Enhancing Poison

HoolaBandoola wrote:
PA never did poison damage. It deals chaos damage.

Poison has been in the game for quite some time and is not the same as chaos damage. Good that they change name from poison arrow to make it less confusing.

Funnily enough, Poison Arrow does inflict poison status, albeit a special version of it with base damage dependent on gem level. So, if you used Snakebites your direct hits would inflict poison but it wouldn't stack with PA clouds, but it would with something like Desecrate.

I agree it needed changing, a status effect should be clearly defined so skills like Poison Arrow and Herald of Ash should do something else.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

does that mean i can stack poison damage on SRS too? :p
Okay Rory, seeing as how you guys are addressing poison damage I'd like to ask if you are finally going to separate Chaos and Poison and have it be a pseudo-element of its own tied with mainly physical damage.

I know you also said Chaos alongside Physical damage in the post but Chaos and Poison don't match thematically at all. Corruption would be more appropriate and a less severe mismatch or mash-up with Chaos if it was paired with it.

Poison is not an actual element in this game and as I had guessed before reading the manifesto, it was probably done for thematic reasons and to stick to having just the classic elemental trinity as elements in the game with Chaos being the special one. So poison had to be tied to something else and you chose Chaos instead of Physical.

But just like bleeding, I'd like to see poison be applied with physical damage alone or be based off of it. Then Chaos can remain distinct and even get its own status ailment down the line without having to share a damage type with something else because of...reasons.

As for poison arrow...do I hear Abyssal Arrow and a change in color?
Oh now I think about it, it might be a nice buff for Null's Inclination (Split Arrow Poison + Minions applying Poison too)
HoolaBandoola wrote:
PA never did poison damage. It deals chaos damage. (Well, 6L +3 bow with 30% DoT-mod, lvl4 empower, lvl21 PA, stacking jewels with life+3dmg mods is not really easy and it surely doesn't need a buff lol)

Poison has been in the game for quite some time and is not the same as chaos damage. Good that they change name from poison arrow to make it less confusing.

You're wrong. PA deals flat damage, poison scales with physical and chaos damage, so it will be exactly like scaling any other build; getting imba pDPS that is. However I agree very much with this: "why bother with poison or any degen effects when you can use other skills that one shot everything anyway?"!

yes it deals chaos damage, but as raics said it inflicts the poison debuff. but "poison" specifically is based off hit value, which poison arrow does not have but is a cloud degen, so its defaulted to chaos damage because it cannot mechanically work as "poison damage". but poison arrow does inflict "poison"

ok they definitely need to separate the two more distinctly, but as said poison damage is based off initial hit damage. this makes critical strikes inflict more poison damage (which makes daggers best in slot considering adder's touch passive). but theres no need for poison damage if you're crit'ing because then the monster is already destroyed!

it was the very same thing with bleed, how it was based off initial hit damage. it makes no sense to me. "hit them the hardest you possibly can and you'll get the highest possible degen effect!"
but by hitting them the hardest you possibly can, they no longer exist for any degen effect to be useful! this can and sometimes does include even bosses (except atziri).

if i want aoe degen damage based off initial hits then i'll make my HoA build again. easily over a million DPS from herald of ash proliferated burn over a massive AoE, even after the nerfs.

i just don't see a universe in PoE where poison procs will play any type of viability. its too ineffective in its mechanic to begin with. if you're spending the time to hit a monster to stack poisons, you might as well spend that time (or even less) to just destroy it with critical hits.
amp up the wow level by doing this at range, and AoE. poison?...all i can think is...who cares?
CerbereGamer wrote:
Oh now I think about it, it might be a nice buff for Null's Inclination (Split Arrow Poison + Minions applying Poison too)

That would be a bad idea, because kills with poison wouldn't count as 'kills using this weapon' and wouldn't trigger minions. Sure, you don't keep split arrow and minions in the same item so you could use poison only in Null with your minions, but being that SRS is the most popular minion type it won't work that well with half of their damage being fire.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Oct 20, 2015, 4:17:06 PM
Necronus2828 wrote:
LMTR14 wrote:
another thing nobody asked for and nobody needs. i.e. typical ggg work

Nobody asked for any improvement regarding to viper strike ? Is that a troll ?

We're introducing a support gem that lets skills poison, and increases poison damage.

Just curious if it gonna add poison damage to zombies/spectres as well. I think it would be fair to enhance summoners and expand the possibilities for using melee combat spectres.

Yeah spectres are more focused on projectiles, and that's sad :/

compared to the MAJOR problems, NOBODY cares about one fucking skill!!!
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Absolutely dumb change. Before elemental damage was able to deal poison with snakebite or adder's touch + conversion. It will limit the potential poison builds for no reasons.

Maybe the dps gain will be huge, but if it's only to make 10 builds it destroys the diversity.
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt on Oct 21, 2015, 11:57:33 AM
So when is this coming to live ?

Free passive respec tree anyone ? :D
Cool change but, tell me why would i choose to play a melee character that doesn't leech more than half the damage he does, clears maps slower, has to spec into heavy defenses just to not die and is still constantly at a much higher risk of being instagibbed by some nasty combo ?
When i can just stack life nodes and cast flameblasts that clear the entire screen from a safe distance in 2 seconds ?

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