NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions

Why is the recommend filter not showing potions?
2.1 updated filter is nice in every other way except the sounds. Sounds on cards, currency and uniques are VERY loud. Why is it changed from 2.0 and how to fix fast?
CitiesOfGold wrote:
open loot filter
Glimmer Of Hope -> Glimmer of Hope
Turn The Other Cheek -> Turn the Other Cheek

worked for me.

thank you

and free bump for my favorite filter
I hate the lab

Just want to say thank you for this, the filter, the very prompt updates, your Ranger guide too, they add so much to my enjoyment of the game.

Tatwo wrote:
not sure if someone already mentioned this, but the newest loot filter is not showing "Lone Antler Talisman" which is a increased lightning dmg afix normal item.

Bump, confirmed
I can be spotted wondering Wraeclast
JaaQQ wrote:
2.1 updated filter is nice in every other way except the sounds. Sounds on cards, currency and uniques are VERY loud. Why is it changed from 2.0 and how to fix fast?

Nothing was changed in the filter regarding this, however GGG added a volume slider for filter effects which you will find with your regular game sound settings.
Rarity: Normal
Wereclaw Talisman
Item Level: 58
22% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
It's said to be noble to stand one's ground.
To soak the earth in stalwart blood.
While the First Ones chose to laugh and run
and caper with untamed glee.
- The Wolven King

is also not showing on filter. This is a T2 Talisman.
First, thanks for the awesome filter, I used the Zero version since its introduction. :)

Right now I have a problem: I don't need the rare evaluation, so I wanted to continue using the Zero filter, but unfortunately it doesn't have the subtle font-recoloring in case the itemlevel is above 75.

I'm assuming that the following portion of the code is responsible for it:

Rarity Rare
DropLevel >= 69
ItemLevel >= 75
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 20 100 20
SetFontSize 35
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

But if I add this to the Zero filter it produces some strange result (notably coloring a 75+ bow, but not a 75+ helmet), so I must be doing something wrong. Can you please tell me which codelines exactly are responsible for the 75+ rare font coloring (and how to implement them)? Thanks in advance :)
Current league chars: Bladestorm Champion SSF
Last edited by Shaileen#3285 on Dec 12, 2015, 3:22:46 PM
When i try to load the filter in, i get
Line 1001: Unable to parse parameter for Basetype rule: No base types found matching " Spike Shield "
What line of new text i need to add to my lootfilter to amke it work with 2.1 patch? It is based on NeverSink's lighrt version. I just recolor some orbs & add sounds & with new changes i dont wona do all that job again.
SC legues V

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