Map Changes in 2.0.4

Ground effect changes are just sweet keep up
Last edited by blocker2 on Sep 24, 2015, 6:24:50 AM
yungwhiz wrote:
Renaming maps tier 7 instead of level 75 does not make it ok for a person who is lvl 95 to be stuck running that bracket.

Also for people asking about zana. I think Chris is saying more people are getting the village ruin tile set as a zana daily (even though its lower level) than actually getting a village ruin drop. Which I definitely believe.

I think you pretty much nailed it here. Saying that Zana is used for high level maps is ludicrous.= - 75 is not high, its mid, given by the fact it would be "tier" 7/15
D3 sucks
Actually, I have a bif gucking suggestion to GGG: just totally remove arealevels and tiers altogether. I mean, from all areas, not just maps. There is already next to zero information provided in-game (hello minion damage), why the hell use half-measures?
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Whats wrong with you GGG nerfing map exp based on the 1% how about the other 99% who have lives/jobs.

Why is everything based based on streamers fix your game for the other 99%.These nerf's are getting old figure out a proper balance.

Oh and dont freaking hide any new recipes that just pisses everyone off except for the select few who discover them.
Gandd wrote:
Another thing that bumps into my head is why dont you just introduce a tooltip explaining that just coz you lvl 82 doesnt mean you are able to do lvl 82 map.How hard is that instead of changing everything?

Not even. By the time a player actually GETS a level 82 map, they probably know better already!
D3 sucks
From an e-mail I sent to GGG today.

[...] For example, I played this chiseled-alched Springs Map (78) yesterday, witch 2x bosses, 2x Exiles and I also met 2x warbands. I played with a friend, so 2x players as well. The result? ZERO MAP DROPS. If that isn't unfair, I don't know what is.

What's more, quite often we play 76+ maps only to get various map drops that are 69-70-71 ........what's the point of this? The only thing we can do with those are to use them for the chisel recipe! But, if I want to find maps for the chisel recipe, I can either quickly farm low level maps with my high level character or even farm docks or dried lake.

The thing is, the players feel NO REWARDS when they spend tons of currency to roll maps.

This is not about making the game easier, but FAIR. Leave the difficulty as is, but REWARD players. For example, you could make some GUARANTEED MAP DROPS if the map is rare with certain IIQ / difficulty so that we can actually USE OUR CURRENCY TO ROLL IT ( which quite often is a lot more expensive than buying white maps). For example, PLAYER ROLLS 70+ iiq = guaranteed map drop of the same level. He rolls 90-100+ = guaranteed map drop +1 level. And so on! 110+ or sth = guaranteed map drop +2 levels. Remember, the 10% XP PENALTY IS ALREADY HARSH in high levels! So, giving the players a little something to reward them, sounds quite fair, don't you think?

This way you let the players PLAY the game, not getting frustrated about wasting their currency and time!

P. S. That Tier change is wrong and unnecessary on so many levels, it will alienate many of the older players.

"Wealth in a game is measured by the amount of fun, joy and entertainment you can get out of it".
By the way this has been on my mind...

How can you guys say "we listened to your feedback" and "we applied what the community wants" when next to no one agrees with these changes? All my friend list in the game is filled with status messages condemning this change. You guys are going to drive off the last of your players if you keep this up. Remember, negative feedback is good feedback. Don't ignore it because you don't like to hear it.

BTW more than a few streamers still play your game. You should get in touch with that population too.
D3 sucks
Psyringe wrote:
What I'm taking away from this announcement, is that GGG remains very focused on keeping high-profile players inside the grinding wheel, while continually making the game less attractive for people like me.

IGN: AlCohonez, GhengizCohen
Ground effects due to map mods now use significantly less bandwidth, which will result in much less lockstep stuttering. They will also contribute far less towards being disconnected when coming through portals.

If this stops the map disconnection problem, I'll start loving PoE all over again.
There are hundreds of players with HUGE map experience that know more about maps then everyone at GGG office combined apart from Neon maybe.

GGG knowledge of maps and map system comes solely from watching raw data and numbers.

Since obviously they never acted and did something based on our feedback regarding maps.

I, like many expected some good news today, but fuck me, they are consistent :)

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