Explosive Arrow

Sebash6 wrote:
u two all sux.
Faster attacks on quin bow with 100% as? u dont need more faster attacks on EA!
No Lmp?
GMP? real? read the skill info u will not deal the real dmg if the bonus radius(1 fire shot) are not near, 5 landed arrows are stack! if u have 500 dmg in ur 18lvl EA the 5 arrows will deal 5x 500=2000 dmg!

As i said i play with this build, i have a lot of mana regen 60 mana per sec, without even nodes in witch for more mana regen and i still can use this skill per 0.5 sec with reduced mana supported EA. My EA use60 mana btw.

I suggest u all visit the Panko stream (its not me) or just at least change ur gems and ur build(because it must be bad)
i share a link to his stream and there is description and it will really helps u
He tested it to 70lvl and it works!

And i forgot to say this build its not gear depended, ofc Lighting arrow is maybe better but u really need very good gear to make it works. I play with this build to learn game and get currency for another character. :)

Not sure what your problem is buddy, my EA witch is 70 also and it works fine in harcore merciless and in the early maps, if you think there's only one way to build EA then you're very mistaken. I prefer my single target EA+proliferation+high chance to ignite over LMP/GMP to spread explosions because the effective range is bigger with concentrated effect(at least bigger than LMP, GMP has a pretty large spread) and it creates a lingering area where everything burns so if more mobs run into the area they start burning and die without me having to even shoot them. The LMP version is quite good also but I dislike it because you lose damage per shot, which makes it worse for single target, which means you have to use bear traps which is fine but takes more sockets and links which at the moment I don't really have unless I drop other stuff.

As for using a support reduced mana vs spending 2-3passive points, I don't know if it's better when you can add so many supports that will increase the damage by a large amount. It's an option for sure but it's certainly not "the best way" or something of the sort.
Sebash6 wrote:
u two all sux.
Faster attacks on quin bow with 100% as? u dont need more faster attacks on EA!
No Lmp?
GMP? real? read the skill info u will not deal the real dmg if the bonus radius(1 fire shot) are not near, 5 landed arrows are stack! if u have 500 dmg in ur 18lvl EA the 5 arrows will deal 5x 500=2000 dmg!

As i said i play with this build, i have a lot of mana regen 60 mana per sec, without even nodes in witch for more mana regen and i still can use this skill per 0.5 sec with reduced mana supported EA. My EA use60 mana btw.

I suggest u all visit the Panko stream (its not me) or just at least change ur gems and ur build(because it must be bad)
i share a link to his stream and there is description and it will really helps u
He tested it to 70lvl and it works!

And i forgot to say this build its not gear depended, ofc Lighting arrow is maybe better but u really need very good gear to make it works. I play with this build to learn game and get currency for another character. :)

Everything you say is just pure garbage.

#1: Faster attacks increases overall DPS. You get 5 stacks faster, they blow up sooner, you attack more, etc. It doesn't have a linear increase like it does with other skills, and personally I don't use it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't do it.

#2: GMP is 5 Arrows. I am unsure who taught you math, but 5x500 is not 2000.

#3: 60 Mana per second is nothing. I am assuming you are using quill rain, and have atleast 10% Increased Attack speed. This means you are attacking at roughly 3.5 per second. Even if your EA costs 60 mana, you are spending 210 mana a second. Given that you are using mana, you likely have aura's as well, meaning your maximum usable mana is likely to low to use Explosive Arrow to its potential.

#4: Scrubcore.

#5: English Lessons.

#6: Scrubcore.
Chitus: Emperor of Wraeclast.
Aristeaus: 40k Walking around armor.
Spectrez: lol k
thanks for feedback, i was too confident writing about this. Gonna test ur things with gmp and fa later when i get my lvl first :)
do you guys run double curse with EA? or is ele weakness enough?
ign = ultrahiangle
ultrahiangle wrote:
do you guys run double curse with EA? or is ele weakness enough?

