[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

I would like to join this guild, please invite me :)
Thank you

IGN: Kadig
Last edited by CtrlAltDebug#7425 on May 23, 2017, 8:49:52 PM
Hello I would like to join your guild . I play mostly temp leagues. Im a noob.

ING: TemKameleonBw

(why did i name him like that?)
Last edited by EsCPL#4212 on May 6, 2017, 3:18:49 PM

Been playing for a couple years now.
i only really play Temp league's now.

multiple 70-88 lvl chars

family man so only on from 8 GMT - 12 GMT most nights
Hi, Wallaby ((taken, unfortunately) or I guess Wallaburn/BurnKing) here. I'm new to PoE and slightly experienced in arpgs in general. Just started my first character in legacy, and I'm on all random and varying hours of the day/night. Would love to join and have people to talk to. Thanks.

Ign: Wallaburn
IGN is ColdHeartedBinch
Relatively new to the game, I'm running Whispering Ice CI as my first build and loving it loads! I'm looking for a guild to call home during the remainder of Legacy and during 3.0.
IGN: QueenBubblegum
I am currently playing standard league until i get another rig for 3.0.. willing to help new players around the game too. looking forward being a member of this community. thanks! :D
IGN: Svartizbambam

active 6/7 days a week 5-10 hours!

Doing everything from levling, raceing, crafting, end game content :)

Right now im looking for a active guild with group mapping and so on :)
IGN : kotchy

I'm active 2-3 hours a night depending the night.
Recently got back into this game after a long break since release. Started back into this as I need a hack and slash game to relax in the evening.
Looking for a bunch of folk that likes to have a laugh while playing this game.

I'm very new to this game so still in the learning curve. I look forward to hearing back from you.
IGN: Pandoraff

I'm a Diablo II veteran of many years. Logged hundreds of hours in D3 until I couldn't stand it anymore. Finally bit the bullet and picked up PoE a few days ago. Made a character in Legacy league. Totally blown away by the game and planning on buying in/staying for the long hall.

That means I need a guild. This one looks good. Let's play.

I'm a total nublet but learning tons very quickly.

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