Map Changes in 2.0.4

Looks good. Ground effects are annoying i've noticed like 20-30 fps drops due to desecrated ground and then on some specific maps(village ruin) you will get 15 fps solid if it has a ground effect.
No one cares about standard. It's literally a recycle bin, just press empty.
I don't like the tier system. It implies that the tier 1 should be really easy as a high level character and should be beatable with any mods. Still there are bosses that can one- and twoshot you at these levels. So if you introduce tier, bosses especially have to be revamped/changed to be in par with the tiers. Or just keep the levels.

XP changes are fine as too many players have reached level 100 so far in the temp leagues. Just compare this league with the last set (Bloodlines and the other one) and you will see.

Futhermore it would be nice to get 'old' Zana back so it's actually worth to level her again not only to get 1% quant and two new 3ex mods that noone will ever use.


We also noticed that many of the higher maps were being run through Zana rather than through actual dropped maps.

What does this actually mean? Zana mods added or just run through her device (well, she is there for that..).
Completed 8/8 Challenges Ons/Ana
8/8 Challenges Nem/Dom #1 Templar Nem/Dom
6/8 Challenges Invasion/Ambush #1 Templar 2 Week Race
8/8 Challenges Beyond/Rampage & Bloodlines/Torment #1 Templar BL (lvl100)
IGN: BeerBeastTheBurninator | 8/8 Temp/Warb | 32/32 TalismanHC | 40/40 PerandusHC
Last edited by alfims on Sep 24, 2015, 1:09:10 AM
kcasey1234 wrote:
Here's an idea: don't call them "Tiers," instead give them colors: Red Map, Blue Map, Green Map, Ochre Map...

I'm playing a maplevel: 79, mapcolor: red, with Ambush mod and some 15% extra items....

For ease, the community can create PoE.Mapness and we can enter these into the site and it will compute how many hours of our lives we must waste to get an Orb of Augmentation to drop from the super unique end boss that kills you during a lag-out.

I'll pay for 1500 fusings for that!


You really made my day. Thanks.
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
alfims wrote:

XP changes are fine as too many players have reached level 100 so far in the temp leagues.

The question is: Who cares?

Why should YOU care if someone else gets to 100?

Why should anyone care if someone gets to 100 in a week?

Getting to 100 should be more accessible to the average player.

As I mentioned, the 1% who got to 100 this league will probably still get to 100 with the new changes. All this does is discourage anyone else from trying to get to 100.

I just find it great that Chris has the audacity to say "Watching the intense challenge as players complete to reach this amazing accomplishment would be more fun for the community if it lasted longer. We want to make this change without affecting the regular leveling process.".

"An amazing accomplishment", "more fun for the community", a bunch of fluff to try and make us think getting to 100 means something. It doesn't. Getting to 100 is a personal accomplishment, not one that's shared with others. Nobody else cares if some random person gets to 100. Nobody will care if EXP rates dropped. Also, you don't get to say what's "fun for the community." You barely know the greater portion of your player base.

alfims wrote:

What does this actually mean? Zana mods added or just run through her device (well, she is there for that..).

I assume they mean through Zana dailies. When Zana offers a mission that involves a high level map. It was probably easier to get 75-78 maps through Zana than it was hoping for them to drop.
Last edited by darkwolf7786 on Sep 24, 2015, 1:17:05 AM
While we are relatively happy with the difficulty of the highest maps

You must know, they smiling every time lvl 82 white mob oneshots your 9k ehp character.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9 on Sep 24, 2015, 1:21:10 AM
When I experience it then I'll judge your so called ''changes'' until then all I see is a flying cow with jetpacks saying a hopeless resolution.

As for the level 100 thing; Etup: IdgafI'mstillgoingtoreachitgardlessofoutcome lol and you know it's true.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I just have to scratch my head a little bit at everyone bringing out the pitchforks and torches over the exp changes to high level maps. A lot of people seem to be complaining about how GGG changing the grind to 100 is "screwing over the casual players to satisfy the 1%", whereas I don't see how that particular change effects casual players at all.

