Unique and Divination Card Drop Rate Changes in 2.0.3

TheAnuhart wrote:

This game is not meant to be played for thousands of hours in a single character.

If what you reefer as gated content was not gated and was chainable you would get bored pretty fast anyway and quit, because you would realize you have done all there is to do in the game and you can't further improve your characters (or very little). One person easy to get content is an other person gated content ofc, and you can see complains that people is not able to get past lvl 74 maps (but that's not what you are talking about here).

I'm not defending the current status quo and GGG economic design, but the reality is that this game simply does not have enough things to do and challenging content to keep the interest of the players if it was accessible.

The problem then is: 1) the progression curve, which is logarithmic and should be more linear; 2) the lack of depth in the end-game (while the map system mechanics itself are pretty original, is just not enough 'things to do'); 3) the gameplay itself, which pose a problem when adding genuine (non-gear checking) difficulty to the game.

So what if you could chain Core Malachai or Uber Atziri? Most people would get bored very fast once their characters can run them, and it actually does not take insane gear to do so, just the right build and knowledge.

However, if you play temporal leagues with no wealth and do some moderate trading (yeah I know, the horror, but is how the game is designed), unless you are doing a FOTM faceroll build, the game progression in difficulty, content and gear seems mostly balanced from my experience in WB. I haven't mapped enough since last changes to know if the curve around lvl 75-77 map drops has actually improved enough (I experienced the problem first hand though). And that's how they probably balance the game, based on the average player actual experience. Now for the other problems, unfortunately they are harder to fix/change, if ever, so don't hold your breadth because there are limitations to what the designers can do with the game they have, but I'm sure GGG will try.

In that context, too, raising the drop chance of those rare uniques seems a good option (despite 'sky is falling crowd')

P.S: BTW I must add that this further de-feudalizes PoE economy, which is good (and why some people is moaning), and it has been the way GGG has rightly taken since many patches ago (started with the addition of boxes, later masters, etc.). So the game is in much better shape than it used to be on release at least.
arherter wrote:
Some ideas that need considerations:

Prices will drop even further. So you wont be able to gather currency that easily. That would actually make HARDER to get acuity, or league specific gear. Thats quite an unpleasant change since to actually farm uber you will need pretty good rares. Even on the card changes (wich will be "more farmable"), no good rare comes easily from cards.

Im betting card changes will modify economy in a way greater deal than those uniques do. Maybe that's the idea for money making: force players to buy cards.

But think it over: rich people will do uber, and craft for amazingly overpriced stuff. To the point that you will have to sell 10 shavs to buy a great ring.
Im not sure it wont actually kill farming even more, for those who trade. Ofc self found got a boost, but thats like 1% of player base?

Hard to say. They could just lower prices for crafting or raise currency drops. Would make more sense.
I see the next generation of farmers as: top iiq card farmers.

My two cents on this considerations...

- T1 Uniques are RNG gated.
- Top tier crafted items & hard to obtain uniques like Uber stuff/good vaaled stuff is knowledge/skill/wealth gated

If the value of an RNG gated item decreases it is not a bad thing... and knowledged/skilled players will always make some extra $$$, skill/knowledge should be rewarded, not plain simple luck oO ... but i guess everyone who has grinded month and month to buy a single T1 of a lucky other guy is salty like some guys are now... and sorry: but that is funny :)
Have a problem with something I said? PM goetzjam don't derail a thread.
'There's plenty that needs to change. And back in my day we had real game devs.' - TheAnuhart
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on February 30, 2016 0:61 PM

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knac84 wrote:

This game is not meant to be played for thousands of hours in a single character.

I've always found I get most enjoyment playing the game I want to, instead of how GGG wants me to.

I don't reroll every week, I play same characters for long time, I don't play temp leagues, I don't buy bosskills, I don't buy 8/8 achievements, and I don't pay anyone to run Atziri, Uber for me, or to play the game in any way instead of me.. and I have an absolute blast.

PoE is a great game, I love it, time (and money) I've put into it speaks volumes. But it is not perfect, and it is on us - players - to do our part and try to make the game even better. GGG does hear us.
knac84 wrote:

This game is not meant to be played for thousands of hours in a single character.

