Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

MortalKombat3 wrote:
PaperPlease wrote:

It is quite normal to protect your favorite game, but till the certain moment.
What you write This is a bit reminds fanaticism than just protection. This is not normal.

What you write is more like those who commented on the video violence and think that it's okay, but it's not and they are badly mistaken.
That is so dangerous fanaticism as religious as the gaming. Think it is too late.

Nowhere near smells like the balance game, but for you any attempt to prove otherwise useless and futile.
No offense but that's it. Only after 10 years may be able to look with fresh eyes and without fanaticism here to get it you were so wrong.

Why do you blame me for religion fanaticism? I am very far from that.

PoE COULD be the best game ever for me, but sadly, it isnt. Cause GGG vision for "best game ever" differs from mine.

i dont protect PoE. I protect changes, that would make game better, is that bad?

Usually, rare and hard-to-produce things are valuable. Good balance belongs to those, i believe.

ATM, Reduced Mana gem is absolutely mandatory to use for any reservation skill, and very close to useless for any other skill. As a result, quality on it is very close to useless too. Do you find this state of things good? I dont. I believe, players should have a choice - use extra slot and gain some extra mana pool, or use that gem slot for something else. ATM, "some extra mana pool" is actualy "HUGE mana pool" or "1+ extra reservation skill allowed", so there is a little choice. And less choices usually result to boring game.

but what u describe there is EXACTLY THE SAME you think enlighten will have any different effect than reduced mana? no it will still be mandatory for end game powerful builds and to an extent mandatory for all builds with auras the only effect this change has is to make that mandatory gem absolutely ludicrous to obtain
proxzee wrote:

but what u describe there is EXACTLY THE SAME you think enlighten will have any different effect than reduced mana? no it will still be mandatory for end game powerful builds and to an extent mandatory for all builds with auras the only effect this change has is to make that mandatory gem absolutely ludicrous to obtain

Do you understand, that the number of sockets in your gear is limited? For general build, there is a lot of other options to use - heralds (ash and thunder at least - there are many nice supports for them), Riposite, Warcries, CWDT setups, etc. So, it isnt necessary to "remove" Reduced Mana effect totally. Just reduce it to the point, where benefit will be comparable to other options.

Aura-dedicated builds (which use 5+ auras, at least), of course, will still want such a gem (probably), and it's completely OK. Other dedicated builds also use specific gem to reach maximum potency.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3 on Jun 29, 2015, 12:23:44 PM
MortalKombat3 wrote:
proxzee wrote:

but what u describe there is EXACTLY THE SAME you think enlighten will have any different effect than reduced mana? no it will still be mandatory for end game powerful builds and to an extent mandatory for all builds with auras the only effect this change has is to make that mandatory gem absolutely ludicrous to obtain

Do you understand, that the number of sockets in your gear is limited? For general build, there is a lot of other options to use - heralds (ash and thunder at least - there are many nice supports for them), Riposite, Warcries, CWDT setups, etc. So, it isnt necessary to "remove" Reduced Mana effect totally. Just reduce it to the point, where benefit will be comparable to other options.

Aura-dedicated builds (which use 5+ auras, at least), of course, will still want such a gem (probably), and it's completely OK. Other dedicated builds also use specific gem to reach maximum potency.

The enlighten will reduce mana more then reduced mana att higher levels. So no, its not going to be reduced to be compareable to other options. It will be even more mandatory and more expensive.
VashSan wrote:
This still the only change that's going to make the game worts.

Useless RM and Overpriced and Over Hard to Get Enlighten in it's place. This is wrong in so many levels. Less auras, less damage, less clear speed, less thinking, less fun, less players. I'm mad. Good job.

My words. Have same feelings
Zhatan wrote:

The enlighten will reduce mana more then reduced mana att higher levels. So no, its not going to be reduced to be compareable to other options. It will be even more mandatory and more expensive.

You have no idea what you are talking about, enlighten level 3 give you less reduction than a lvl1 reduce mana and enligten lvl4 is the same as a level 3 reduce mana. It's a nice little bonus but nothing mandatory at all.
Last edited by IceDeal on Jul 1, 2015, 5:08:36 AM
IceDeal wrote:
Zhatan wrote:

The enlighten will reduce mana more then reduced mana att higher levels. So no, its not going to be reduced to be compareable to other options. It will be even more mandatory and more expensive.

You have no idea what you are talking about, enlighten level 3 give you less reduction than a lvl1 reduce mana and enligten lvl4 is the same as a level 3 reduce mana. It's a nice little bonus but nothing mandatory at all.

level 4 Enlighten = 88% mana multiplier (12% reduction)
level 21 Reduced Mana = 70% mana multiplier (30% reduction).
Feel the difference :)

To gain higher benefit from Enlighten, it should be socketed into +gem levels item, which means you'll have to make a dedicated aura build.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Neither of you 2 seems to understand that the new auras costs alot less.

