Explosive Arrow

Mark_GGG wrote:
It does. The change made was not "make multiple projectiles' penalty affect it" it was "make the explosion damage considered projectile damage and affected by all modifiers to such".

My bad thn. This is way more reasonable :D thanks
is the crit-chance of the explosion increased by bow-crit-passives?

if i use LMP and all 3 arrows hit one target, will it get 3 explosiv-arrow-charges at once?

is the explosion still not modified by spelldamage?

Khastro wrote:
is the crit-chance of the explosion increased by bow-crit-passives?

if i use LMP and all 3 arrows hit one target, will it get 3 explosiv-arrow-charges at once?

is the explosion still not modified by spelldamage?


Can't answer the first question. But for the second I'm pretty sure that you can't hit the same target with LMP more than once per shot (see Marks response about a similar question).

And I don't think the explosions were ever affected by spelldamage passives, at least they aren't now. You can increase the explosion damage only with Fire/Elemental/Projectile passives (but not with elemental weapon damage passives).

Aw no pierce/chain/fork with EA. :(

Good news being that it was so goddamn powerful before that I imagine its still very powerful against big packs with LMP/GMP. I'll be trying something that can take advantage of Fork or Chain though, if I can be bothered getting my hands on one.
IGN : Jovial
I'm not sure how this is supposed to work with Chain, but I've noticed that hardly, if ever, do the arrows stick to their targets and explode. I would assume that each chain should be a separate arrow/explosion, but in practice I sometimes don't even get 1 explosion.
Dum wrote:
I would assume that each chain should be a separate arrow/explosion
No, chaining is like piercing. It's one arrow chaining through enemies, and then exploding in the final one when it stops.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Nov 15, 2012, 7:05:18 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
Dum wrote:
I would assume that each chain should be a separate arrow/explosion
No, chaining is like piercing. It's one arrow chaining through enemies, and then exploding in the final one when it stops.

Out of pure curiosity, how do you know when the Piercing arrow hit the "final" target? What happens if it pierces the first one and then doesn't hit anything else?
And it does what, fly off into the void of infinity? :) It'll land somewhere and then explode (fairly recent behaviour, that).
buralien wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Dum wrote:
I would assume that each chain should be a separate arrow/explosion
No, chaining is like piercing. It's one arrow chaining through enemies, and then exploding in the final one when it stops.

Out of pure curiosity, how do you know when the Piercing arrow hit the "final" target? What happens if it pierces the first one and then doesn't hit anything else?
Then it (probably) hits some terrain behind that guy somewhere, and then explodes in that. There's no requirement that there be a final target.
Wherever the arrow ends up sticking, it will explode. If it doesn't stick into anything, it won't explode.

If you fire it out into a big open space it won't stick into anything and there'll thus be no explosion.
Is it a bug/todo that the hover text "Explosion deals X-Y base fire damage per fuse charge" is not in any way changed by Projectile Damage modifiers (e.g. adding a LMP support gem doesn't change the value)?

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