[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" Grats on the Shaper kill! Was this on your HoWA toon? What was your ES and DPS values (auras up and golem out)? Did you use slower proj at all? RE essences:
I was reading the change as affecting all high level essences. Doh! But man, those Woe essences are overpriced. Just sell any you get. Chaos/spam or alt/aug is much cheaper and may yield better results. For example, you can alt any stat for body armor with equal probability resulting in a expectation of about 36 tries to get a particular stat. But that's with alt/auging. Chaos spam gets you three tries (about) each time, so far more likely. And you can chaos spam T1 which is better than the essence. I haven't done the math, but I'd expect the value of a Deafening Essence should be about 15c or so given the alternative of chaos spam. Anyhow, my essence avoidance was based on a mis-reading of the patch notes - I thought that all high level essences were nerfed and the one I looked at - Woe - was indeed nerfed. Woe is worthwhile selling (way overpriced) but I'd never use them except for low-level crafting (but do we need ES at low levels?). |
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Essences reply
" Oops, lol. Yeah I agree, either alt/regal or chaos spam is more worthwhile. Like you can get super lucky with Woe and get something amazing but for the amount that you'll have to invest per Shrieking+ Essence, pretty much not worthwhile unless you're just looking to get something decent to start with. That said, these gloves came from Deafening Essence of Spite =)
Deets for Uber/Shaper/HoGM Kills
I answered Hank in-game but I'll add the info here. This is my HoWA Gear and here's a link to the tree I'm using, for anyone interested.
HoWA Gear
Hideout with Wrath, Discipline and no golem up (so, no other buffs than Wrath/Disc): GMP DPS - 40,710 ES - 10,308 Almost deathless'd Uber Atziri but I belatedly realized my flasks weren't configured correctly. I'm running a Basalt Flask for my Dispel Bleed, which only gives me one use in the fight unless she goes into the healing phase. That should be switched out for a Ruby or Topaz flask. I also would switch out my Stibnite for Topaz/Ruby with dispel ignite. Otherwise, the Uber Atziri fight is actually really easy with HoWA as long as you're familiar with how the series of fights in general go (Double Vaal, the Demonic Trio, etc). I pretty much faced down the tentacle miscreation, dodged the rain once, and then dual striker and cycloner were just facemoded. Uber Atziri herself wasn't much of a threat except for not having multiple staunching charges. My lone rip was due to the fact that I bled down to 1k ES and then got immediately speared again afterwards in the split phase without time to leech back to full ES. The Shaper fight is much more difficult but once you adjust to the mechanics, know how to position in order to avoid his Void Cascade (as I call it, it's the golden ball spam) and manage the Vortex ball positioning, he's not that bad either with the values I have listed above. Update for Hall of Grandmasters: HoWA can run it, too. Although it'd probably get fucked by Mull Gubbin. Maybe Frost Bomb would help vs him. Requires Block Chance Reduction gem and dispel freeze / bleed flasks. Officially done all the content this game has to offer. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Jan 8, 2017, 2:09:11 AM
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Nice to know that HoWA is viable for HoTGM too. Your gear is pretty nice - it looks to be the least expensive way to go, i.e., get accuracy on rings instead of helm/gloves. Trouble is, so few - if any - suitable helm/gloves exist ATM in BSC - I'm looking for 51+ int, good ES and either 2 resists or 1 resist with an open affix to craft the 2nd. == I'm going to be switching my ES-heavy tree sometime next week as I complete my gear. I'll likely grab the lightning damage half-wheel as you did. I'm using faster attacks in my links, and with Ancestral Protector's "more attack speed" - current 19 for me - attack speed is crazy good. I get a 20% DPS buff with the totem down. In my final tree I'll grab the dual wield attack speed nodes culminating in Dark Arts - boosted by AP, these nodes should be super good. |
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" I'm level 93 now, not sure how much farther I'll be pushing it. AP would be nice for more consistent APS boost instead of having to rely on souls for Vaal Haste, so I think I might make that switch. Only problem is the totems survivability in situations where you'd really need it. Namely, Uber Atziri, Shaper. The kinda int values you're looking for are what's restriction your pool of available gear. Drop it down to 35-40 min to open up the door for you. Like you can see in my gear, I don't really have amazing int rolls on anything aside from the gloves and boots. I'm averaging 36.8 int per slot, if you disclude the amulet. More than enough. If you can hit 35-40 average, for a reasonable price you'll be sailing. I'd guess a range of anywhere between 2-3ex for dual res in that general vicinity. Which you can honestly probably just chaos yourself, as we were talkin' earlier. =) Personally, I think more up-front damage beats out scaling attack speed. Easier on mana, one-shots most white packs in T15 maps, frenzy scaling provides most of the IAS you'll need. Especially if you're going to be dropping the AP totem down for the bonus when you need it, probably more important to be able to chip down tankier targets a bit faster with raw damage output rather than sitting and throwing more. That's just theory though, not sure how it'll work in practice. Lemme know how it works for ya. At this point, my tree basically just needs Force of Nature and the top left 4/4 ele jewel socket cluster. If I was going to min-max it defensively I'd just upgrade the crap outta my gear. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Jan 8, 2017, 5:27:20 AM
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" One word. Just one word.