So a new aura with a lv4 enlighten will cost less thent he old ones did, even with a 21 reduced gem. How hard is math boys? You will be able to run more auras with a lv4 enlighten then you ever did.

But since you are total fanboys you will just have to wait and see, the top 100 in either league will run a enlighten.
Last edited by Zhatan on Jul 1, 2015, 10:05:51 AM
Zhatan wrote:
Neither of you 2 seems to understand that the new auras costs alot less.

So a new aura with a lv4 enlighten will cost less thent he old ones did, even with a 21 reduced gem. How hard is math boys? You will be able to run more auras with a lv4 enlighten then you ever did.

But since you are total fanboys you will just have to wait and see, the top 100 in either league will run a enlighten.

What is math?

60% @ 0.7 (lv 21 rm) = 42%

50% @ 0.88 (lv 4 enlighten) = 44%
50% @ 0.84 (lv 5 enlighten) = 42%

So basically what people are saying is that in order to get the same as the current reduced mana players will not only need to get a corrupted enlighten, they will also need to get a +1 gem corrupted item PER 3 AURAS!!!

I think a different approach is needed for auras. Currently nobody is going to be able to run 2 auras... not until they can get somewhere in the tree that makes it take 4% less and even then only a tiny pool of mana would remain.

At the very least if the intention was really to help ppl with no sockets you guys could have reduced the mana reservation to 42/28% on auras, remove the reduced mana gem and just not have added the effect to enlighten.
But personally I think this was just a jab to the people like myself that enjoy playing aura builds end game and it's funny because that build was already expensive with the shavs (end game) requirement but hell with the new corruption requirements for enlighten/+1 gems, a shavs is looking like a walk in a park.

Oh and P.S.
40% auras being changed to 35%... even with lv 5 enlighten its still worse than lv 20 reduced mana
Xagulz wrote:
Zhatan wrote:
Neither of you 2 seems to understand that the new auras costs alot less.

So a new aura with a lv4 enlighten will cost less thent he old ones did, even with a 21 reduced gem. How hard is math boys? You will be able to run more auras with a lv4 enlighten then you ever did.

But since you are total fanboys you will just have to wait and see, the top 100 in either league will run a enlighten.

What is math?

60% @ 0.7 (lv 21 rm) = 42%

50% @ 0.88 (lv 4 enlighten) = 44%
50% @ 0.84 (lv 5 enlighten) = 42%

So basically what people are saying is that in order to get the same as the current reduced mana players will not only need to get a corrupted enlighten, they will also need to get a +1 gem corrupted item PER 3 AURAS!!!

I think a different approach is needed for auras. Currently nobody is going to be able to run 2 auras... not until they can get somewhere in the tree that makes it take 4% less and even then only a tiny pool of mana would remain.

At the very least if the intention was really to help ppl with no sockets you guys could have reduced the mana reservation to 42/28% on auras, remove the reduced mana gem and just not have added the effect to enlighten.
But personally I think this was just a jab to the people like myself that enjoy playing aura builds end game and it's funny because that build was already expensive with the shavs (end game) requirement but hell with the new corruption requirements for enlighten/+1 gems, a shavs is looking like a walk in a park.

Oh and P.S.
40% auras being changed to 35%... even with lv 5 enlighten its still worse than lv 20 reduced mana

Ahh, trying to play smart by picking the ones that favour your opinion I see.

How about the 60 -> 35% aura:

60*0,7 = 42 Compared to 35x0.88 = 30,8 Thats a whooping 11.2% bonus to the new one compared to the old. You wont eat up that with all your other auras.

BUT regardless, if you wanna run more then just one aura and a herald now you will be forced to use the enlighten gem. With EB you can get away with a little more(one more 25%er)

Thats why you will see enlighten lv4 on most of the top 100 players.
Last edited by Zhatan on Jul 1, 2015, 11:33:52 AM
Zhatan wrote:

Thats why you will see enlighten lv4 on most of the top 100 players.

No... the reason you will see level 4 enlighten on the top 100 players is because they are the only ones that will be able to afford it, and it will be just as required as reduced mana is now which is what everyone is complaining about and you just tried tell everyone that its going to be better in some magical way. No it wont be better, it will be the same but less accessible.

Also what aura went from 60% to 35%? If it is a good one then you might be right, that would be very nice compensation.

Nvm I found it, discipline. So that is nice for the majority of end game builds. It still doesn't help the blood magic marauders that have to reserve 25% of their life pool, or the life based casters that have no use for es.
Last edited by Xagulz on Jul 1, 2015, 11:47:02 AM

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