Immortal Call

immortal call has cast time of 0.85 seconds. Regardless of whether it's a manual-cast or a CwDT-cast, this delay still applies it seems.

Need to have enough armor and life to survive 0.85 seconds of attack
DemJs wrote:
immortal call has cast time of 0.85 seconds. Regardless of whether it's a manual-cast or a CwDT-cast, this delay still applies it seems.

Need to have enough armor and life to survive 0.85 seconds of attack

Thanks. To clarify though, the delay happens after the spell is cast and the buff appears in the upper-left hand corner.
Last edited by PoofySleeves on Nov 16, 2013, 9:14:48 AM
when base duration is 0,42 is it really 0,42 or is it round down?
IGN: Rajukku (standart)
IGN: Kritulin (Nemesis)
it really is .42 seconds. use endurance charges for more duration still boosted by duration boosts.
DemJs wrote:
immortal call has cast time of 0.85 seconds. Regardless of whether it's a manual-cast or a CwDT-cast, this delay still applies it seems.

Need to have enough armor and life to survive 0.85 seconds of attack
hm thats a bit disappointing that it still uses cast time even with cwdt

I have a question related to this. I have cwdt+EC+IC+incr duration linked.

usually IC casts after consuming charges, but a lot of times I have ECs gained by procing the CWDT but IC never casts. anyone know the reason ? IC doesnt have a cooldown or anything, why is it behaving that way ?
CwDT has a cooldown; 250ms. You need to trigger it a second time, to my knowledge.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Nov 24, 2013, 11:28:25 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
CwDT has a cooldown; 250ms. You need to trigger it a second time, to my knowledge.
cwdt has a cooldown, yeah, but the only way to cast EC or gain endurance charges for me is to trigger CWDT....and when CWDT triggers it should cast EC->IC because its linked in that I dont get how I can get charges without triggering IC, at all. unless you cant proc IC when its already procced or something, but I think you can.

or maybe I'm misunderstanding your answer? is the cwdt cooldown between skills it casts ?
Last edited by grepman on Nov 26, 2013, 8:20:22 PM
When CwDT triggers, it activates one Skill and then goes on cooldown. Otherwise the cooldown wouldn't really have achieved anything :P
Vipermagi wrote:
When CwDT triggers, it activates one Skill and then goes on cooldown. Otherwise the cooldown wouldn't really have achieved anything :P
ohhhh...ok thanks :) this makes tons of sense, didnt know that. and this makes cwdt even worse, haha
is it me or has this stopped working with cast on damage taken?

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