Explosive Arrow

benjiwoosh wrote:
So about that ice wall/EA interaction... the proper word to describe it would be 'erratic' at best.
From what Ive noticed, each wall cast seems to behave differently:
-sometimes all projectiles pass through it
-sometimes 1 or 2 stick to the wall
-sometimes 3 or even 4 projectiles stick
-sometimes the arrows that stick actually explode
-but sometimes they seem to disappear

The projectiles that stick seem to stack, similar to those stacked on monsters - IMO this behaviour should be modified so that projectiles act as if they hit an actual wall - those do NOT stack.
Plus, arrows randomly piercing or sticking to the wall should be adressed - IMO they should interract with frost wall like they do with normal walls or world objects, aka always stick and not stack.

Agree...shooting at the frost wall needs to be no different than shooting at a normal wall or structure.
The item is yours when it is in your bag.
Frost wall and Explosive Arrow interaction needs to be fixed.

It's kinda odd that after receiving all these feedback. This particular issue still hasn't been addressed.
This suggestion is ONLY FOR PVP

Ea only needs one fix imo in pvp and all other nerfs could be reversed. EA's "Shotgun" or Aoe overlap effect should be disabled in PvP. When someone has a +1 arrow quill rain with a +1 quiver and GMP (8 arrows) * 5+ stacks each arrow with the aoe of each stack able to overlap depending on where the arrows are shot. An "L" shaped wall is a perfect example of a spot where someone can get all 8 arrows to overlap on the same single target. I really like this and other delayed damage skills it just needs to be fine tuned so its not so abusive.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762

nerf EA please in PvP, its way too imbalanced.
░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
playing a blood magic explosive arrow scion archer in the 1 month flashback event (ic001)
charachter is corin_swe under my charachters.

first time i ever used this skill and i have had a lot of fun. it's been a good journey. i started using this skill at level 38 when greater multiple projectiles can be used. like summoner minions it picks up in power fast with levels.





this skill is great. i use two separate links for it. one for single targets and one for multiple targets.

+ high damage
+ good aoe radius
+ shoot and move
+ cheap items

- rather high mana cost
- monsters with high resistance and life regen take a while to kill

rating: 5/5
Last edited by kompaniet on Oct 24, 2015, 10:33:39 PM
Having a problem with this skill gem concerning the 'Extra Gore' micro.

The effect applies to the initial hits, but not to the explosion kills. Very dissatisfying, especially since I purchased the micro for my toon with this build :(

Would love if this could be patched!
This is the one skill in this game that actually hurts you if you keep attacking with it.

Its not like flameblast where yes u can hold the 10th charge and it drains mana, but the sec u let go it explodes


This skill locks at 5 fuses, and then wont trigger untill you stop attacking...

this is such a horrible mechanic and is ruining gameplay with it....

The only instance in which Explosive Arrow actually does anything is with wall interactions like Kinetic Blast.

When you attack walls it cant charge fuses and just has each one set off individually..

this is a MUCH better mechanic that will allow for smooth gameplay..

Id rather be able to continue to attack and deal damage rather then suffer and have to constantly pause my attacks....

please please fix this..

Or allow the interaction of EA to be like tornado shot, where the explosive charge is shot into the ground.
still no fixes or changes meanwhile all EA users continue to suffer

Is it true, to this day and time, that explosions of EA cannot be dodged/blocked/evaded? Asking from a PvP perspective here
Last edited by Vanarchy on Jan 13, 2016, 11:32:01 PM
It is still neither an Attack nor a Spell, and Blodge/Evade are still Attack and Spell specific.

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