NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

open loot filter
Glimmer Of Hope -> Glimmer of Hope
Turn The Other Cheek -> Turn the Other Cheek

worked for me.

I use Neversink`s Lootfilter since 2.0 and its fantastic.
I have with 2.1 only one Problem...
... the Soundeffect when yellow Currency and Unique Items drop, are way too Loud since 2.1.

With 2.0 all fine. Can anyone help me?


Hatstick wrote:

I use Neversink`s Lootfilter since 2.0 and its fantastic.
I have with 2.1 only one Problem...
... the Soundeffect when yellow Currency and Unique Items drop, are way too Loud since 2.1.

With 2.0 all fine. Can anyone help me?



check your sound options
CitiesOfGold wrote:
open loot filter
Glimmer Of Hope -> Glimmer of Hope
Turn The Other Cheek -> Turn the Other Cheek

worked for me.

this work! thx
Thanks for the update!
I deleted the never sink files from my folder to start from scratch because it wasn't working in game and start over, now im getting nothing in game for a option for this filter. any thing I should try?
thatguywonka wrote:
I deleted the never sink files from my folder to start from scratch because it wasn't working in game and start over, now im getting nothing in game for a option for this filter. any thing I should try?

this usually means it wasnt loaded in the right place, make sure its loaded where its suppose to be. Dont just follow where NS says it should be. For example the path he has is not where my poe stuff is.
Having same issue. Got the new, made a new filter, it's in the right spot, but nothing. :(

Edit: For those still having the issue, see this:

It wasn't letting me make it an actual filter file type, until I did the above.
Last edited by Renley8#7213 on Dec 11, 2015, 11:50:22 PM
Just redownload it, it should be working now

Glimmer Of Hope -> Glimmer of Hope
Turn The Other Cheek -> Turn the Other Cheek
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
not sure if someone already mentioned this, but the newest loot filter is not showing "Lone Antler Talisman" which is a increased lightning dmg afix normal item.

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