Map Changes in 2.0.4

And what about random map crashes? Has that been fixed? :P
It is because of YOU, ggg, that I don't know what the sky looks like!


The forum seems pretty happy with the planned changes...


It certainly sounds very interesting and exciting!


I think you missed something though...


Anyways, I am super pumped for 1mhcsolosf event.

As always I'm impressed by the balance you guy manage between polishing the game and introducing new content. Keep up the good work!
Make max lvl 99 => problem solved for those nolifers.
Higher map drops...yes!

Taking longer to level at high levels. NO!!! I honestly cannot understand the logic behind this. People tha't dont care about getting to 100 or whatever high level won't care about this change. People that do care about higher levelling (at least most I assume) would HATE this change. So WHY DO IT??? Your manifesto DID NOT given a proper explanation for the reasoning...lets look at the reason:

" Watching the intense challenge as players complete to reach this amazing accomplishment would be more fun for the community if it lasted longer."

Who the heck 'WATCHES' someone level??? Is someone watching me as I laboriously progress from 94 to 95 right now? Who is watching me? You GGG? Oh, some watch the elite players do it...ok so if noone is watching me, why should I BE AFFECTED by the 0.000001%.

Further you say its an amazing accomplishment....that suggests to me PAST tense. So its currently already amazing...why then are you changing it?

Finally, what 'intense challenge'. Its not intense at all, it's just a boring grind. Why am I personally levelling a high level char then you ask? Because I've got nothing better to do I answer. I do not like levelling new chars thru 4 acts of story over and over so that is what I'm left with.

Seriously, I'm a recently returned player, but this could well cause me to quit altogether.

nice on the maps and map drops but don't agree with most people getting to 100. from level 90 up is a pain in the azz very tough im not rich like some are and can't buy high level maps so my level 90 runs 75 maps if im lucky ill get a 76. so no the exp change is gonna suck
Talking about changing the colour of maps, if there's one thing I'd like to see changed it's the colour for divination cards - the lettering is too close to the colour for gems, and especially if you're moving really quickly it's easy to miss the difference. How about orange, or something like that?
Are you trying to appease me? ...
... Because it's working ;)

Drawn by a haunting voice, you come to the PoE forums. It is an odd place, filled with a motley assortment of feedback... and shameless trolling. There, the whining posts are all around you, and the gamers are silent, as the grind takes ahold of them. One by one, their lives seem lost to its call.

...ranks on maps... bad idea GGG. [] [] [] []
This has probably been said before, but really?

Just because some people can no-life all the way to 100 super fast means the casual player has to suffer? Some people actually work for a living.

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