Master Crafting Metamods

Cris, make an exalted vendor res, like 50c or 60c, to make the prices be more or less normal,

This will help newer players, and will stop the RMT and some elite groups monopoly,

And the game will be even ones again
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
kodilax wrote:
I'm glad that this has been clarified. So much whining and crying on reddit that the game is broken and all this awful bullshit. Thanks man. Keep up the awesomeness

I'm just gonna quote this thing here; also getting my popcorn ready for eating it with all the salt currently going around :D

Seriously guys, once some of you will get older and more expirienced with how real life works, you'll probably also be able to handle your position in a videogame better.

Not everyone can be rich, not everyone can be smart, not everyone can be sucessful and you'll just have to deal with it in the end or give up and cry in a corner. True story.
rel4us wrote:
Cris, make an exalted vendor res, like 50c or 60c, to make the prices be more or less normal,

This will help newer players, and will stop the RMT and some elite groups monopoly,

And the game will be even ones again

One thing I would do maybe is pricing master craft mod in chaos instead of exalt. But that is just me ^_^
I'm all for letting players discover recipes and the like, no problem. But when you remove a currency item as big as the Eternal Orb, which had such an impact on the game that you decided to remove it, and then not let players know that master mods override an orb of scouring, there's a problem. I'm going to say that at least 80% of the player base will never even get to experience this mechanic, let alone figure it out for themselves. The fact that GGG is okay with a hand full of players monopolizing off of this unknown interaction is "dangerous". Not only are these players ruining the fun of temp leagues by using shady web sites, software, and unethical trading habits to give themselves an edge over the rest of the legitimate players at the start of a new league, but now the GGG lead developer has actually come out and praised them for their "cleverness".

I love this game and support it as much as I can, but as every new league releases and the equality for every player to accumulate wealth shrinks and shrinks, I begin to lose interest. The fact that GGG actually believes that these players are legitimately accumulating this much wealth (72 mirrors???), in this small amount of time, is mind-blowing...
IGN Ken__Kaniff
Not everyone can be rich, not everyone can be smart, not everyone can be sucessful and you'll just have to deal with it in the end or give up and cry in a corner. True story.

As soon you will be a bit more older you will learn there are market rules and laws in real world.

Edit: Wich is not the case in PoE since any abuse on market even by tools outside of the game are allowed. Proof GGG officialy support RMT website. I can understand users that use them atm it should be even allowed at this point. Like i saw on reddit you should also create a forum section where players can buy with real money tips discovered by few players to abuse the game.

Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix on Aug 21, 2015, 8:56:54 AM
Knightmare101 wrote:
The fact that GGG actually believes that these players are legitimately accumulating this much wealth (72 mirrors???), in this small amount of time, is mind-blowing...

They don't need to believe anything since they have the hard numbers. That's how they _know_ for days that lightwoods and his friends are full of shit and don't own 72 mirrors but much less than that (seems the real number is 8, which is still quite a lot but not unheard of for an organized group running uber since 1 month).
Heli0nix wrote:
As soon you will be a bit more older you will learn there are market rules and laws in real world.

I'm 35 and i know that for quite some time, thank you.

I was talking about accepting your role in the world, either real or virtual. For instance, the traders on Wallstreet use a heap of specific economic information on a daily basis; information a normal Joe Shmoe has no idea about and/or has not even a way of obtaining.

So this Joe Shmoe decides he's getting ripped off by all those scummy bastards on Wallstreet that know things he doesn't and get rich instead of him. So what does he do?

He could go to economic school, learn the trade for about 5 years, spend another 5 years in practicum and then after 10 years of hard work reach the same place where all those bastards are at and get rich himself.

But no, that would be "too much work", so he grabs a megaphone instead, riles up a crowd of other Joe's like him and starts the "Occupy Wallstreet" movement - aka makes a shocking Reddit thread about how smart players get their money... err, currency.

In real life, after about a month the movement loses impetous, the couple of leftover Joes get removed by the police and everyone continues to go about their daily business. In the videogame, about a month from now this will be accepted as common knowledge, many more people will do it and the ones that can't or won't will have to deal with it or give up and cry in a corner. Such is life ;)
Dawmz wrote:
(seems the real number is 8, which is still quite a lot but not unheard of for an organized group running uber since 1 month).

As it has been linked in trade chat, it's definately more than 10... Maybe just 11.
IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone on Aug 21, 2015, 9:12:41 AM
New dude here.

Laughable commotion, really. It's like a bunch of rednecks fighting over the bull's horn. Path of Exile is almost an exact reflection of what we come across in the real world, in all its flavours, sour and sweet - even the emotion cataclysms that happen outside of the game like this one.

Finding a loophole can be done in many ways, in this case some people had information that others did not, but the way in which it wass acquired is pretty much comparable to any other way of finding stuff like this out. GGG is most certainly not to blame, nor are the people that have actively 'exploited' this recipe to gain insane wealth. This happens in the real world, and as stated before, PoE really does a damn good job in replication real world life.

You learn hard lessons in this game. If people are able to convince me to sell a mirror for 5 alterations, they are doing something good. If people keep recipes to themselves, even better.

If i want to play a game where everyone is wearing pink goggles, I'll fire up some 'competitive' rival games to this one.

Ill probably be upgrading my vaal pack to lunaris soon, because this e-drama is pretty much worth it.

I honestly don't craft and i have enough currency that I need. So this issue won't really affect me that much.

But I must say I'm really disappointed with the way GGG handles the issue here.

First of all, when you have two different rules that can be easily misunderstood by 99% of the population, it is not a secret for players to explore any more. It's simply a misleading wording error that GGG needs to fix. Chaos/Regal recipe could be a secret. GCP recipe could be a secret. The unique quiver recipe could be a secret. They were unknown before and people can try it. But the crafting mod is here is not. It's like you tell people a thing that 99% of the population will think it is impossible and yet you expect them to spend several exalts to find out that it is actually possible.

Not explaining the function of the crafting mods clearly is really just like making an item legacy and yet not mentioning it in the patch note, expecting the players to find out that this item has become legacy. Then you tell someone and remove your message later, making only a small number of people aware of this items going legacy. Do you think this is fair?

Please consider twice what can be a secret to explore and what must be disclosed.

Just apologize if you think you are wrong. Stop all these nonsense coverups in all these manifestos.
Last edited by LBJames on Aug 21, 2015, 9:26:38 AM

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