Map Changes in 2.0.4

link1313 wrote:
"slightly lower than were happy with"

Yea, ive found one level 81+ map in all of warbands playing around 100+ hours.
this is after chiseling, alching, and vaaling almost every map and doing all the bosses with the exception of wasteland..

you know what the level 81 dropped? Two level 69 maps.

never been so disappointed with your map drops in 2.0 , i have given up on trying to find/waste currency rolling top tier maps and now im stuck at 75 as my highest.

Sounds about right for me as well except I made did 2-3 80+s and got nothing in return. Played just as much as you if not more, and never broke 80+ again.

Hell, I don't think I even ran more than 4-5 79s.

All we care about is higher level map drops. The XP, the color changes, the tiers (lol) is all "who cares" material.

I also don't care if my crappy 75 is going to give me more XP now (as your post suggests) because they are boring and do not challenge me or my character at all. You know what does? Maps suited to my characters level and power--too bad I only found maybe 5 of those ALL league.
And let me pose this question-- Why have you not implemented a system yet that lets us turn lower level maps into higher level ones through Zana for a small fee? The basic system is already in place with Zana turning low lvl maps into high ones through her daily and missions in the wild. You'd literally expand your map tilesets 10-fold. I get there'd be some kinks to work out in this proposal, but come on.
I appreciate these changes! However, I have 1 selfish request. Please list the map monster level somewhere on the map.
i really like the game , but when it comes to end game content, its really boring, no maps, no items , no content, and now ure nerfing it more...GG.G
Loving the controversy.

Just an opinion:

Why not both? Why not a three way?

Why not map level and tier?
Why not map level, tier and increased xp?

From 68's to 75's
We could get a Grotto - Tier 1 (easy)
We could get a Pit - Tier 3 (difficult)

From 75's to 82's
We could get an Arsenal - Tier 1 (easy)
We could get a Colosseum - Tier 5 (very difficult)

Upper tiers could give more xp. More IIR, IIQ. More map dropping.

I mean, you could take the idea and form a new way of looking into endgame. Not just the way to 100, but the way in which build would feel more safe, more challenged or more rewarding.

I think that GGG is really hitting something here, but it's not quite there yet.

Can't we really have both? Or more?


Another thing to discuss, I've been meaning to bring this up. I know that GGG doesn't want to make crafting easy. I don't think that the players want that too. But! But! But!

Could there be any level restriction to lower rolls? I mean, doing maps and catching a +4 life is a pretty downer. I've found a chest piece with +4 life, +8 to armour, 10%cold resist, and stun recovery...

Could you think about level restrictions? Like, character level X can't find first mod tiers, level X+10 can't find the second mod tiers, etc...? :D

Thank you, good job!
These changes to maps are absolutely fantastic. Calling map levels Tiers should definitely help diminish some confusion about what can and can't be run.

Though, I think it'd be much better to color maps by their base (white item) difficulty (a function of boss amount, boss stats, monster density, and area size), rather than difficulty tier. That way you could clearly see the gradient in difficulty as you progress into higher tier maps in the same difficulty tier. It would also help prevent new players who just entered mapping from running maps that are too hard for them despite being low difficulty tier.

Map color would then represent the map's difficulty relative to its tier, rather than indicating the difficulty tier (which is directly linked to level, now known as Tier) which would be redundant. Difficulty tier could be represented in a color change to the "Tier X" text, or you could simply leave it up to us to remember 6/5/4.

Also Tiers (Levels) are broken into Tiers (Difficulty)... I heard you liked Tiers, so I put...
*You call into the void. You hear a sound in the distance.*
Last edited by Felix35071 on Sep 24, 2015, 12:48:45 AM
Prisma01 wrote:
Loving the controversy.

Just an opinion:

Why not both? Why not a three way?

Why not map level and tier?
Why not map level, tier and increased xp?

From 68's to 75's
We could get a Grotto - Tier 1 (easy)
We could get a Pit - Tier 3 (difficult)

From 75's to 82's
We could get an Arsenal - Tier 1 (easy)
We could get a Colosseum - Tier 5 (very difficult)

Upper tiers could give more xp. More IIR, IIQ. More map dropping.

I mean, you could take the idea and form a new way of looking into endgame. Not just the way to 100, but the way in which build would feel more safe, more challenged or more rewarding.

I think that GGG is really hitting something here, but it's not quite there yet.

Can't we really have both? Or more?

Thank you, good job!

huh this sounds interesting except there are so many "tiers"

Would require a full rework but very interesting.
Last edited by Lordsidro on Sep 24, 2015, 12:50:49 AM
sometimes , when its to hard to obtain, people will just get over it and pass into other things
There are 15 tiers of maps, from level 68 to 82 inclusive. We've struggled for ages with the confusion caused by this. Players expect to play maps of their level (which can be way too hard for them), or make arguments about that they're level 95+ and can't find a level 80 map. Players with backgrounds in contemporary MMORPGs expect to play content equivalent to their level.

In order to resolve this confusion, maps now display a tier rather than a level. The level can easily be calculated. Tier 1 is level 68 (or level 66 if it's an old map graphic).
So basically this is the same old level, just reduced by 67. It just makes it more confusing for new players while old players will just calculate "effective map level" and will continue making all aforementioned complaints. I don't understand the point of this "change". Could someone enlighten me, please?
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
aStrayGami wrote:
Don't rename map levels to tiers, that's only going to make it more confusing.

If you guys want tiers so bad, make it show up when you hold alt instead of renaming it, because people need that information and shouldn't have to be going to external sources to find that information, like they already do with many things.

+1, wtf GGG? tier fifteen drops item level what again? lol, it's not april fools is it?

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