If you weren't running 77+ maps to begin with (a fairly significant portion of the population), then the change LITERALLY has no effect on you. If you were running primarily 77-78 maps (another good chunk of people), then the change has worsened your experience penalty at most by a whopping 0.3 levels. Big fucking deal, you just lost <10% exp per map.

This change is only significant if you were one of the few players that were sustaining 80+ maps. In other words, if you weren't part of the "1%", then this change does fuck all to how quickly you level. Lets be calm and put the pitchforks away everyone.
Scamps wrote:
Chris wrote:
Previously, most maps had a yellow symbol. We've changed this colour to indicate whether maps are low-, medium- or high-tier. These groups specifically line up with the set of mods available to be rolled on the maps. For example, if the map has a red symbol, then the top mods are available. This also makes it easier to spot the relative tiers of maps in your stash.

Well, confusing system just got more confusing. On items, mods depend on itemlevel, not droplevel. This way you can roll top mods on, say, gnarled branch ilvl=100.
Now if I understand it correctly, map mods depend on droplevel (now called tier), not itemlevel. This leads to the question: why even display itemlevel on maps along with droplevel (current behavior)? Does itemlevel has any effect on maps at all?
Also: right now color of items shows their rarity (white/blue/yellow/gold). The only exception is quest items but that's ok since they are uncraftable.
Now we have new exception - maps. Craftable items. This is plain wrong. You (GGG) could've made anything else - like different borders of or different shapes or whatever. Why the f change the color?
edit: And what about unique maps? What color will they be - one of three new "tier-indicators" or good old gold?
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Last edited by silumit on Sep 24, 2015, 1:22:43 AM
Borgbilly wrote:
I just have to scratch my head a little bit at everyone bringing out the pitchforks and torches over the exp changes to high level maps. A lot of people seem to be complaining about how GGG changing the grind to 100 is "screwing over the casual players to satisfy the 1%", whereas I don't see how that particular change effects casual players at all.

If you weren't running 77+ maps to begin with (a fairly significant portion of the population), then the change LITERALLY has no effect on you. If you were running primarily 77-78 maps (another good chunk of people), then the change has worsened your experience penalty at most by a whopping 0.3 levels. Big fucking deal, you just lost <10% exp per map.

This change is only significant if you were one of the few players that were sustaining 80+ maps. In other words, if you weren't part of the "1%", then this change does fuck all to how quickly you level. Lets be calm and put the pitchforks away everyone.

Why should the game be designed around the 1%? Why can't the rest also get a chance to try higher level content or get to level 100 without the artificial time sinks?

The change is significant to the 99% because its making the game into an even more hopeless situation for them. Those that may have wanted to get to 100 and already thought it was a lot of trouble before are definitely not going to bother now and might just quit because of it.

You're not going to stop the 1%. No matter what changes are made, they'll still make it to 100. You're only going to stop the 99% from wasting the time attempting it. Eventually, the 1% will become the 100% because the 99% is just going to up and leave.
Last edited by darkwolf7786 on Sep 24, 2015, 1:23:38 AM
Chris wrote:

Map Levels are now Tiers
There are 15 tiers of maps, from level 68 to 82 inclusive. We've struggled for ages with the confusion caused by this. Players expect to play maps of their level (which can be way too hard for them), or make arguments about that they're level 95+ and can't find a level 80 map. Players with backgrounds in contemporary MMORPGs expect to play content equivalent to their level.

This is actually a very good idea. I wondered for ages how to deal with this problem and it never occurred to me that MMORPGs are the problem again. But how about the level display inside the map, when you push the map overlay. Be sure to change this too. Otherwise player really feel this change is just a cover up.
However it will be a bit confusing for the regal recipe, i.e. itemlevel 75 drops start at trier 5 to 7(?). But i guess since the itemfilter this won't be much of a problem.

Regarding the regal recipe. Have you considered to higher the required level? 73 to 75 maps are so easy to sustain now and if you map at that level you drown in regals.

Anyway that's my feedback for now, everything else is awesome, as always

<3 to GGG

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