Shield Charge

I really like this skill.
For moving in and out of combats.
For masive dmg from distance to casters/archers.
Great animation and the feel when you go between enemies.

Sometimes you stops before hiting the target and do no dmg. And I think thats not my fault but actual bug or something wrong with the skill.

But I do have a question:
Do the pasive "increes dmg with one hand melle weapons" works with this skill or is it only strenght based? Its kind of important if you want to have build higlly suporting this great ability.
The targeting of this skill is off. Often, when fighting a mob you are forced to 'reacquire' (click off of then back on after moving around) your target, especially if the mob is moving. I also noticed it missing a lot in caves and when a mob is up against some kind of geometry.

I think with the right tweaks this skill would be great. Please address the hit/targeting issues!
You run longer or shorter paths depending on the direction you choose.

Longest run is top left corner. - Botom right is shortest.
Left and right are mid lenght.
Top righ and botom left are short.

Or I don't remember directions corectlly but the isue remains the same.
Currently using this skill as my main damage ability, along with chance to ignite and elemental proli. Works quite well.


The skill is the most buggy skill currently in the game. If you charge a mob that is far away, and it decides to walk away from you just one step - the charge stops right infront of the mob and does no damage.

Whenever you charge a mob with the skill and do damage, then try to charge from melee range again - you can often do 3-4 uses of the skill in a row that show animation, yet do not seem to connect at all.

Also at times, the damage seems to be applied bout ~500ms after the skill animation has gone off. Sitting at 50ms stable to the PoE servers, so that should not be an issue.

Last but not least, i'm experiencing quite alot of desynchs since i started playing the char. This however might just be the server in general, but i've never had it this bad.
StopTouchingMeDude - Invasion - 84 Fire Trap/AA/MoM
Nice skill. Just a little annoying that it gets snagged on level geometry so much, makes it pretty unusable in caves. Maybe add a little bit of "navigation / homing" capability?
Last edited by Valarauka on Apr 14, 2012, 10:22:14 PM
Erasure wrote:

The skill is the most buggy skill currently in the game. If you charge a mob that is far away, and it decides to walk away from you just one step - the charge stops right infront of the mob and does no damage.

Whenever you charge a mob with the skill and do damage, then try to charge from melee range again - you can often do 3-4 uses of the skill in a row that show animation, yet do not seem to connect at all.

I'm also having the same problems.
For a skill that says 'never misses', it's quite misleading. This definitely needs fixed upon open beta.
I was wondering if anyone knows how far exactly 'max charge distance' is and what the minimum mulipliers would be?

To me it feels a bit like there is only a minimum distance were you cannot hit at all (beeing 'inside' the mob after a first succesfull hit) and after this all the hits do pretty much the same dmg wherever you stand...

Also Shieldcharge does not seem to be based on weapon attackspeed, but just on running speed and how fast you can arrive at a mob.

I just did some dmg testing and it seems that Shieldcharge does about the same dmg as Heavystrike even though character pannel shows 3,2k dps SC and 5,4k dps HS (and same dps)
But at the same time i can do at least 2-3 hits with SC that never miss while HS does 1 hit with almost 20pct chance to miss for me atm.

So yeah...the description feels kinda misleading =P
Just wanted to summarize my issues with this skill. Most of these have probably already been mentioned, but I figured I'd just run down the current issues in one post.

--Geometry hangs--
This is really frustrating. You often get blocked by some invisible thing which stops your charge for no apparent reason. This occurs most frequently in caves, but also very frequently in dense forest/jungle areas and other indoor locations. Need to allow the character some leeway in clipping through some of the geometry. Doorways are another especially bad area, where you'll often stop almost on top of your target, but not actually hit them.

--Misses when mob moves--
For a skill that claims to never miss, this is just weird. If I charge at a mob, and that mob moves just a little, I'll often completely miss. Why doesn't my char change direction a little to hit them?

--Sometimes misses visually but still does damage--
Sometimes it seems like my charge stops short or misses in some other way, but then still does damage. At first I thought this was just lag, but it's happened many times, even when I wasn't experiencing any noticeable lag.

--Misses at close range frequently--
If you try to charge when you're right next to a mob, you'll often just miss. I'd expect it to do reduced damage (essentially more of a Shield Bash than a Charge), but it shouldn't just miss.

--Doesn't break objects--
If I charge through pots/barrels/etc they should break. It seems weird that I just pass right through them.

I love this skill, but it would be soooo much better if these issues could be fixed. It's just really wonky right now.
Do Templar's no longer get this skill as a quest reward? I am level 28 now and still haven't been offered this skill.

Was its removal intentional?

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