[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" Thanks GrimJack. I briefly tried the filter you referenced - it seems similar to NeverSink's. On a humorous note, using the "One Filter" in Mao Kun, I opened the first "booty chest" and got spammed by orb pixels. OK, I started picking up orbs. Ouch! What was that! Something hit me. OK, back away from the loot quickly. Bam! Bam bam! Dead. I got clipped by the pirate's spectral throw. Looking at my dead corpse, I could barely see the pirate, who had cleverly hidden among the orbs. :-) So, I guess some of this just comes with the territory. NeverSink has some other more aggressive filters - I may try some of those out. And as Serleth points out, there's no reason to show wisdoms/portals if you're not magic finding - hiding scrolls will save some screen real estate. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 9, 2017, 5:47:52 PM
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" I'd say show portal scrolls unless you're running a Portal gem. You can probably generate enough from simply vendoring scraps/stones/transmutes and then converting, but that's an inefficient use of time. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Kind of like World of Warcraft...
For those of you who've participated in World of Warcraft (WOW) raids, you're no doubt familiar with the dreaded shout from the healers: "OOM!" - meaning, out of mana. Shortly after hearing "OOM," the main tank dies and, well, it all quickly goes tits up. ------ Playing on my HoWA toon, reminded me somewhat of my WOW days. For you see, my HoWA toon survives by leeching life while doing damage. Mana is at a premium, and so I leech for that too. In the hectic too-and-fro of breach combat, sometimes I unwittingly shoot off a bunch of spectral claws sort of at random, not really aimed at mobs. When under Vaal Haste, this can be quite a few claws... and, before you know it... OOM! KEK. When out of mana in a breach, the half-life of my character is something under 1 second.
KEK = Orcish for LOL. Guess it's time to put a mana flask into my flask bar. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 10, 2017, 12:55:57 AM
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" I like using method two in the OP for my crafting of the bow. But it does take a lot of orbs to get +2, and then a luck Aug for res and an equally lucky Regal for the second res. But it is the kind of gambling I like doing when crafting. But I don't mind burning a lot of alt, aug, and regal orbs. All that said, as Serleth points out the most reliable way is method three. |
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Item Filters
Well I spent a bit of time hacking on NeverSink's filter to reduce clutter. Here's what loot typically looks like for me using the stock NeverSink filter (I'd say that this is average clutter - it frequently gets much worse): ![]() And here's what it looks like using my hacked version ![]() To reduce clutter I eliminated scrolls, non-unique flasks and all normal/magic crafting bases (except the really good ones like Steel Rings). I also removed font size increase for most items. Visibility is greatly improved. I think I can run breaches with loot display on now. Using NeverSink's, the screen would often become so cluttered that I'd have to switch off loot display just to see what was going on. An added advantage of having a wholly customized filter is that anything that shows up now, I can just pick up; if I'm not interested in it, it no longer appears on screen. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 10, 2017, 8:57:33 AM
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" Yep. This is precisely why I made my own. I still show most rares, and highlight the good bases, in case I decide to do recipes. But I might edit the filter to be more strict for while I'm not MFing and just save it under a different name. Doesn't really bother me in its current state so I'm not sure I'll care enough =) Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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I've gone back to modifying the script in Notepad for the most part, but I too like making my own agressive filter... I still want to do some work on it, but ideally, in the future i will just update it when new item types are added to the game, and maybe copy-paste Neversink's modified Unique section each league as he re-orders them based on the shifting meta, because its nice when a Unique drops solid orange and you know you just found an expensive unique (assuming the market hasnt crashed on it)
On the topic of HoWA... I decided to jump on this build like everyone else, and even only being in cruel so far (still buying some of the stuff I need once I reach 68, so playing the CA MF some still), I'm already really enjoying the power of it... The build-guide I'm following https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1805182, recommended a mana flask from the get-go for safety and no-regen maps as well... Overall, the build-guide and the stuff I've seen discussed here look similar when I compare |
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" Reduced recovery and no-regen maps haven't been an issue for me. I haven't run a mana flask since I switched to CI. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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More off topic stuff!
On the stats posted today, anyone have any idea why merc Submerged Passage and Lunaris 1 are so popular? SP seems like the most inconvenient area to be farming/leveling and the Deep Dweller quest is short enough that it shouldn't ever warrant creating another SP instance. I guess Ledge spammers would be adding some SP instances, but they'd be adding twice as many Ledges. Also, it's Lunaris 2 that has the chance at a nice card for people who want to stop to level around that point.
Apirant's Trial is listed without mentioning difficulty. Did they lump them all together? I'm shocked to learn that I'm not the only person to ever die at all to Minotaur. I had way more trouble with him than other guardians and it seemed to be the one the most people on Flist, forums and Youtube were insisting was trivial and by far the easiest for all their builds. |
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Off topic HoWA stuff:
After upgrading my chest somewhat, I respeced from an ES-heavy tree to an offensive oriented tree. I went from 10.2K ES and 24K hideout DPS (golem out and Wrath up) to 8.8K ES and 37.5K hideout DPS My gear isn't good at all so I was pleasantly surprised to see my DPS climb into the upper 30K's. The tree I'm using is very similar to C9's except that I speced out of some projectile damage nodes at the ranger start in order to grab Forces of Nature and the nice 6% elemental penetration. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAAHRAecDHgX5DY0OSBEPES8RgRGWFLAV1xXwFyYZihnXGlUbyB9BIuoj0yo4Kwosvy5TNj026DsNO-M8vkMxRPtGaUwtTP9OKlT-VYVWSFZjVvpaGluvXGtd8l9qX3BhIWOnZAltbG8ndct6hH6vf8aCHoNthEiExYTvhq6IQooojRmNfo9Gj2CP-pAKk5WVzJcGmmqboZu1n8ujiqXLpwinMKyYrTOv67VIvea-p8HFwzPDOsNtxKLNmM_d0NDTb9gk2NXZX9rB3UbdjOAS53Tn6ujW6mLrFOtj7BjtP-4O7-vxivfX-TP5Y_zF And this is my not-so-great gear: The belt needs int, and the rings need WED. Gear upgrades are a pain because most of my gear has only 1 resist instead of 2 - but prices for CI gear and in particular CI gear with int, are very expensive. At any rate, I highly recommend C9's tree or the variant I'm using above. DPS is very nice. C9's tree features the dual-wield attack speed nodes - these are nice on their own and are even better when Ancestral Protector is out; furthermore, the attack speed nodes nicely boost whirling blades, making instance navigation all the faster. At the advice of C9 I'm also getting projectile speed on my extra jewel sockets. I'm level 91 now and just have one spare jewel socket but if I level to 94 I'll pick up a 2nd socket which will provide a total of 16% increased projectile speed. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 12, 2017, 10:20:12 AM
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