I actually run double curse now. It's not really necessary but you have enough time to double curse before the charges explode so you might as well. Of course if you need the life or movement speed on boots to survive go with that. Also if you single curse you should use flammability.

edit: also it's not worth getting it from the passive tree. Doedres is kind of okay but Windscream is the most ideal for double curse.
Last edited by Shinsoo on Feb 21, 2013, 4:05:28 PM
Shinsoo wrote:

Yes.I'll link my tree. I'm a witch because it costs 3 or 4 skill points to not play as an old or burly man respectively. In retrospect, probably not worth it lol. I'm removing the 4 points at the bottom and heading for the 9 life nodes to the right of marauder start soon™.


Hmmm, ur build really shocked me PyrosEien! Its very good, should have think about it and not going for eldtrich battery and for blood magic!
But can u tell me why u go for elemental dmg with weapons? I mean this nodes near templar build. Do u use quin bow? this nodes dont increase dmg of Explosive arrow.
Also spell dmg doesnt increase explosive arrow too and traps.

But i must say!! Its nice build, it looks nice but do u have enought life leech? to survive? show me ur gear with gems please :))
or just skill what are u using

Last edited by Sebash6 on Feb 22, 2013, 9:07:53 AM
ultrahiangle wrote:
do you guys run double curse with EA? or is ele weakness enough?

I use Elemental Equilibrium. It means you can't use +fire dmg on your gear but other than that it's fine, if you have cold or lightning dmg on your gear it procs EE automatically before the explosion on the mobs you hit and you can use a 2L Lightning Arrow with LMP/Fork/Chain depending on what you prefer to debuff everything. Overall I find it less costly in terms of stats than going double curse even using one of the uniques, and it "casts" faster since LA is an attack so it uses quill rain's speed.

I do have 2 curses though, I just use them depending on the situation, flammability obviously and enfeeble for when I'm scared of dying.
PyrosEien wrote:
ultrahiangle wrote:
do you guys run double curse with EA? or is ele weakness enough?

I use Elemental Equilibrium. It means you can't use +fire dmg on your gear but other than that it's fine, if you have cold or lightning dmg on your gear it procs EE automatically before the explosion on the mobs you hit and you can use a 2L Lightning Arrow with LMP/Fork/Chain depending on what you prefer to debuff everything. Overall I find it less costly in terms of stats than going double curse even using one of the uniques, and it "casts" faster since LA is an attack so it uses quill rain's speed.

I do have 2 curses though, I just use them depending on the situation, flammability obviously and enfeeble for when I'm scared of dying.

What about Life leech? Do you use it with explosive arrow? Is it give u enought life back when u spam it? Explain me it :)
Btw u use quin arrow right?
Last edited by Sebash6 on Feb 22, 2013, 9:09:19 AM
Sebash6 wrote:
What about Life leech? Do you use it with explosive arrow? Is it give u enought life back when u spam it? Explain me it :)
Btw u use quin arrow right?

Think you're mixing up posts, you probably meant to ask Shinsoo? I made a guide for my build on the witch forums, my EA build uses Eldritch Battery and is mana based, with Elemental Equilibrium. Obviously Quill Rain. I don't use Life Leech, but I could if I bothered to 5L either my Quill Rain or my chest to add it, currently just running 4L with Chance to Ignite, Proliferation and Concentrated Effect.

If you use Blood Magic, especially as a support, you'll want to use a Life Gain on hit support and LMP I'd say, it gives a good amount of health back on the initial hit even though it does nearly no dmg, so that pays for the cost of EA right away. Life Leech works ok but the initial volley costs you a lot of health and you only start getting back when it explodes.

As I sadi, there's multiple variations of the build for EA and I don't really think one's better than the others, I like my version but I'm sure other people don't and prefer theirs, it's up to you to find what exactly you want to do with EA. One thing is for sure however, all of these are viable(well most of these, I'm sure you can make non viable EA builds too).
As a blood magic user you'll definitely want to use life leech instead of life on hit at around level 60+. The problem with life on hit is you'll only heal up while you're attacking. With life leech and such high damage you'll have +600-700 regen running on you with pretty high uptime. I thought the initial cost and wait period for leech would be too much, but with 1.9% life regen and a sapping potion running the cost is negligible against your high health pool. Another big factor is that life leech has a smaller cost multiplier.

I take weapon elemental damage nodes because I use elemental hit on a switch bow to kill bosses/elites. I already linked my skills and explained why I have a spell damage node on the previous page.

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