Map Changes in 2.0.4

darkwolf7786 wrote:

"An amazing accomplishment", "more fun for the community", a bunch of fluff to try and make us think getting to 100 means something. It doesn't. Getting to 100 is a personal accomplishment, not one that's shared with others. Nobody else cares if some random person gets to 100. Nobody will care if EXP rates dropped. Also, you don't get to say what's "fun for the community." You barely know the greater portion of your player base.

Actkqk wrote:
silumit wrote:
So basically this is the same old level, just reduced by 67. It just makes it more confusing for new players while old players will just calculate "effective map level" and will continue making all aforementioned complaints. I don't understand the point of this "change". Could someone enlighten me, please?

GGG logic = GGG balance = nonexistent... That explains perfectly all.

No, Chris is still playing drinking game where when he takes a sip from his shot glass, something has to be nerfed or broken.
Don't you dare nerf Stygian Revenants any further! :/
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
crashdown wrote:
But how about the level display inside the map, when you push the map overlay. Be sure to change this too. Otherwise player really feel this change is just a cover up.
y'know, itemlevel=monsterlevel=maplevel(+1 or 2) so any player able to make arithmetic operations on numbers in range of 100 "will feel this change is just a cover up" anyway. Except they totally rework all item and crafting system, haha.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
I just had another good idea.

How about you add a tagline to the game.

Path of Exile the Awakening
-This is not a MMORPG-

that would fix a lot of confusion actually
I exclusively play new standard leagues and the permanent standard league.
My highest lvl character is level 95 and I have more 5 in the 90's.

I have accepted never reaching lvl 100, since if I should die a lose 10% of my levels exp, I basically just waste an entire day. Which is something I can't waste having a regular job and other responsibilities.

The reward of those extra 5 skillpoints also feel lack-luster when you finally spent a month of 2 hour sessions, dying a few times, and then get to click a single skill-point that gives me 60 extra life or ES.

I'm certainly not one of the best players, but I'd like the game much more if everyone, not actively trying to make the game hard for themselves, were able to reach lvl 100 within a reasonable timeframe. After lvl 100, you could have something akin to "Paragon"-levels to incentivise the top tier players to compete for the top spots during seasons.

Kind regards
Remove ground effects until they are fully fixed. They add nothing that makes the game better, and the way they make the game worse is gamebreaking.

Also, when are you going to fix bloodline breaking Dominating Blow? Jesus...
IGN: MyOtherRangerDied // DontBeStupidAndDieAgain // GenericSporkerWitch
Yay let's make lvling harder.. not that i like to spend 5ex/daily to roll maps....
What do you know... Catering to the top 1% again.

Standard IGN: _DipDodgeDuck_
sounds great
go to work, get married, have some kids, pay your taxes, pay your bills, watch your TV, play PoE, follow fashion,
act normal, obey the law ... and repeat after me: I AM FREE.

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