Shield Charge

Is it possible to shorten the delay between each attack? Attack speed doesn't help at all.
Just wonder why this skill not compatible with unarm. We use our shield to charge not the weapon.
Unarmed build lack of movement skill (lightning warp not considered), it could be great if facebreakers can use shield charge.
The shield is used to Stun, but it's still a Weapon swing.
I too was wondering if there is a way to reduce the stun time after you have completed a charge. Does stun recovery help with that?

And also, when you start a charge in some tar your charge is slower but when you leave the tar it doesn't speed up.
player isn't stunned, the foe is.

that tar oddity is kinda funny.

the knockback only applies at a certain charge distance

unsure if that is intended because this isnt shown in the gems tooltip.

this bug is there since introduction of the gem... cant imagine whats the prob to fix this.
petden wrote:

If you click on the ground, it doesn't hit anything, you just travel to cursor, even if there are monsters near the destination, you don't deal damage. If you hold the button after clicking on the ground (or after you killed an enemy), it just travels around, you can't attack enemies, even if you mouse over them. If you misclick, you don't do damage. Even if you have Melee Splash, it doesn't do anything to nearby enemies.

I noticed something like this. It's a great skill when it works, helps with those lightning casters in the Barracks and elites with energy shields. But I miss probably 80% of the time so it just acts like a quick distance closer with unreliable damage.
Does weapon (or any other kind of) attack speed effect Shield Charge at all? The tooltip shows some different speeds on Shield Charge for different weapons, but I didn't notice any difference in performance between a 1.05 attack speed weapon and 1.65.

Also, good lord the player stun/delay thing is annoying. That should be effected by attack speed, or effected by something at least.
I've noticed that if a player initiates Shield Charge against a monster located at the edge of the screen, Shield Charge does not seem to use the "x% more damage at maximum charge distance."

On the other hand if the monster is located 1 character away from the edge of the screen, the full "x% more damage at maximum charge distance" seems to take effect.

Has anyone else noticed this too?

I'm using a Shadow dagger/shield high phy/crit mult/melee splash build.

Here are some examples:

Partially visible, probably NO full max damage

Fully visible, probably NO full max damage

Fully visible with 1 character length from the edge of the screen, probably WITH full max damage

The countless times I mistook my MTX pet for prey... huehehehe
Mark_GGG wrote:
Wooser69 wrote:
Would be nice to hear from mark what the exact unit measurement of "maximum charge distance" is. Also as to whether or not the more damage from charge distance is only calculated once for multistrike attacks.
full bonus for "max charge distance" is 60+ units. Each repetition of the attack deals it's own damage based, on the length of that charge.

Thanks for the info! It's good to know that knockback distance isn't necessary to get extra damage with multi :)
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