pudding...

I am an "older" individual looking for a guild. Relatively new but enjoying this game thoroughly and haven't a clue what I'm doing most of the time (but having a blast learning). Looking for a guild that has a pulse in guild chat. Pretty much my only expectation. PST time zone (GMT-7)


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