I stopped reading after that, wasn't this game made to be hardcore? Even chris wilson himself said that they made the game for themselves as a group of hardcore gamers...
Aziraphale wrote:
This seems really great, there is just one other thing I would like to see....

Please put a cap on the number of fusings it takes to 6link an item. At almost 3k fuses on my bow now, feelsbadman.

Vorici..? Please dont encourage them to make this game more and more casual... It was made to be a hardcore game. Love it or leave it.
Sweaty_ballz - Lv 1 solo - Leveling is too easy - Twilight strand for life :)
knac84 wrote:
TheAnuhart wrote:

This game is not meant to be played for thousands of hours in a single character.

If what you reefer as gated content was not gated and was chainable you would get bored pretty fast anyway and quit, because you would realize you have done all there is to do in the game and you can't further improve your characters (or very little). One person easy to get content is an other person gated content ofc, and you can see complains that people is not able to get past lvl 74 maps (but that's not what you are talking about here).

I'm not defending the current status quo and GGG economic design, but the reality is that this game simply does not have enough things to do and challenging content to keep the interest of the players if it was accessible.

The problem then is: 1) the progression curve, which is logarithmic and should be more linear; 2) the lack of depth in the end-game (while the map system mechanics itself are pretty original, is just not enough 'things to do'); 3) the gameplay itself, which pose a problem when adding genuine (non-gear checking) difficulty to the game.

So what if you could chain Core Malachai or Uber Atziri? Most people would get bored very fast once their characters can run them, and it actually does not take insane gear to do so, just the right build and knowledge.

However, if you play temporal leagues with no wealth and do some moderate trading (yeah I know, the horror, but is how the game is designed), unless you are doing a FOTM faceroll build, the game progression in difficulty, content and gear seems mostly balanced from my experience in WB. I haven't mapped enough since last changes to know if the curve around lvl 75-77 map drops has actually improved enough (I experienced the problem first hand though). And that's how they probably balance the game, based on the average player actual experience. Now for the other problems, unfortunately they are harder to fix/change, if ever, so don't hold your breadth because there are limitations to what the designers can do with the game they have, but I'm sure GGG will try.

In that context, too, raising the drop chance of those rare uniques seems a good option (despite 'sky is falling crowd')

P.S: BTW I must add that this further de-feudalizes PoE economy, which is good (and why some people is moaning), and it has been the way GGG has rightly taken since many patches ago (started with the addition of boxes, later masters, etc.). So the game is in much better shape than it used to be on release at least.

1. Who said any and all content should be chainable?
2. There are other ways to gate content and progression, like, difficulty alone or difficulty and RNG without adding in wealth (wealth that must be acquired via trading or facerolling low content).
3. You are suggesting I'd get bored and no longer play if I had access to more difficult content? Here's the thing, I have 3 level 100's, 1 96, 3 95... I got bored and no longer play because I can't access appropriate content.
Casually casual.

knac84 wrote:
TheAnuhart wrote:

This game is not meant to be played for thousands of hours in a single character.

12. What is the level cap?
A level cap of 100 is currently planned, but players will find that they level up more slowly as they gain experience. You'll need to be very high level and be very well-geared to contend with the end game content on the hardest difficulty level. These diminishing returns mean that the game doesn't suddenly end when the player hits some arbitrary point. If a player wanted, they could improve a single character for years on end.

TheAnuhart wrote:
brutalrazial wrote:
Even if shavs has a 1% chance of dropping (i think some people are forgetting that 1% applies when a occultist vestment drops not a 1% chance overall), so say 5 vestments drops in a map you have 5 goes at rolling a shavs trying to hit 1 number out of a hundred (1% is very generous imho too). Now you have a 4% chance (when a vestment drops) to roll shavs. Odds are still so horrible.

While your point was x% * 4 = n, when x is extremely low, n is still extremely low, you went into irrelevant detail.

You used a hypothetical % then went on to say that hypothetical % is also less because it also has the drop rate of occultist's vestments to be considered, to make it even less.

