Ice Spear

(Level 62 witch)
For the mana cost it does not enough damage. Please decrease mana cost by 20% or so. Base damage feels balanced, but for example freezing pulse is easier to get to high DPS levels.

I find more projectiles and chain not effective. (using on a totem) Elemental proliferation on the other hand is excelent, because the second form crits so often.

It's a good spell against bosses, but a slow waiting game agains groups since you don't have area damage. I might try out Freezing Pulse for groups.
You find multiple projectiles ineffective (also, try Pierce! It's pretty cool!), and don't like the lack of pack-clearing strength. Wait.
Kaw wrote:
(Level 62 witch)
For the mana cost it does not enough damage.

Critical multiplier is your friend.
Will the onslaught victario's acuity increase the proj damage and speed of ice spear?
IGN: Wackadin
It's possible to use ice spear with cold to fire and maybe other supports gems (like multiple projectile and elemental proliferation) to freeze and burn whole room?
But can you it be efficjent?
pijanapanda wrote:
But can you it be efficient?
efficient at what?
Kaw wrote:
It's a good spell against bosses, but a slow waiting game agains groups since you don't have area damage. I might try out Freezing Pulse for groups.

I'm having similar thoughts when comparing Ice Spear with Fireball (my level 51 witch currently has both). Ice Spear starts out okay on the lower levels, but by level 10 its damage is seriously lacking. At level 20 it does barely over half the damage of fireball, AND it doesn't have any area damage. The freezing ability and increased crit chance are not really enough to offset this. In fact, I'm finding that it's better to just blast everything with fireballs, even fire-resistant monsters.
Nurbel wrote:
As Far as i testet it, Ice Spear Chains only in Second form. And Yes, you dont see Additional Projectiles but Monsters die from "magic" caused from the Chained Spears. And if You Crit, the Chained Projectiles Crit too. That you dont see the Chained Projectiles may be caused by the fact that the second form dont pierce. I think its a bug?

Anyone else tested it? Any results?

For know I'm using 3 totem ice spear + increased critial dmg + cold penetration + GMP + faster casting. It works very nice, but I'm thinking about changing cold penetration. Chain and pierce are my ideas.

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