
Flame Totem outclasses this skill completely, as far as I can tell. I'm going to run some hard damage comparisons soon though.
My Keystone Ideas:
When unsupported and in the early parts of the game the skill is frustrating to use. The damage is so low and spread out it feels useless.

I think the key to making it work is stacking multiple casts. This works pretty well when casted by two spell totems, I guess with faster casting and increased duration you could achieve the same effect.

Concentrated effect's ~"60% more" damage is massive compared to what a something like added lightning damage can add, so if you can get the passives and/or gem to counter the reduced radius then that's a no brainer.
Last edited by hubb on Oct 22, 2012, 10:52:44 AM
This is my favorite skill in the game. Has been ever since I first tried it out. Back then it was immensely overpowered, but now I think it is just fine.

I run this build, which is just a whole lot of fun with double totems and myself spewing fire all over the screen, supported by Life Leech and Iron Will.


It doesn't kill fast on single targets, but it has the same kill speed on one screen of enemies as it has on one or two, so I just phase run around, gather things up, pop the totem, stand my ground, and feel the rain. :D

"That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
I think the key to making it work is stacking multiple casts.

Does this stack when cast as it seems to cancel the last one if you cast again.
I'd like to note that firestorm has a visual bug. All other skills I've used update tooltips to reflect increased gem levels in items damage. Firestorm keeps its original damage in the tooltip when it has a boosted level. Had one in a searing today and it was showing 100-115 before any of my own modifiers but the tooltip showed it only did 40-45 AFTER modifiers.

Damage Effectiveness.

Basically, the damage on the gem tooltip is the base damage. This is then modified by everything that normally applies, and is then reduced by Damage Effectiveness; that's what's listed in the character sheet. This is to reduce the relative strength of flat damage bonuses on multi-hitting and AoE skills.
With increased duration and faster casting, can this spell be stacked multiple times in the same location?
IGN: Iolar
Sure can.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Add remote mine to it. Turns into a beautiful pillar of fire when you set 5 off at once.
I havent been able to figure out what quality does for this gem. Anyone know?
IGN: Iolar

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