Plastics! No, wait, that wasn't it. Well, OK, two words.
Ancestral Protector! LOL - seriously, it's ridiculous. Survivability of the totem seems OK since it's you that's usually under attack. By placing it to the side with you in front it's very nice. And if the boss is stupid enough to attack your totem no biggie - it'll take a few hits and then you just resummon. I really like it. And you can link it with culling strike for even more goodness. Give it a try - I think you'll really like it. 20% plus DPS is fucking amazing! WRT mana/life leech - it's a wash. So long as you hit stuff, faster attacks = faster leech. Bigger hits = bigger leech. Pretty much the same. ========= WRT it's not so good against bosses when you really need it... Well... for generally clearing, it's totally worthless. You'll plow through trash mobs, no problem. Where I use it - breaches - and bosses. Here it's fucking awesome. It's especially useful for bosses that don't immediately spawn - as I said above, just place the totem to the side, and then activate the boss. For breaches... well, it's totally awesome. Place the totem before opening a breach - and then open the breach and hit vaal haste - once haste is off cool, resummon the totem and vaal haste once more. Really, Ancestral Protector takes an already broken - arguably build - to another level. ========= RE Tree - Mathil dropped the starting Ranger projectile damage nodes in order to take other nodes. I haven't done the comparison - but I suspect that Mathil is better. ========= RE 51+ int... yup - I think you're correct. Trouble is, I dropped int on my belt. So, likely it's more stat juggling to cobble together a build as good as yours :-) Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 8, 2017, 10:47:09 PM
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Loot madness:
On occasion my breaches look like this: ![]() Are you filtering more items than I am, Serleth? Or maybe some sort of smaller loot display? Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 9, 2017, 8:53:43 AM
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HoWA stuff:
Can you post your jewels for your HoWA toon Serleth? |
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Yeah, i have a question, sorry if anyone asked it before but there are so many pages of posts...
So i want to craft my own +3 bow with dual resists, i have 6L maraketh bow, i got on it single mod which is +2 to level of socketed bow gems, and my question is, which metod of crafting a bow should i follow to craft a dual res bow? Which one will be cheapest? |
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" If you want a dual res bow, it's not a matter of cheapness for self-crafting it, it's necessity. The only way to reliably do it is Method Three in the Weapon spoiler. " Jewels: Fertile Mind x 3, Brute Force Solution x1, then a Lightning Damage + Attack Speed While Dual Wielding + Projectile Damage jewel, and a Lit/Proj dmg + Accuracy Rating % jewel. Nothing fancy or amazing. I'm debating getting Forces of Nature or the 4/4 ele + jewel socket. As for the filter, mine doesn't increase text size of anything, which saves space, and I've also hidden Wisdom scrolls since I'm not MFing this league. Otherwise I think ours are reasonably similar. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Jan 9, 2017, 3:14:32 PM
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"Hank, I'm using this filter: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1259059 It seems to show about the same *numbers* of items, however, I find the color system *far* easier to distinguish between items I want and items I don't. Hands are extremely obvious. Also, it adapts to the zone you are in, hiding stuff that should be junk if you are playing in. For instance, in a level 70 area it doesn't show flasks below hallowed level unless they have some quality. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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