First, we don't need a % drop rate to just know it is 4 times more.

Second, only you gave a hypothetical % which wasn't chance to drop per monster, per loot item or per unique, but per occultist's vestment, you then went on to explain that people need to understand this, when they don't.

Third, that isn't how uniques are rolled, any way. The game doesn't roll occultist's vestment then roll whether or not that occultist's vestment is a unique, the game rolls whether or not a drop is a unique, first, then it rolls for which unique (I believe it may roll tier between those rolls, but that is irrelevant).

I stand corrected.

toyotatundra wrote:
knac84 wrote:

This game is not meant to be played for thousands of hours in a single character.

I've always found I get most enjoyment playing the game I want to, instead of how GGG wants me to.

I don't reroll every week, I play same characters for long time, I don't play temp leagues, I don't buy bosskills, I don't buy 8/8 achievements, and I don't pay anyone to run Atziri, Uber for me, or to play the game in any way instead of me.. and I have an absolute blast.

PoE is a great game, I love it, time (and money) I've put into it speaks volumes. But it is not perfect, and it is on us - players - to do our part and try to make the game even better. GGG does hear us.

Off course, you can play however you want, but don't expect the game to be something is not: if you have gear worth thousands of hours played in a single league and one or few characters the game is not going to be challenging no matter what and if you have or haven't access to those bosses. This is the problem with some complaints, they don't deal with the real "problem" (I don't think it is one really, the average game nowadays barely has over 15h worth of game play if you are lucky).

knac84 wrote:

This game is not meant to be played for thousands of hours in a single character.

I stopped reading after that, wasn't this game made to be hardcore? Even chris wilson himself said that they made the game for themselves as a group of hardcore gamers...

Those phrases are devoid of meaning, they may sounds cool, but if you don't define words they don't mean anything. What exactly is "hardcore"? Sorry but it does not mean anything.

In practice there are limits to development, artificial difficulty (be it gating through gear or currency) is not 'hardcore' for me. The fundamental problem is that it doesn't matter if TheAnuhart has access to 'end game', it wouldn't satisfy anyway because is not much different anyway to what he has access. A 78 map can be more difficult than a 82 one based on affixes and mob rng.

The only difference are the bosses, but running the same bosses over and over is a very limited form of content which anyway is not going to satisfy the majority of players.

TheAnuhart wrote:

1. Who said any and all content should be chainable?
2. There are other ways to gate content and progression, like, difficulty alone or difficulty and RNG without adding in wealth (wealth that must be acquired via trading or facerolling low content).
3. You are suggesting I'd get bored and no longer play if I had access to more difficult content? Here's the thing, I have 3 level 100's, 1 96, 3 95... I got bored and no longer play because I can't access appropriate content.

1. That's the current situation, why complain then?
2. Re-read the post...
3. There is NO "appropriate" content, it doesn't matter if you cna or not access it. Haven't you done it already sometimes (although not chained). Games come to an end.
Last edited by knac84 on Sep 2, 2015, 8:30:36 AM
toyotatundra wrote:

I've always found I get most enjoyment playing the game I want to, instead of how GGG wants me to.

I don't reroll every week, I play same characters for long time, I don't play temp leagues, I don't buy bosskills, I don't buy 8/8 achievements, and I don't pay anyone to run Atziri, Uber for me, or to play the game in any way instead of me.. and I have an absolute blast.

PoE is a great game, I love it, time (and money) I've put into it speaks volumes. But it is not perfect, and it is on us - players - to do our part and try to make the game even better. GGG does hear us.

You just described my playstyle :)

Except I do play temp leagues. The rest is spot on.

Last leage I had 1/8 achievements and heck, it was accidental.
I visited atziri and ended up with -50% xp.
Never bothered again and never sold the remaining midnight frags. They are rotting in perm àlong side some 100's ex worth leagacy gear.
I even still have unsorted anarchy tabs. Didnt bother since then.

I play for MY fun and all ggg did since 2.0 is improve that fun for me. Keep the good patches coming.
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]

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